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A Gift for a King

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 8:25am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: USS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 25 at 1230
1243 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Rhen approached the Captain's ready room door holding a box in his hands. He fixed his collar and leather gloves to look more presentable for Captain Petrov. Taking a moment he pressed the chime taking a deep breath.

The door slid open within a few seconds and Yeoman King stood there, her eyes fixed on the buff man with curious intensity.

“Ensign Tal?” She asked, her mood subduing to its typical levels of calm indifference. “Come in. The Captain is ready for you.”

Rhen entered and followed the Yeoman to the Captain before setting the box in one of the empty chairs and saluting him. "For the Empire, Captain."

"As is everything, Ensign." the Captain said, looking up at the man with an eye for his box. He leaned back in his chair slightly, relaxed "At ease. I hear you've been hard at work with new designs for our handheld weapons. Why don't you show me what you've got, huh?"

"Until Security is sorted out I hope to have time still, Sir," Rhen grabbed the box and placed it on Ivan's desk. "My finest work I even used a holographic model of your hands to make it fit perfectly for ambidextrous use for either hand." He opened the box to a finely crafted phaser pistol. "A Gift for a King."

"Dustbuster phasers are so tacky in my opinion but great firepower all I did was swap the guts out between them. Added a few tweaks and," The security ensign took out the power cell from the box and loaded it into the grip. "Has a longer power cell charge." He placed the pistol on the desk. "I added a few improvements to it but left the door open for more if needed."

Ivan reached out and picked up the pistol, holding it sideways to take a look at it. He observed the features, one after another, until he had turned the weapon around several times in his hands. He tested the weight and then pointed up, looking down the sights. Seeing as he was on deck 1, up was the safest place to point.

"The craftsmanship is impressive," Ivan said, flipping the safety on and off to test its durability. "I was a security officer too, you know. Can't say I've ever designed a gun, but...I sure have used them."

"It's a passion of mine, sir, I was raised to take people's junk and turn it into treasure." Rhen took a seat watching the Captain admire his work. "I added an agonizer feature to it for both stun and kill settings the prototype I had on the rescue mission had the same thing but only for stun. I took the liberty to expand on it."

"Once I appoint a Chief, I want them to have security personnel test these in the range and, perhaps, on the holodeck. If they check out, then I'll review the results and we can start rolling them out." Ivan said. "Nice work, Ensign."

"Will I not be considered for the position, Sir?" Rhen asked wondering if he was not qualified enough in the Captain's eyes. "This would not be about me taking the liberty to try out a few prototypes on my during the rescue?"

"While that was...problematic. No, Ensign. There are officers in the department who both outrank you and have more experience in-service and with command." he said in response. "It isn't personal, but this has been happening all over the place. In Engineering, for example, I opted to commission an experienced NCO rather than make the Assistant Chief the Chief. I think that is what's best for the ship, considering how far away from home we are."

"Captain, I may be good at designing things we need l do have an excellent record at the Academy in Security and Tactics. Just I was never given an opportunity to use them much if you feel I am not head of Security material." Rhen didn't want to feel he was overstepping his bounds. "I would like to be considered for Deputy Chief that way I can learn to lead Security and if you like continue my work." He gave a nod to the pistol.

"I will keep you in mind, Ensign," Ivan said. "I know the itch to advance, but keep in mind you've only been in the fleet for a year. There are some who have years under their belt already. I will keep an open mind, but it would take me time if I were you. Who knows what opportunities may open up in the future."

"I see..." Rhen felt a bit sad about it but he was just a peon he did what he was told long as it didn't go against his morals. "Well, you will sort things out, Captain, I have faith in you."

“The vote of confidence is appreciated, Rhen. Let’s see what we can do to put these weapons to the test.” Ivan said, handing the one he had back to the man.

Rhen placed his arms behind his back. "Actually that is your new sidearm I spent all day yesterday running it thru its paces as I stated before you have the honor of being the first. In order to ensure the rest of our crew get theirs, I will need measurements of their hands as well as time to build and test theirs." He paused. "Of course, as you said we will need to settle the Chief position first thus holding off further development."

Ivan nodded, taking the device back and placing it on his desk. He grinned at the man and nodded.

“Thanks, Ensign.” He said, calmly, “now you're dismissed. I’ve got to get back to work; the paperwork never ends in this role. Cherish being an Ensign while you can.”

“I’m a Petty Officer and I still do truckloads,” Jackie said from her small desk in the corner of the room. This wasn’t her full-time office, but she liked to split time between that one, which was close to the XO, and this one.

"Captain, there is a couple of things," Rhen reached into his uniform pulling out a second box but smaller along with a PADD. He first opened the box and set it in front of Ivan. Inside was a set of Ivory handles with the Terran Empire logo and the Captain's initials in gold. "A little something to personalize your phaser."

Rhen placed the PADD down next. "A set of designs for our other phasers I been working on for you to consider as well." He shrugged his shoulders. "Being a lowly Ensign at times gives me plenty of time to let my mind run wild with ideas."

"We should address that," Ivan said, picking up the device. "The idol brain is the devil's playground."

Ivan perused the options before nodding and handing the PADD back, less engaged than before.

"Those look good as well. They can enter the testing phase in the security department when you and the Chief think they're ready," he said, then cleared his throat. "Now...I don't mean to be rude, but I, unlike some notably talented Ensigns, have almost no extra time and I must be getting back to work."

A half grin formed on Rhen's face. "Yes Sir," He saluted the Captain again. "I will keep you posted..." Grabbing the PADD he turned giving Jackie a polite nod as he left.


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