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Thoughts and Prayers

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2022 @ 11:16pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: USS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 14 at 1500
905 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Rhen walked into sickbay holding a bouquet of flowers he replicated it was late and not many medical staff were on duty right now but he preferred it that way. He was on his way home but wanted to drop in and check on one of the ladies he was asked to take part in rescuing. Heading over to the private room, he could see Kassandra sleeping and quietly approached her side placing the flowers down next to her before taking a moment to offer a prayer to the Betazoid gods to watch over her.

The sound had Kass stirring and she opened her eyes slowly. "Hello?" she asked puzzled at who was at her bedside.

Rhen had just finished his little prayer for her. "I am sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, Kass." He said in a soft gentle tone. "I was merely coming by to look in on you and offer a prayer."

She studied his face. "Ah...Ensign Tal...Its.. ok... I am ok. Thank you though." She pushed hair from her face and pressed a button to lift the back of the bed so she could sit up.

Rhen noticed a empty stool next to her bed. "May I?"

"Sure" Kass said "No one else is here to use it."

Rhen took a seat. "I heard what those Ocampans did to you sorry I wasn't there to add a few more bodies." He rubbed his chest at the thought of being opened up like she was. "Glad, you survived and I don't know if this means much but I am glad you are doing well."

"I am sure the Captain punished them sufficiently for their audacity at taking members of the Imperial Starfleet." Kass replied with a smile. "I just wish I could have killed more of them."

Rhen's cheeks turned red slightly. "Well I am embarrassed to admit I volunteered to stay with our escape ship in case we needed it. So I am sorry I wasn't truly apart of the rescue much." He confessed.

"I was not even aware of being rescued until I woke up a day or so ago." She said softly. "They sedated me. I do not know what they did to Callie."

Rhen smiled slightly as he lightly patted her shoulder. "Callie is fine, Kass, I just had a snack with her." He replied.

She merely nodded. "Johnathan said they had found her in different area, which shows the Ocampa were smart enough to keep us apart."

"John owes me a new gun by the way, guess those Ocampans had thugs with flame throwers." Rhen replied. "They torched one of the prototypes I brought luckily I have a spare prototype of the gun in lockup. But don't change the fact he owes me."

"You best remind him then. He has been busy from what he tells me."

"I will but he has more to worry about which is you than just a lousy gun." Rhen replied offering a little smile. "But I might save that I owe you for later."

She gave a half laugh which broke into a cough. "Sorry, My diaphragm is not fully healed, laughing does not really work right now."

Rhen noticed a glass of water and picked it up before offering it to her. "You are lucky to be alive, Kass, it's fortunate we got a good medical staff that put you back together. From what I heard they did a number on you so it will take time to heal."

"Yes, they were basically dissecting me alive apparently." Kass took the water and sipped. "I have weeks of light duties to look forward to."

Rhen shifted a little on the stool again rubbing his torso at the thought of him being cut open alive. "Thanks, Kass, I think I am going to have nightmares or being cut open and my innards being poked and prodded." He said in a playful tone.

"Yeah well you can join the club on those." She replied with a smirk.

"I am not sure if this will mean much but I am glad that some god was out there looking after you." Rhen rested his arms on the edge of her bed. "I am not too religious but with recent events I suppose I been praying here and there."

"There are a number of crew who have taken up religious observances since our arrival. If you look around you may find others who worship like you."

"Recent events have certainly made us all a bit faithful. But then again who knows how long we are going to be stuck here or what we will encounter." Rhen replied.

Kass nodded. "Well the Captain won't stop until we get back to Terra." She said confidently.

"That I have no doubt." Rhen replied standing up. "In the meantime I got to get to work making a new thaleron torpedo to replace the one we used to bomb your old pals the Ocampans."

"Well it was well used" Kass said as she bit back a yawn. "Sorry, am still struggling to stay awake at times."

Rhen took a moment to help her fix her blanket on her feet. "Well, I suppose that is my que to get out of here and let you rest." He said softly with a polite nod.

"Thank you though for dropping by Ensign." Kass said as she felt another yawn hit.



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