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First Session

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2022 @ 2:36pm by Callie Marshall
Edited on on Mon Jun 20th, 2022 @ 2:55pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: USS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 23 at 0700
1279 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Rhen sat next to Kiera on the couch in the Marshall Quarters holding his wife's hand. Callie had asked them to come over and have proper sit down with her. Honestly he and her had gotten close again after their love making. It had been a great few days for both of them hardly any sort of fights at all.

Kiera smiled as she held onto Rhen’s hand, she was enjoying being close to Rhen again. She looked up as Callie came to sit down and join them. “You’re both looking happier, I take it dinner helped to bring you a little closer?”

After Callie asked Rhen turned to Kiera who smiled before poured everyone tea. "Well, after our dinner we did have a fight but uh..." He stopped to look at Kiera waiting for her to come up with a more moderate way to their sexual romp.

Kiera blushed. “Well we could say we spent some time making up.”

Callie smiled and nodded. “No need to explain, it’s none of my business what you do in the privacy of your own quarters. Just so you both know, I’m requesting to move to discipline inspection. Which, if approved, means I’ll officially be a Counsellor on a full time basis.”

Rhen handed Callie and Kiera each a cup of tea. "Hey! That's great promise us you won't be doubting our loyalty to the Empire." He took his cup and leaned back on the couch.

Callie offered a brief smile. “Don’t worry you’ve given me no reason to.” She nodded her thanks to Rhen for the tea. “So I take it things are improving between the two of you?”

Rhen beamed with joy. "I will say things have much improved." He looked at Kiera for her opinion.

Kiera nodded. “I feel better now Rhen and I have talked. We’re more like we used to be.”

Callie smiled warmly. “That’s good. It’s important to share how you feel, as a couple you need to be strong for each other.”

Rhen took a drink of his tea. "Well, we still have to talk about our time in the arena. And I know we still have a long way to go but it's just Kiera and I are trying to take baby steps."

Callie nodded. “That’s the best thing to do. Take it slow and steady, plus don’t forget to talk to each other about how you feel. Locking each other out will only lead to a breakdown in communication.”

Rhen looked at Kiera then Callie. "I feel however I have stepped out of line with, Kiera." He began setting his tea down. "I may of given her the impression I don't want a family with her and that is not true."

Callie looked towards Kiera. “How about you Kiera, did Rhen give you that impression?”

Kiera sat for a moment before nodding. “For a little while, yes. However since we shared our bond again, I know how Rhen truly feels. It’s put my mind at rest some.”

"I been afraid to use our bond." Rhen admitted. "Ever since I found out that she almost killed herself I have been..." He choked up a little. "I mean, I feel I have failed her as a husband."

“You tried to take your own life?” Callie looked at Kiera in surprise.

Kiera nodded as she held onto Rhen’s hand. “I was desperate, the whole reason we were in the arena was because of me. At the time I thought Rhen would be better off without me. I know that’s not true now.” She looked towards Rhen. “I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!!”

"Not as sorry as I am," Rhen looked at Kiera then Callie. "I was, I AM afraid that she would try to again I don't want to be without her. Ever since we met at the Terran Olympics I knew she was the one I wanted to get old with." He rested his hand on Kiera's lap. "I do have to trust she will never do such a again I want our kids to know how amazing she is."

Kiera smiled and nodded. “I swear to you Rhen, it will NEVER happen again! I want to be a mother, and have our children.”

Rhen looked at Kiera giving her a nod of appreciation. "I know you do and we will have kids when the timing is right." He turned back to Callie. "It's important to me, to us that we are not going to be at odds with one another. It's not the good family environment I want."

Callie nodded. “Well I’m encouraged from what I see here. The two of you are communicating your wants, and feelings to each other, which is wonderful. Keep that up and I don’t think you’ll need me.”

Rhen looked at Kiera then Callie. "I am not sure that is wise," He began as he leaned forward. "Let me tell you about us Tal's my father isn't exactly your average Betazoid. You know full well us Betazoids are quite open to using our telepathic abilities with one another. My dad hated using his abilities drove my mom nuts at times. He was always saying best use your brain for other things than prying on others."

Rhen sighed placing his palms together. "Kiera, is like my mom she wants me to be more open to her telepathically which is understandable she feels safe knowing what is on my mind." He rubbed his palms a little. "I guess I am worried I am being stubborn like my old man."

Callie nodded. “Being completely open aboard a ship full of non-telepaths, as well as other Betazoids can be awkward. Even though you’re sharing your bond, other telepaths could accidentally pick up on that link. It’s best to be guarded, for both your safety.

Kiera nodded. “I hadn’t thought of it that way, I guess I just...need to feel close.”

"And I understand she does there are times I like to know what is on her mind too to feel close. But I tend to shut her out on my end of our bond cause we are on a ship full of non-telepaths and other telepathic beings."

Callie nodded. “I suggest you work out a way between you, share that bond when you’re alone. Let each other feel that enjoyment of sharing your love. It’ll keep you both strong.”

Rhen looked at Kiera then Callie before nodding. "Very well, I am sure we can sort something out." He replied.

Callie nodded. “Is that alright with you Kiera?”

Kiera nodded offering a smile. “I’m happy with that, I’ll do my best not to cling to Rhen like I have been up until now.”

Callie smiled. “Okay, in that case I think that’s all for now. Any problems you both know where to find me.”

"Of course, but I don't mind her being clingy it's rather cute." Rhen replied with a teasing manner.

Kiera grinned. “Ohh really! I’ll remind you of that next time you complain.” She took his hand as she stood ready to leave. “Thank you Callie.”

Callie nodded. “My pleasure, that’s what I’m here for after all.”

Rhen quickly finished his tea before getting to his feet. "So, same time next week?"

Callie nodded. “By all means, as I said I’m here if you need me before then.”

"Understood, see you next week." Rhen replied while he led Kiera out of the room and waved Callie goodbye.


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