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Posted on Sun Jan 23rd, 2022 @ 12:15am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Operations Offices
Timeline: MD 3, 0945 hours
664 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy had just finished the meeting with the Captain, Executive Officer and his Deputy Chief of Security. He stepped into the office to receive his quartering assignment and saw a slave already present with his luggage. He approached the duty desk and spoke to the Yeoman Second Class. "I am Lieutenant Marshall. I require a cabin assignment."

Stepping out of her office Callie was just in time to hear the request. “It’s okay Yeoman I’ll take it from here.” She motioned to Troy. “Lieutenant would you follow me please.”

Troy did as Callie requested, following the attractive woman back in to her office. "Personal attention from the Chief Operations Officer for something as simple as a stateroom assignment. I am honored."

Callie smiled. “Well it’s my department, besides I’m available so I might as well sort it.” She motioned to a seat. “Please sit down.”

Troy took the offered seat and watched as she sat down at her terminal. She was stunningly beautiful and he couldn't help but wonder if another officer had already set their sights on her. "I am Lieutenant Troy Alexander Marshall. Chief Security and Tactical Officer for the Vengeance. It's a distinct pleasure to meet an officer whose graciousness is only surpassed by her beauty."

Callie couldn’t help but blush at the lovely comment. “Thank you, you’re very kind. I’m Callie Vali.” She pulled up Troy’s personnel file and transfer orders, she had to confirm his identity before the computer would allow her to assign him Quarters. “Are you always this charming?”

Troy gave a light hearted chuckle. "I'm an Imperial Starfleet Security Officer. Haven't generally had the term kind attributed to me before. I consider myself an honest man though." He met her gaze. "You think me charming though? Charming enough to have a drink with me after duty?"

Callie couldn’t help but smile. “You’re definitely not shy that’s for sure.” She paused then nodded. “Sure, I’d like that.”

Troy returned her smile. "I look forward to seeing you. Say, 1930 hours tomorrow night in the ship's lounge." He gave a nod to the terminal. "So. Figured out where I will be hanging my hat yet?"

“Most definitely” Callie handed over a PADD. “On there are all the details you need, including your first time access code. Once you’re inside please reset it to something only you know, in an emergency there’s an override that medical can use.”

Troy briefly looked at the information on the screen and nodded. He kept his eyes on the screen as he asked a question. "The code should be something I can remember quite easily, perhaps look up if I do forget?"

Callie nodded. “If that makes it easier for you, as long as no one else knows what that is.”

Troy lifted his gaze to Callie's. "The birthday of a lovely woman would be easy to remember. May I know the month and day of your birthday?"

Callie sat amazed for a moment, “I don’t see the harm in that. It’s May 29th.”

Troy smiled as he rose from his seat. He removed his glove from his right hand and extended his hand across the desk.

Being in her office Callie wasn’t wearing her gloves, it was the one place she didn’t need to. Extending her hand she smiled wamly completely charmed.

Troy bent over the top of the desk and lightly kissed Callie's knuckles. He lifted his gaze to meet hers. "I shall be counting the minutes until tomorrow night. Au revoir." He released her hand and turned to leave.

Callie relaxed back in her seat, he wasn’t the only one counting the hours until then. “I’ll see you then, I can’t wait already!”

Troy turned his head and smiled, a twinkle in his eyes. He exited leisurely to go find his quarters and have the slave unpack his bags.



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