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Visiting a Friend

Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2022 @ 4:08am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 0900
581 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy entered Sickbay and approached the nurse's station. He inquired the duty nurse about Kassandra's condition and requested to see her if she was up to having visitors.

The Hospital Corpsman informed Troy that Kassandra was stable and conscious before going to the private room. "Lieutenant Marshall is here and would like to know if you're up to a short visit?"

Kass nodded. "Yes please I could use the distraction." She said as she sat up in the bio bed.

The Hospital Corpsman returned to the nursing station and directed Troy to the single occupancy room Kassandra was convalescent in. He stepped in with a hesitant smile. "Hey there. How is my favorite former student doing today?"

"Am doing well. I should be out of here soon" Kass smiled at him. "And being out of here is a good thing."

"I won't argue with that." Troy could tell from Kassandra's body language she was anxious to put the sight of Sickbay in the rear window. "Is there anything I can get you to make your convalescence any easier?"

"No nothing more than I already have" She replied. "Jonathan brings me books and such. Once I am out of here, I have 4 weeks of Light duties."

Troy could tell Kassandra wasn't happy at the prospect of [i]light duty[/i]. "Well, if you're looking for a project that would keep you busy, but probably not be overly strenuous, I may just have the thing."

"oh?" Kass asked curiously "Do tell"

Troy pulled up a chair and sat down. He took a moment to gather his thoughts on the matter he wanted to discuss. "Callie and I are rather anxious to get the knot tied as you know. That being said. We don't want to do it without you being able to be there."

Kass gave a slight smile. "So you are planning a party?"

Troy shook his head. "We don't exactly have the resources for an extravagant party." He gave Kass a hopeful look. "It's come to my attention though, you have a talent for clothing design. I was wondering if you would consent to create a wedding dress for Callie."

She merely smiled. "Of Course, who else was going to design it?" she asked archly. "Not Melissa for sure."

Troy gave a hearty chuckle as he tried to imagine Melissa interacting with the officers and crew on a human level. "True, very true."

"Do not worry I will do it and she will look spectacular in it." Kass assured him.

Troy nodded, a large smile on his face. "Of that I have no doubt. Plus, it will give you a project until you return to full duty."

Kassandra nodded. "Along with reading reports from my assistant."

Troy gave a hearty laugh at Kassandra's expression. He gave the young woman a rueful shake of his head. "Welcome to the curse of the senior staff. Reports, memorandums, and the minutiae of administrating a Department aboard a starship...and no, it never ends nor gets easier."

"I don't mind it. I did it before Morrison arrived. Its all fine with me" Kass said with a smile.

Troy gave Kassandra a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Rest and recuperate. We are going to need you back to full duty as soon as you're cleared by Medical." He turned to go, calling over his shoulder as he left. "See you soon Lieutenant."

Kass nodded and watched him leave before letting her body relax and falling asleep.


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