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Family Matters ** Adult Content **

Posted on Tue Jun 21st, 2022 @ 12:50pm by

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: USS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 2200
2210 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Rhen placed his clothes in the laundry and entered they were to be dry cleaned on the computer before turning to Kiera who was sitting at her vanity brushing her lovely red hair. "You think Callie and Troy will want us back over again?" He asked taking off his underwear.

“I don’t see why not” Kiera smiled as she turned to look at Rhen. “I like them, they’re a nice couple. I’ll admit it was a bit intimidating having dinner with the XO.” She held up her brush. “Care to do my hair?”

Rhen nodded taking her brush and stood behind her gently brushing as he watched her undo her robe liking what he saw. It was rather common for Betazoid couples to be naked it was a sign of love. Rhen focused on the task at hand. "Kiera, about what I said I am sorry I didn't mean to imply I am not open to kids with you."

Kiera let her robe slide off before placing her hand on Rhen’s to stop him from brushing her hair for a moment. Turning to face him She motioned for him to sit. “Rhen I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted lately. When we were in the arena we were both forced to do things we didn’t want to do...” She paused. “Rhen I feel like I betrayed you! I know you had to sleep with other women as well, but to me, all I could think about was how much you’d hate me for it!!”

Rhen took her brush in his hand tapping it on the palm as he took a seat on the bed. "That's the thing we both were forced to do things and it almost broke us to where we did like it and forgetting who we were." He looked at the brush in his hand. "It was one thing I hated being close to forgetting my vows to you. But it's another knowing you almost quit on me."

"I know you nearly committed suicide, Kiera, I knew a long time."

Kiera’s expression changed to one of shock, and horror. “How?...” she nodded. “I was desperate Rhen, it was my fault we ended up in the arenas! I thought you’d be better off without me. I’m sorry! Please forgive me?”

"You wonder why I don't use our bond anymore?" Rhen asked. "Cause I read your thoughts about it."

“Rhen, please...I love you!” Kiera moved closer sitting on the end of the bed next to her husband. “You wanted us to be how we used to be, can’t we just work on that?”

"Kiera, I am not mad I am disappointed." Rhen stood up. "You want us to be what we used to be? I need to know you are not going to quit on me and leave me behind alone."

“Have I quit on you!?” Kiera looked at Rhen searching for an answer. “I’m still here aren’t I?”

"You want the real truth?" Rhen asked placing his hand on Kiera's tummy. "I am afraid of having a family with you cause I don't want to go through wondering if you are going to quit on me and our kids leave us all behind." He started to tear up. "You were strong, Kiera, I want you to be strong again."

Kiera stood up. “Then stop saying about me quitting on you!! If I was going to quit on you, I would have already!” She ran her fingers through her hair as she stood silent for a moment. “You know what I want? All I ever wanted was for us to be happy, to have kids just like we planned.” Her eyes twinkled with tears. “Not like that’s going to happen anytime soon!”

Rhen sat there in silence before grabbing a pillow and sheet. "Wow..." He headed for the living area. "Pardon me the couch is calling!" He walked past her stopping to face her. "Just so you know I am open to talking about a family with you always. But I don't want our kids to ever see us like this!" Rhen stormed out giving her a nice view of his bare ass.

“Rhen...stop!” Kiera followed him, stopping him in his tracks. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that! I just...” She stopped talking and did the unexpected. She kissed him passionately, and with fire. “Are we going to argue all night, or are you going to make love to me?”

Rhen pulled away he didn't say anything he just sat down and placed his things on the couch. His mind wanted to say no but his body was saying yes. The man didn't want to fight hell he hated fighting but she basically kicked him in the balls. Rhen could feel his heart pounding and his manhood getting hard pulsating with every beat. Leaning back Rhen motioned for her to come to polish him.

Kiera knew just what Rhen wanted, getting down on her knees in front of him she treated him to long, slow oral pleasure. She loved to hear him moan as she pleasured him. She kept going for a good fifteen, or twenty minutes bringing him to the edge before letting him calm down again.

Rhen grabbed Kiera lifting her off her feet kissing her as he sat her down and opened her legs burying his face into her folds licking and fingering her he felt for the first time in ages opening his mind thru their bond.

Kiera’s moans and sighs of pleasure filled the air as she enjoyed Rhen’s administrations. He always knew just how to pleasure her. She was surprised when Rhen opened his mind to her, allowing her own mental barriers down so he could share her connection as well.

Rhen could feel and sense Kiera's surprise plus her happiness he was using their bond again. He lifted her off the couch carried her over to the nearest wall and pressed her against it. With a fiery kiss, he slowly buried himself inside her as he gently squeezed her throat. " being a...bad girl?"

Kiera nodded. “ know I do!” She moaned as she wrapped her legs around him. “You feel so good, Rhen!!”

Rhen rubbed his hard shaft along her g spot wanting her to come. He knew she liked it as was a huge turn-on for her as it was for him. Rhen could feel Kiera embrace him as he worked her sensitive spot.

Rhen’s administrations were having the desired effect as Kiera clung to him, her breathing was becoming heavier as he pushed her towards a climax, especially with him buried deep inside her. Eventually reaching the point of no return, she cried out his name as he pushed her over the edge, her muscles contracting around him.

The way she came turned Rhen on even more and he could sense she loved it every time he made her come. It drove her even wilder and it made him happy she was his wife. Holding Kiera close he moved them away from the wall and to the bedroom, he knew she loved how strong he was. Rhen placed her on the bed and kissed her bare feet. "Hmmm, someone had a pedicure done..."

“Had to go to the holodeck and set up my favorite salon program” Kiera smiled. “It’s not like you get those services aboard a ship like this.”

Rhen let her feet go and gave her a long kiss. "I love you and..." He worked his way down to her breasts. "I love these..." Before gently taking a nipple in his mouth.

“Ohhh I know you do!” Kiera smiled as she ran her fingers through her husband’s hair. “You enjoy it as much as you like!”

Rhen was going to enjoy it he began to caress her other breast as he made nice slow thrusts inside her. "I love you being so dirty for me." He said softly after playing with her nipple.

Kiera let Rhen know just how much she was enjoying his thrusts as she made pleasured moans, and cries. “I do...” Her fingers ran along his skin encouraging him.

Rhen stopped before rolling Kiera to her side and crawling into the bed behind her. He placed his arm under her head so she can watch him as he thrust inside her. As he slowly entered her again he loved watching the expression on her face as she felt him inside her. Rhen could sense she wanted him to make her come again badly with a smile he started to make nice thrusts and focused his hard shaft to hit her sensitive spot.

Kiera couldn’t help but make loud pleasured noises, crying out as Rhen thrust his way towards her climax, it didn’t take long. “Rhen I...I...” She moaned loudly as her climax took over.

Rhen kissed Kiera keeping his pace nice and steady as he played with her breasts.

Kiera returned her husband’s kiss, she loved the way they made love together. Opening her mind fully she shared all her pleasure, and feelings with Rhen letting her love for him flow freely for him to feel.

Rhen sensed her pleasure and feelings he loved the way she was enjoying him inside her playing with her body. The way he touched her it drove her mad he liked making her feel amazing. But he liked her exploring his body the way she touched his muscles she found them sexy.

Kiera ran her fingers along Rhen’s side, she wanted to feel him when he came for her, and she relayed that telepathically.

Rhen loved it when she touched him he felt Kiera's desire to feel his warm seed inside her. He picked up his pace slightly in order to oblidge.

Kiera encourages her husband in every way, she was loving the closeness they were sharing as they made love.

Rhen breathed a little harder as he was getting close to coming. He wanted to see her lovely face as he filled her up. It seemed she was close to coming again herself and was doing her best to hold it back.

Kiera’s breathing was getting heavier as she tried to hold herself back, She whispered every naughty thing she knew Rhen would love to hear to get him to come before she did. She knew exactly what turned him on, and she used it.

Rhen threw his head back but brought it up to look at Kiera in her face he was panting as he was building up. With a moan he felt himself explode as made nice long thrusts pumping every drop inside Kiera.

Kiera’s climax followed as she cried out Rhen’s name. As the moment passed she smiled. “Wow! That was...incredible!!” She kissed him lovingly. “You keep this up, and we’ll have to try for that baby we’ve been talking about!”

Rhen flopped on his back on the bed his chest rising and falling. "You mean you want to upset me every time you want to have sex?" He asked with uncertainty.

“No, of course not!” Kiera’s smile faded away. “Forget I said anything.” She slid out of bed, and headed for the shower to freshen up a little before bed.

Rhen got to his feet and followed Kiera. "Kiera...wait...I was just being sarcastic." He put his hands up in front of him. "Maybe I came off a bit harsh I am sorry."

Kiera paused. “Apology accepted. I was just...we’ve talked about it for so long Rhen! I know we are about to start Counselling, but...” She shook her head. “I want to be a mum some day Rhen, I’m not saying we have to rush just that I...I feel what they call, broody.” She smiled. “I can’t help it.”

"Broody? Kiera," Rhen sat down on the toilet. "I know you want to be a mom hell I said it many times I want to be a dad." He looked up at Kiera. "I don't want us to fight I didn't mean to come off snarky with you."

Kiera nodded. “I know, I’m just frustrated is all. We had plans for kids, and to raise them at home on Betazed, now it’s looking like that will never happen! Who knows how long it’ll take us to get home.” She sighed. “Anyway it doesn’t matter, let’s just not start arguing again. It’s been so nice to be like we used to be.”

Rhen leaned back rubbing his face in his hands making a slight groan. "I rather not think about our predicament," He said in a slightly muffled voice. "Let's just focus on me and you and getting the better cause this," He wiggled a finger between them. "Was nice."

Kiera nodded. “It’s nice to be more like the old us again.” She smiled. “Anyway I need that shower, care to join me?”

"Sure... I'll even help you wash." Rhen replied standing up with a grin.


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