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A long day

Posted on Tue Jun 21st, 2022 @ 8:57pm by Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Ami's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 2030
1013 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Melissa chimed in on Ami's quarters.

Ami had just finished her shower and was about to start dressing for the next shift when her chime went. Smiling she wrapped her towel around her and checked who was at the door. She went and opened it with a smile. "Hello there Meli" she said softly. Her blond hair was damp around her shoulders and she wondered what had brought her lover by.

"Have I come at an inconvenient time, Ami Lewis?"

"Hmm no, I have time, please come in Meli" Ami stepped back, waving Melissa into the cabin and when the doors closed she gave Meli a smile. "Should I dress?"

She has a faint smile. "That will not be required. Today has been... Taxing.. I look forward to your.. more soothing activities with me." Melissa noted.

Ami smiled and let the towel fall before stepping up to Meli and kissing her gently on the lips. "Then come and let me relax you darling" she whispered softly.

Melissa stepped and layed down on the sofa. Allowing Ami to begin to undress her. "Unfortunately, we may spend some time in the Delta Quadrant, Ami."

"That's fine with me" Ami said softly as she finished undressing Meli and joining her on the couch. "I am quite happy with this." She began to run her fingers through the long red locks of Meli. "And it gives us time together."

Melissa began caressing Ami. "I thought you'd be distraught with not being able to see your family, friends on Terra. Come to think of it. You never did tell me about your friends or family." She began to caress Ami more. Lovingly.

Ami merely brushed her lips across Meli's "They are not even in my life. You however are." she let her hand cup Meli's breast gently "And I love you being in my life Meli." she whispered and lowered her head to please Meli's breast with her mouth.

Melissa moved her hands to Ami's legs and began to lower Ami onto her. "I love you being in my life. You have changed my mind on a great many things I once believed.. I respect and desire you greatly." She stroked her legs up to her hips and chest. "I want you. If we have to survive here. We will survive together."

Ami smiled and rested her forehead on Meli's forehead. "We will. Survive and thrive. You have to be willing to do more than survive." she said softly. "Show them you are more than they believe." She slid her hand down Meli's torso to rest between Meli's legs. "Now lay back and let me relax you."

Meli groaned as she felt Ami reach for her torso. She slid her hands over more of Ami's curves before her hand slid similarly towards Ami's Torso, Teasing her Melissa had spent some time viewing files on how to please women. Meli arched backwards as she felt a wave of pleasure hit her. "Can I love you, Ami Lewis?"

"Yes... but Meli,... call me Ami please." Ami pressed her mouth to Meli's and kissed her deeply.

Meli unleashed herself on Ami. Carefully pleasing her and expertly making intense and dedicated love to Ami. Being especially gentle with her love, she dailed down the strength on her muscular implants by quite a bit. At full strength, she could snap someone's vertebrae easily. But Ami. Melissa was gentle.. passionate, and incredible with her. The care she took in Ami showed in Melissa, she was more valuable to Meli than being efficient. Kisses and admiration of her body by her hands continued. She wanted her to feel all the pleasure she could this night.

Ami reciprocated the feelings and matched the intensity where she could. Let her hands roam, her lips following as she worshipped Meli's body. The couple moved from the couch to the floor, and as the evening came to a close, Ami drew Meli into her bed and lay curled with her.

"Ami... Can you describe love? I'm experiencing a new emotion.. It is... I cannot comprehend it. It is simple feelings."

"Love is complex. A mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person." Ami said softly as she nuzzled Meli's neck and snuggled close. "That said Lust is also complex." She added as her eyes watched Meli's face. "I find myself needing to spend time with you, be it like this, or just sitting with you. I enjoy kissing your lips, I enjoy watching you climax when I drive the passion to that point in you, love the way your skin flushes with the pleasure. The way, your body reacts to my touch." Ami's voice had not risen above a whisper as she spoke. "But I also love watching you as you walk around, the way you hold yourself when on duty, and how you look when you just relax."

"I feel an endless volley of emotions.. this love and this lust." Meli noted. "I must have it.. It must continue. It changes me." She noted.

"It changes everyone" Ami smiled as she spoke. "And I am here for however long you wish"

"This marriage ceremony. Was it done out of love?"

"Yes, Callie and Troy loved each other. It is not always the case but in this case yes."

Melissa spoke. "I prefer we take our time, Ami." She noted. "Not that I am not willing. I simply do things when the time is right. Then we will consider this marriage... I still have to explore these emotions."

"I am not looking for Marriage yet Melissa." Ami shifted so she could look her lover in the face. "Marriage is not for me. I know this."

Melissa pondered and spoke. "Who said we required this Ceremony to love each other. In some ways it is.. redundant. I love you, and I don't need permission or vows from from anyone to love you."

"Indeed you do not" Ami whispered and caressed Melissa's face with her hand. "And nor do i"


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