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Retrieving a Crewman

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2022 @ 9:39pm by Chief Petty Officer Noah Reed & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1100
558 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Melissa walked down towards the sickbay where Crewman Harris was being rejuvenated after she tossed him around a bit. One dislocated shoulder and a multitude of bruises and blunt force. But he was still alive. Melissa specifically ensured she did not permanently damage the crewman, but he needed sickbay's care before Melissa disciplined her subordinate again.

Doctor Noah Reed sat in his office going over the latest daily patient report regarding Engineer Harris. His recovery was going as well as expected considering the usual brutality reserved for disloyal members. As far as Reed was concerned, the matter didn't involve him any more than patching up the body. A dead crewman never learned, after all. One could always be rehabilitated back into the fold with proper 'corrective action'. So it was in this case. Just then the doors slid open outside and a moment later he saw the form of the cyborg chief engineer in his office.

"Ah, Lieutenant Jones. What can I do for you?"

"I am here for my crewman." Harris began to recoil in his bed.

"No... NO!!!! She's a MONSTER!!!"

Melissa approached. "Monsters are made, Crewman. Usually by other Monsters.. This was avoidable, all you had to do was respect me, and you wouldn't have had to have disciplinary action. All you had to do was survive me, and then you would understand."

Reed rose slowly from his desk and followed Jones out to Harris' bedside. He listened intently, his blue eyes sliding from the man to his superior and back again but he didn't interject. Reed knew all about the chain of command and the rigid nature of it. Failure to show it respect was a death sentence unless you proved to be stronger. Eliminating your boss wasn't exactly frowned upon in the Empire. After all, Reed had done exactly that during his last posting.

He cleared his throat before stating, "Crewman Harris still has a few atypical heart fluctuations. I can't clear him for duty for at least twenty-four hours." He gazed back at Jones and awaited a response.

"Oh I don't need him for duty right now," Melissa noted. "Tell me, is he healthy enough to survive an Agonizer Booth?"

Harris began recoiling from Melissa. "No... NOT THERE!!!"

Doctor Reed blinked a few times in annoyance at the yelling. He glanced up to study the biobed readout screen and then slid his blue eyes back to the cyborg woman. “Well, ‘survive’ is a relative term based on an unknown time factor. I’d like to keep him another twenty four hours just to give his body more time to heal up the reseated shoulder and the mild concussion he sustained.”

Melissa stared at Crewman Harris in an unfeeling, emotionless glance. "Twenty-four hours to contemplate the pain you will feel as you are being re-educated and retrained for duty, Crewman. Perhaps there is someone here that will give you instructions how to grovel? Either way, I am the least of your problems. I'll return in exactly twenty-four hours."

Doctor Reed started to move away from the bed and motioned for Lieutenant Jones to follow him. When they were far enough away not to be overheard, he changed the subject of the conversation. “While you’re here, I was wondering if you’d be able to schedule your routine exam.”

[Prematurely Ending the Scene]


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