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Rearranging the Lineup

Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2022 @ 12:24pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 0645
2740 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Captain's Ready Room
For the better part of a month, Ivan had put aside questions of command and replacements. Maybe its because he wanted to let his crew adjust, or maybe its because he had lost too much in his life...seen too much. He didn't know. What he did know, however, was that his fleet, his ship...his crew, couldn't survive without proper leadership. He had called several people together this morning for a very important meeting before the general senior staff meeting when it would be announced. Now he would just wait for their arrival, sitting behind his desk.

Troy arrived on the bridge early for the scheduled meeting in the Captain's Ready Room. He crossed the bridge and activated the intercom system. "Captain, Lieutenant Marshall requesting permission to enter."

Ivan waved to his yeoman, directing her to the door. She shrugged and walked toward the door, offering a mild cocky grin. Jackie King opened the door and took up position just outside the doorway. She smiled at Lieutenant Marshall.

"Cap wants me to watch the door and welcome people." she said in a distinct Australian accent, offering a wink, before adding "sir."

Since he had been acting as Executive Officer part time in addition to taking care of his duties in Security, Jackie had been an active assistant to the busy man. They had developed a low-level rapport, but hadn't really gotten to know each other. She was the Command Yeoman, so she served the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer equally, preparing their paperwork, filing their reports, delivering messages, managing the command slaves, and anything else they desired. Her office was adjoined to that of the XO and she had gotten rather close with Cain, so his death was particularly difficult for her.

Troy gave Jackie a nod as he stepped through the threshold passed her. He came to attention before the Captain's Desk and gave the Terran Empire salute. "Glory to the Empire."

Johnathan arrived right behind Troy, nodding a quiet hello to Petty Officer King. He hadn't spoken much with her to date, but, he had observed that she was both friendly and excellent at her job. "Morning, Petty Officer King." He then entered the Captain's ready room and saluted as well. "Long Live the Empire!"

"Good morning, Lieutenant." she said in response, though it lost part of its energy once she noticed he had started to greet the Captain. Jackie returned her attention to the Bridge, waiting for the next person on the guest list.

Korianna walked up to the ready room door. "Petty Officer" She greeted the young officer. "I believe I was expected?"

"Right on the money, like you always are, Lieutenant." Jackie said, leaning against the bulkhead for a second before standing up straight again. She had to keep reminding herself she was on duty. She eyed the Discipline Inspection Chief. She had never been an enthusiast of people trying to get into her head, but this woman was welcome in anywhere she wanted.

Nodding, Kori entered, saluted "Captain, Glory to the Empire."

The next to approach the Ready Room was Andrei Petrov, walking with an unusual pep in his step. With all the happenings about, he had spent his time living amongst the Kazon on the Lovarr. Perhaps he was eager to be walking through a place where very few people wanted to rip his throat out of his mouth.

"Jackie, good morning." he said in a formal sort of way. Sure, she was beautiful, but hardly his type.

"Lieutenant..." she said, saving the roll of her eyes for after he had passed her into the room.

"Papa...." he said, gazing at the man behind the desk, then he looked at the others gathered. "Everyone."

Ivan nodded to his son, but regarded him equally with the rest of them. One more person entered before Jackie came in, closing the door, and that was Yana Petrov. Anyone could see that she had been stepped up since what they did to the Ocampa, and many people on the crew no longer knew how to regard her. In some ways, she had acted almost like a second captain; a queen. She never gave orders, but she would often come with gifts, and conversation, and warmth, and suggestions that always got followed. She entered and waved at everyone, hardly as formal as the officers in the room. Making her way to the replicator, she ordered herself a tea and then sat down on the couch at the other end of the room.

"Thank you for coming", Ivan said, standing from his desk. "I wanted to talk to you before this morning's meeting. It shouldn't take long, but its extremely important that we have this meeting. If we are going to not only survive, but conquer this quadrant, we're going to need strong and streamlined leadership. My mind is on the future, though we've lost some good people."

Kori stood silent near the wall, listening and watching. She figured she was here as a watcher. And so she did that.

Johnathan listened as his captain spoke to the 'assembly'.

Troy stood patiently. His thoughts his own for the moment. Ivan's words all but confirmed what he thought was the purpose of this meeting prior to the general staff meeting. The Captain was going to name Commander Cain's successor.

Andrei perked up. Why had he been invited to a meeting such as this? Was he to be made Chief of Security? That would, in the end, be quite the boon for him, and he didn't even have to scheme to get it. He would be lying if he said he relished the idea of remaining on the Lovarr. There were no women aboard, just aggressive Kazon men. There was simply nothing to do with his time, and his bed was not being warmed.

"First of all, I need an Executive Officer; a loyal right hand who will enforce my orders and help me with all of this fucking paperwork." Ivan said, grinning. Many in the room chuckled at his comment. Jackie certainly did, leaning against the back wall not far from Kori, her arms crossed under her chest, her grin infectious. "I considered my options openly, but I believe my Second Officer to be the man most capable of serving as my second in command. An honorable man, close to his family and motivated, more than most, to keep this ship safe for them. He led the mission down into the unknown depths of the Ocampa world to find our stolen comrades. Troy Marshall, come forth."

Troy stepped forward and stood at attention. His neutral expression conveyed nothing of his true feelings for the promotion to execute officer. Inside he was thrilled and knew Callie would be happy for him. He also knew it meant he had a bigger target on his back for the more ambitious.

Ivan opened a small wooden box which had been set on his desk. It was only one of four boxes placed there. Inside it was a black pip with a circle of gold at the rim, denoting a half rank. He took it out slowly and grabbed hold of Troy's collar. Placing it neatly beside the full pips already there, he looked at the young man with significance in his eyes.

"Troy Alexander Marshall, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander with all the rights and responsibilities that affords. I also assign you the billet of Executive Officer of this ship. Computer, recognize Marshall, Troy, Lieutenant Commander as Executive Officer of Vengeance."

"Confirmed, Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall is Executive Officer of Vengeance." came the voice of the computer.

"Congratulations." Ivan said, extending his hand for a shake.

Troy shook hands with Ivan, his grip firm. "I hope I can be half the officer Commander Cain was for you sir. It is an honor to serve you as Executive Officer."

"Troy has vacated two roles, that of the Chief of Security and that of Second Officer. The former will be filled in the coming days. The later will be filled right now." Ivan said, picking up the second of four boxes from his desk. "He led effectively as second in command of the Ocampa away team, putting his life in harms way and, if reports are correct, in an extremely honorable fashion. Johnathan Anderson, come forth."

Johnathan was surprised at being singled out. While he had certainly been motivated to save both women that he cared about, in the end, he felt like he had just been doing his job. He quickly stood and moved over to stand at attention in front of the Captain.

Ivan took hold of his collar the same way he had Troy, removed his half pip, and replaced it with a solid one. Securing the half pip in the box, he returned it to his desk.

"Johnathan Quincy Anderson III, I hereby promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and responsibilities that affords. I also assign you the secondary billet of Second Officer of this ship. Computer, recognize Anderson, Johnathan, Lieutenant, as Second Officer of Vengeance."

"Confirmed, Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III is the Second Officer of Vengeance." came the voice of the computer again.

"Great work, son. Keep it up." Ivan said, placing his left hand on Johnathan's shoulder and offering his right for a shake.

Johnathan felt a surge of excitement and pride run up and down his spine. Taking Ivan's offered hand, he gave it a proper shake. "Thank you, Sir! I won't let you or the crew down!"

"That brings me to Lieutenants Quevremont and Petrov, Yana. Step forth."

Andrei moved forward, surging in front of Kori at first, but then slowing down to arrive with her. He looked at his father, calm and silent, waiting for him to give him what he wanted.

Kori, back straight, stepped forward, her face was composed though inside she was curious as to why she had been called forth.

Yana Petrov stood from her position on the couch, leaving her tea on the crystal-like coffee table. She stood next to her son, allowing her shoulder to rest against his arm.

"With the addition of our conscripted Kazon Vessels, I am declaring an institution. Our domain is not only the Vengeance, but its Shadow Fleet. We will continue to conscript capable vessels on our travels and use them for the glory of the Empire. We will need to captain and crew these ships. Lieutenant Quevremont, I'm re-assigning you to command of the ISS Klandell. The current officer in command there will be your Deputy Commander. You will select the most loyal of the Kazon there as your slave commander. Keep a tight rein on them. We have already installed agonizers on each one of them, imbedded subdermally like our slaves here. You have life and death command there., is that clear?"

Her lips curved and she nodded "Indeed Captain, I will make sure they feel the sting of the Empire's disapproval should they put one toe out of line."

"Andrei, you will remain on the Lovarr." He said, reaching for the third of four small wooden boxes on his desk. He opened it and took out a full pip. Going to his son, he replaced it with his half pip. "Andrei Ivanovich Petrov, I hereby promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and responsibilities that affords."

Andrei smiled then, having increased in status, at the very least. It may not have been what he wanted, but he now had solid command of his own ship and an iron rod to command it. "Thank you, Captain."

"Yes." Ivan said, turning his gaze to the rest of the group. "I will act as Commander of the Shadow Fleet, of course, but I need an officer dedicated to this work outside of the staff of this ship. I can think of no one one I trust more....than my dear wife."

He turned to Yana then with the final box, handing it to her. She opened it and, inside, there a provisional rank bar with three gold slashes and a black one. She had expected the role he had for her, but not a commission. Leaning forward, he kissed her lips; it was lingering and slow.

"Yana Olga Petrova, I hereby commission you into Imperial Starfleet at the provisional rank of Lieutenant Commander. You will serve as my Deputy Commander, Fleet. You will also replace Andrei as Slave Master of this ship. Work with these fleet commanders to establish order, but be sure to bring it to me, yes?"

Yana smiled a somewhat mysterious smile, though it was quite genuine. She placed a hand on his arm, gentle.

"Of course, sir." she said, simply.

Ivan sighed and looked at the group. His smile was weak, but also genuine.

"Are there any questions?" he asked, gazing on all their faces.

Johnathan looked up from his seat. "Captain, what is to be done with that civilian shuttle that came aboard at the Ocampa homeworld? I've heard that it's Captain has experience in this area of space."

“A good question.” Ivan responded. “Mad Dog does know his way around and his shuttle seems to be quite impressive for its size. I would like him to act as our scout, but there is a certain difficulty associated with it. This is a military fleet and I want it staff by military men.” He turned them to Yana. “Commander Petrova will see if she can convince Mr. Robertson to rejoin Imperial Starfleet.”

Troy had not gotten to know the man called Mad Dog. He would have to introduce himself properly in the coming days. He looked at Andrei and Kori. "You will both need a staff to help you with your respective commands."

Andrei looked at his boss, or former boss, as it were. He had seen the man replaced as his immediate manager with his mother.

"Yes, Commander." he said, which tact and respect. "After almost a month aboard the Lovarr, I believe I have a good idea what kind of leadership structure will make it work. As the Captain said, a slave commander is essential, though I have been careful to make sure they have a massive target on their back. Competition between slaves is our key to success. Even being acting slave master aboard Vengeance taught me that. If they're all fighting for the top spot, they won't be able to fight us. I have also assigned Kazon as Pilot, Weapon Master, and Engine Master aboard ship. The Deputy Commander should be human though and, I rather think, a male. Though it pains me to say it, women will have a hard time with the Kazon. They don't take orders from them well."

He eyed Kori with a questioning expression and then looked at his mother. Beyond himself, only women were assigned to lead the Kazon.

"Perhaps we're not off to a good start?"

"They will take my orders or they will find themselves sitting in an airlock." Kori replied idly. "I will also be looking to start the slave breeding programs up. We need the cannon fodder."

"The problem is simple though: No female Kazon." Ivan said, pleased with her at her resolve to retain control on Klandell. "How do you propose we get around that?"

"For now we have none. Kazon from what I have learned are clan based. Their women are kept sequestered on their colonies. Shouldn't be too hard to insist they join their mates." Kori's tone was cool and steady.

"Well, for that matter, we might just take on new Kazon males as well." Ivan said. "Growing a warrior or a competent engineer from an infant takes time I very much hope we won't need. And I don't doubt, in however long we have before we get back, we will stumble upon any shortage of vermin worthy of having our boot on their throat, no?"

"They will learn the power of the Empire and learn their place" Kori said calmly

Troy nodded in agreement with Kori's statement. This quadrant was going to find out what it would be like to be ruled by the Terran Empire. "That they will Lieutenant."

"Well, if there's nothing else, we've got a meeting to attend in a few minutes." Ivan said. "Dismissed."


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