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Change of Department

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2022 @ 4:04pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King & Callie Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Ready room
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 1400
1241 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Stepping onto the bridge Callie made her way across to Ivan’s ready room, she’d already sent a request to Ivan for the post of Chief Inspector. Now Ivan had requested to see her about it. Pressing the chime she waited for an answer before stepping inside and offering a warm smile. “Reporting as requested Sir.”

"Callie, have a seat." The Captain said, gesturing toward the set of chairs on the other side of his desk. "I read your request for a department change and wanted to talk to you about it in person. Why don't you go ahead and explain what you're after here?"

Callie nodded and took the offered seat, it was nice to get the weight off her feet and back for a few moments. “What I’d like Sir is a career where I can fit family life in around my duties. As an Ops Officer I’d be permanently on the go during my shift with little wiggle room, at least working in discipline inspection I can base my appointment schedule around this little one’s needs.” She rested her hand on her stomach.

Ivan looked down at the woman's belly. He had been away during both of Yana's pregnancies, and he had no idea Kassandra's mother was having his child anyway. Life on a starship rarely included full wombed women. Seeing her this way was confusing and, though he would never admit it to her out loud, unsettling.

"I would be lying if I said I hadn't had some misgivings about you retaining the role of Chief of Operations with a young child aboard. Being a mother is a full time job...and so is that of the COO." he said, not unkindly. "You do have psychological training, don't you? How extensive? Are you certified?"

Callie noticed the look Ivan gave her but didn’t make comment. “I’m a fully qualified, and certified Psychologist Sir. I graduated in the top 2% of my year at the Academy. When I served aboard my father’s ship he made sure I had time in every department including discipline inspection. As a half Betazoid my abilities are put to full use as a Counsellor, and Psychologist. "

"Just that, huh?" he asked, grinning in a joking manner. "Very impressive. And you understand that, were I to grant this request, you would be responsible not only for them mental health of this crew, but for assuring their...absolute loyalty? I ask not to imply that your yourself aren't loyal, but rather..."

He paused, choosing his words carefully so that his meaning was clearly understood.

"I noticed you on the Bridge when we laid waste to Ocampa. Your head was in your hands. You were overwhelmed. Sometimes the Chief Inspector has to cause people great pain...just ask Lieutenant Quevremont."

Callie nodded. “I’ll admit I was taken by surprise when we destroyed Ocampa. The screams of millions of people overwhelmed my defences. I’ve started carrying this...” She pulled out an inhibitor. “The doctor gave me this to use when I need to, I should have had it with me when we attacked Ocampa.” She paused. “As for causing people pain, I’ve done it before.”

"And you believe you are prepared to do so again, occasionally?" he asked, watching her closely.

Callie looked up at Ivan her eyes meeting his. “In all honesty I hope it won’t be necessary, but if I have to then so be it!” She sighed. “I won’t be weak Captain, I can’t afford to be weak not now.”

"None of us can." he said, lowly. "But the concern isn't very high. If there is a significant need for it, you will have help. There are no shortage of officers on this ship who actually seem to enjoy putting people in the agonizer a bit. I will never understand it. Unpleasant, but necessary."

He cleared his throat, shifting the subject ever so slightly.

"Of course there are members of the senior staff you are very close XO is your husband, for example. His advancement would mean your advancement..." he leaned in, his face now deadly serious. Pausing for a moment, he analyzed her. For the first time, it became obvious that his Yeoman was in the room as her eyes bore into Callie's as well. "What happens if he isn't loyal, Callie?"

Callie’s eyes widened in shock and surprise, her heart skipped a beat before she took a deep breath. “My husband is one of the most loyal men on this ship! I would have no problem testifying to that fact.” She paused before giving Petrov an equally as hard gaze. “What happens if Andrei isn’t loyal, Captain?”

"Then he will be dealt with.." Ivan said, lowering his gaze slightly. He watched her then, quietly. "A leader must be able to separate the personal from their duty. I can do that; I've demonstrated it more times than I can count. The question is, can you?"

The question was left to linger for a moment, before Callie gazed up at Ivan again. “If I have to, Sir. As for my advancement, if I wanted it then I’d have it! If anything, with my abilities, and what I’m trained to do, I’m one of the biggest threats you’ve got on this ship. I’ve no doubt you’ve got plans in place for any such eventuality.”

“I think you’re exaggerating a bit, Lieutenant. Never forget the power of the Terran will or, if that fails, a phaser blast to the back.” He said, then waved off the comment, not having indicated if he indeed had any plans. “Alright Callie, you start tomorrow. Grab a blue shirt before then and wrap things up in a nice bow in Operations. Seeing as you’ve been on leave for so long, the transition should be easy.

Callie nodded. “Of course Sir, Andrea is more than able to keep Ops running until you can find someone to take over the position of Chief. I’ll have a full status report on your desk before the end of shift.” She slowly got to her feet, and offered a salute. “Thank you for this opportunity Captain, I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t, Callie. I have every confidence in you.” He said with a nod that represented certitude. “Dismissed.”

Callie nodded. With that she turned and exited the ready room Ivan’s words about ensuring loyalty in the crew still ringing in her ears.

When the Lieutenant was gone, Yeoman King stood up from her seat on the other side of the room and strode over to the desk.

"Don't you have something important to be doing?" Ivan asked, looking up at her.

"Nothing more important than eavesdropping, sir." she said, grinning and resting her knuckles on his desk. "You're serious about letting prego switch departments? At this point, it seems like your entire staff is switching roles. Can I fly the ship?"

Ivan smiled and shook his head.

"You can shut up and fly your desk in your office." he said, then pointed to the door. "Get out."

"But its so comfortable in your silvery locks, sir." she said, grinning still, cocky and boyish, as she backed toward the door. He didn't need to tell her twice, however, and she turned and left directly after.


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