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Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2022 @ 11:17pm by

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Kori's Office
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 1000
1685 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Korianna had been waiting for the right time And now she figured it was the perfect time. She contacted Micheal and Kaleigh Robertson, and asked them to come to her office. They could bring their child as well if they wished.

Kaleigh got the message, informed Micheal of the request and responded that they would be there. She had finally replicated a uniform, with her crewman rank, and dressed in it.

She dressed Daphne nearly in a dark red dress and black maryjanes. "Micheal, are you ready?" she called out as she finished brushing Daphne's hair.

Micheal exited their bedroom, dressed in a dark grey suit. When he saw Kaleigh, he grinned. "Man! There is just something about a woman in uniform that gets me going!" He winked awfully at her, then smed at Daphne. "Sweetheart! You look so very pretty!!"

Daphne smiled "Thank you." She chriped.

Kaleigh merely smiled. "Come on, lets not keep Lieutenant Quevremont waiting."

They left their cabin and made their way to the office. Once there, Kaleigh pressed the chime.

"Come" Korinna called out as the door opened.

Kaleigh and Daphne entered first with Micheal behind them. "Lieutenant" Kaleigh said as she came to paradeground attention in front of the woman's desk.

"Crewman Robertson, Mr Robertson, Ms Hastings. Please have a seat" Kori said.

Micheal guided his family to the two available chairs. After Kaleigh sat in one, he gently picked up Daphne and sat her in his lap as he lowered is powerful frame into the other. "Thank you for allowing us to settle in some before calling us down."

"With the things that have been happening, everyone needs time to settle." Kori smiled. "The Captain has asked that I debrief you on the state of play here in the Delta Quadrant. Information on different races, planets and such."

Micheal nodded, then pulled out a data crystal from his right front pocket. Handing it over, he said, "While it's not much, that's a copy of a year's worth of recon in this area of space. In the immediate area, the Ocampa and Kazon seem to be the dominate two species, with the former once being the overlords of the latter until about a hundred years ago. There are also files dealing with the Talaxians. They are a peaceful and culture-rich vassal state of the Hakonian Order. They frequently travel as merchants, but have to pay huge sums of their gains to the Order. The Hakonians aren't so much warlike as they just think they're better than Talaxians. They are interested in spreading their influence through the Rome-like subjugation of others.

There are several unclaimed worlds out here in the the fringe. As you go coreward, the occupied space gets closer and closer." He took a breath, and laid it out plainly. "The species that seems to be the biggest danger, is one known as the Borg.
They are a humanoid species that grows their borders and population by way of assimilation. No one seems to know when they came to be, but, at one point, approximately two to three thousand years ago, depending whp you ask, the Borg originated on one world - no one knows its name or the original race name - and they became dependent on cybernetics. They quickly started to use nanites to infect other species, turning them into Borg in the process. They assimilate beings and technology into their collective. There have been few who have been able to stand against them.

Ten to fifteen thousand lightyears from our current position, their home system is rumoured to exist. From what I've been able to gather, the various species' of the Delta Quadrant typically try to avoid Borg space. Very few who have gotten to within a hundred lightyears have ever returned."

After a few moments of thought, he shook his head slowly. "Beyond that, there are a handful of minor, one to two-world players scattered throughout. I don't have much more information than that, I'm afraid."

"What you have is worth a lot" Kori said placing the crystal into her console. "We are flying blind and the information you have provided will definitely help. Have you had interactions with the Kazon?"

Micheal shook his head. "Not directly, no. However, I have learned of them through other races. It seems that they are a people recovering from being enslaved. They have formed a central group, calling themselves the Kazon Federation. Interestingly, they have allied with their former oppressors, the Trabe. They have a democratic government, which is made up of several smaller nations, or tribes, like the Native American Indians back home on Terra. They generally get along with each other, though there are times when inter-conflicts can happen. However, each tribe is led by an alpha male, who has the title of MajI. The Kazon are led by the Council of Maj's and the society has become moderately centralized since they gained their independence, a little over a hundred years ago."

It matched with the information she had pried from the Kazon leader. Korinna nodded. "What can you tell me about trade and the like between the powers in the sector?"

Micheal considered the question for a few beats. "Well, first off, be careful with the Vidiians. They traffic in organs and various tissues from other races. They're rather spooky about it too. The Talaxians can be fair traders, for the right price. We might be able to coax more out of them than others, for the simple fact that no-one here seems to possess replicator technology. Also, this part of the quadrant is quite low in measureable bodies of water. That alone could give us the foothold to claim this region for the Empire."

For the next forty minutes, Micheal answered every question that was posed to him about the various aliens species he had either encountered or had gathered intelligence on.

Kori noted it all and smiled as she did so. This man was a font of information. She kept half an eye on the woman who sat silent throughout and once Micheal had finished she turned to the Crewman. "And you Crewman? Anything to add?"

"No Ma'am. I have not been in this quadrant long. Before that, Daphne and I were prisoners of a group of Rebels."

"Ah yes, Captain Petrov mentioned that." Kori pulled a PADD from the desk. "We will need a genetic test to prove her identity."

Kaleigh stared. "Prove it?"

"Yes. 4 years ago, Daphne Hastings was reunited with her family on Earth. It was a big to-do."

Kaleigh shook her head. "No, that is not possible. Daphne was with me then, and her mother and father are both dead. Someone lied there"

"The Genetic test will tell us." Kori placed the PADD on the desk. "Young lady, place your finger on the PADD please,"

Daphne looked at Kaleigh who nodded. And the 7 year old placed her finger on the PADD. It beeped and Kori took the PADD back.

Micheal waited quietly. He knew that Daphne was who she was purported to be, so he wasn't worried. He gave her a supportive kiss on the top of her head, then whispered some soft, tender words into her ear, telling her not to be scared.

Kori took the PADD back and examined the results. She then uploaded them into the system. "Well when we get home, I am sure it will be a big issue but we have time before then to sort out the details." She studied the pair of Adults. "Daphne, there is a book over there, if you would mind leaving us alone for a moment?"

The 7 year old nodded and headed over to sit off to the side with the book.

Kori turned back to the pair before her. "How much do you know of the Hastings' family Mr Robertson?"

Micheal shrugged slightly. "Not much really. Just what Kaleigh has told me about them." His brows furrowed slightly. "Why do you ask?"

Kori looked at Kae who bit her lip. "Crewman?"

"The Hastings are wealthy. They come from the British nobility line but over the centuries have lived in the northern part of America. They are old money and they claim to be as wealthy as the Emperor." Kaleigh said softly.

"Yes. And Daphne there is the sole heiress to their fortune."

"Hence why someone claiming to be her as such a big deal." Kae sighed.

"When we return home, you will have to deal with that." Kori warned them.

Reaching over, Micheal took hold of Kaleigh’s hand and gave it a supportive gentle squeeze. "So long as she is safe, we will handle any situation that comes our way."

Kori noted the interaction but let it slide. "Very well, just so you are aware." She said calmly. "I would like to thank you both for the information. Captain Petrov will be very happy to have this Intel on this region of space."

Micheal nodded. "Of course. Though we are over seventy thousand lightyears from home, we are still proud Terrans, and we serve the Empire!"

Kori smiled at that "I am glad to hear it. Thank you for your time today, The captain will be looking to you at times, Mr Robertson, for your information"

Micheal figured that that would be the case. Kaleigh and he had discussed that very same eventuality. "I will do whatever I can to help get us home."

To do anything less would be foolish, Kori thought but she kept her mouth closed on those words. "Well I will let you both get back to settling in." she said by way of dismissal.

Micheal nodded again. He then stood and moved over to Daphne. "C'mon sweetheart," he said softly as he reached down to pick her up, holding her protectively against his right side. "Let's go home." He gave her a soft grin as he spoke.

Kae stood as well. "Thank you for the information Lieutenant. " she said softly as Daphne snuggled into Micheal and the family headed out.

Kori watched them go in silence.


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