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New plans

Posted on Tue Jun 7th, 2022 @ 4:56pm by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 0530
552 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

With the memorial over Callie had returned to quarters to rest, but not before asking Troy to meet her there. The previous night he had asked her to marry him straight away, problem was it didn’t seem right so close to the memorial service. She was sitting dreading talking to him about it when the doors opened.

Troy entered his quarters that he shared with Callie in all but name only. His eyes fell upon her first thing as he passed the threshold of the door. He could see her expression and knew she was still upset. He sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "Talk to me?"

Callie sighed as she offered a somewhat unhappy smile. “Last night you asked me to marry you today, I would so love to marry you right now!” She paused for a moment. “I don’t see how we can get married today Troy! Kass is under sedation in Sickbay, and the memorial being today...”

Troy pursed his lips in thought and finally nodded after a half minute. It was clear to him that Callie wanted time to mourn the loss of officers and crew. They all needed to really. "We will wait to get married. Besides, can't really do it properly without your Maid of Honor. Kass won't be out of Sickbay for a good week or two.

Callie nodded disappointedly. “I know, I wish I could marry you right now I really do!” She sighed.

"I know. I feel the same." Troy paused to think about what he wanted to say next. "We will once our situation is stabilized as far as being here in the Delta Quadrant and crew duty is redistributed to compensate for our losses."

Callie nodded. “At least we have each other, we’ve lost so much already I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you, or to our son.”

Troy felt the same way. He kissed Callie gently. "We will be alright. We will make it home. We will raise our son back in the Empire someday."

Callie nodded. “Not just a son I hope? I’d love a daughter too at some point in the future.” She looked at Troy curiously. “Have you given thought to how big a family you’d like?”

Troy was quiet for a moment as he pondered Callie's question. "I hadn't given it much thought actually.”

“No matter” Callie offered a smile. “It’s not like we can make long term plans while we’re stuck out here. It’s not like we’ll be settling on a world or anything.”

Troy nodded as he held Callie close. Despite his sorrow at the loss of crew, he was happy that Callie was not one of those casualties. He had to believe they would make it home. He looked at the chronometer on the wall and sighed. "I need to get to the bridge for watch. I will come back for lunch a little after noon."

Callie nodded. “Okay, it’s not like I’m going anywhere. I plan to sit, relax, and pour over reports!” She offered a smile.

Troy kissed her slow and deep. "See you soon my love." He departed the quarters to return to duty.



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