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Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 11:46pm by Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sat Jul 16th, 2022 @ 7:18am

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1500
2444 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

A clattering of porcelain plates sounded quietly in the room as a short Andorian slave carried a tray from the Captain's desk. As he walked toward the replicator, Captain Petrov and his son finished the portions of the snack that still remained between their teeth. The awkwardness was palpable, as it always was with them.

"Does master wish for any other service from this slave?" the man asked, bowing his head, causing his tall antennae to bounce with the motion.

"No no.." Ivan said, looking over at the man. "You may go."

The slave turned and left without another word. Once the doors closed again and Ivan was left with Andrei alone, he turned to him again and made another effort at something resembling a warm conversation.

"I don't know how I let you talk me into sending Eritrea to Lovarr with you, Andrei. She won't be easily replaced." he said, looking at the young man.

"I'm sure you'll manage." Andrei replied, his eyes falling on his father for only a second. "Eritrea is clever, but she isn't the only smart slave."

"You seem to like her for something though, eh?" The Captain asked, smiling with white teeth through his large salt and pepper beard, reaching over and nudging the young man with his fist. "Just try to be careful, I want grandchildren but, not like that."

"It would make me a bit more like you, though, wouldn't it?" Andrei asked, looking at his father stone-faced. The comment was an obvious attack; one that centered around Ivan's having sired Kassandra secretly outside of his marriage.

The older man's smile shifted to a memory quickly and he averted his gaze. The part of him who was a soldier and a survivor, the part that was a Captain and former Admiral wanted to choke the man for saying what he had. But the father, who hadn't been there when his son needed him the most, and who broke his marriage vows decades ago, did nothing. He returned only silence, and the awkwardness of before seemed to double. It was after several moments of silence, that Ivan finally came out of his thoughts.

"Well, Andrei, thank you for joining me for a chat." he said, gesturing toward the door. "Try not to scare my 1500 appointment as you leave."

Andrei rolled his eyes and stood, stepping around the desk and offering his father the Terran Salute before stepping through the parted doors.

"You know if you get this, I'm going to just have to kill you." Madeline ribbed Christoph in a good-natured way as they stepped off the turbolift together, smiling as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Not if I kill you first." He eased back to her, his eyes lingering on her a moment as they walked toward the ready room and offered polite nods to those stationed there. The pair had been called up to undoubtedly settle the matter of naming the new chief of security; why they both had to be there they didn't exactly know, but they also knew better than to argue. With so many promotions coming from their department, there was a sense of pride of course, though there was also a worry at least in Madeline's mind that the other senior staff might feel like the bottom of the barrel had been scraped as it were.

As they crossed the room, Christoph nodded and gave a warm smile to Andrei as he was walking past them. "Andrei, good to see you."

"Sir." Madeline greeted with a polite nod, slowing her step with Christoph as he had the brief exchange with their former assistant chief.

"Christoph!" Andrei said, extending a handshake to the man and bringing him in for a tight hug. When he pulled back, he put his hand on the man's arm and grinned charmingly. "You've got this thing in the bag, don't you? Or does it go to your captivating coworker?"

He released the man's arm and turned to Madeline, giving her a charismatic wink, inadvertently waving several locks of his long hair out of the way.

"Lieutenant, it's been ages." he said. "You and I have got to connect one of these days and talk drills, among other things."

Madeline just chuckled softly and smiled, the coy expression tugging at the corners of her lips but didn't reach her eyes which was easily explained by being distracted concerning the upcoming meeting. Not the fact she was quite certain Andrei didn't even know her name and she was just another attractive face in what he seemed to consider his personal harem of eligible women to bed on the ship. "Ah yes... of course we do."

Christoph laughed and shook his head. "Have you gotten used to the smell on your little dingy over there?" He teased the other man harmlessly.

"It smells like authority over there." Andrei said, raising his head slightly. "And rage. But I can handle both. Anyway, I've got some people to get reacquainted with before I return to my royal throne. Best of luck. Madeline, I'm serious about that meet-up."

As he spoke he backed his way onto the Bridge proper, still looking at them. He shook his head with a smile.

"I'm embarrassed to admit it, but you drive me mad. Mad Mad Maddie." he said, repeating the last aloud, but seemingly to himself as he stepped into the turbolift. Then the doors closed and he was gone.

"Well, I was wrong. He's still just..." Madeline began and made a face.

"Huh?" Christoph asked, completely oblivious to what she was talking about.

"Nothing, let's go. Don't want to keep the captain waiting." Madeline said and grabbed Christoph by the arm to get him moving again. She reached out to tap the chime as they arrived at the door.

"Come in." Came the voice of the Captain, his hand reaching for the glass of water that sat on the desk before him.

Christoph allowed Madeline to walk in before him, his eyes very briefly sliding down and then back up. Both officers stood side by side, offering a salute and standing at attention. "Sir." They greeted in unison.

"Lieutenant Cassiel...Lieutenant Ivers." he said, his face neutral, his eyes glamming with that semi-watery shine they often had, making him look like a mix between a mad-man and a genius. He was neither, but one couldn't tell by the feel of him. "Just now, people like you are getting opportunities you would ordinarily have to wait years to get a chance at. But, we are stuck more promotion boards. No more standard schedules for consideration. Just cold, hard, practicality."

He took a long drag of his water, swallowing until the glass was gone. Then he slammed it down on the desk too hard, risking the possibility that it might shatter.

"Don't sit down, this will be brief." he said, "But stand at ease."

The older man walked around the desk and stood before the two of them. His large-bear-like frame giving him an imposing presence.

"I need a Chief of Security." he said, leaning against the desk. "And I want you to tell me who it should be."

Just briefly, the two cast a sideways glance at each other before looking back to Petrov. Madeline was about to speak, but Christoph bowled her over into silence. "It should be me, sir." He began, his dark green eyes intent on Petrov so much so that he didn't notice the subtle frown or the narrowing of Madeline's eyes for just the briefest of moments as her dark gaze shifted to him and then returned straight ahead. "I have been a loyal and supportive officer to both Commander Marshall and Lieutenant Petrov, I'm sure both would vouch for that fact. My record has been exemplary both my time here and my previous postings. It is not only my duty, but my honor to help defend and serve the crew in the name of the Empire." He paused and added quickly, "I am also the more experienced officer. Lieutenant Cassiel is a fine choice as well, but this posting must be for someone with at least some ambition."

Madeline's mouth twitched just slightly and her brows furrowed, but she took a quiet deep breath and let it out slowly as she listened to Christoph throw her down, willing herself to relax. "Experience isn't everything." Madeline retorted quietly, but not meekly. "I have been just as loyal and supportive to my seniors. I just happen to lack a penis so it is less noticed in my chosen field." She offered up with a dry fire that even had Christoph looking over at her like he wasn't used to hearing her speak like that. As for ambition, she didn't defend herself on that front. "I am one of the best officers in the department."

"That's why you're here...regardless of what you have between your legs." Ivan said, looking at Madeline squarely. He had a strong aversion to her suggestion that he didn't value her as much because she was a woman. He resisted the urge to defend himself, and instead sighed. "And what of Lieutenant Ivers? Why are you a better choice to lead my security forces than is he? Genitalia aside"

Though he leveled his gaze on her, Madeline didn't balk nor did she flush at being called on her comment. Still though, for all her quiet calm, there was a strange but completely unreadable emptiness in her eyes that could potentially be off putting to those who looked at her too long. "I have consistently performed better than Lieutenant Ivers in drills and combat scenarios presented to the security officers."

"You have." Ivers admitted without hesitation. That was easily verified, so he couldn't lie even if he wanted to. "The problem is no one wants to work with you except for me."

There was just a fleck of dead air and in it the subtle crack of leather as Madeline's hands flexed, clasped behind her back, but she simply continued to look ahead and said nothing in response.

“And why do you want to work with her?” Ivan asked, choosing an unusual question rather than the one might expect from him. He didn’t understand the situation completely, though he as interviewed several members of the department and discussed his options with his XO, their former department head.

Christoph actually turned his head to look at Madeline briefly then looked back to Petrov. "As I said, sir, Lieutenant Cassiel is a good officer; loyal and dependable - and I will not deny that she is also a personal friend to me." At least he hoped she still was after this, but if she wouldn't fight for the promotion he would. Friend or not she was an obstacle. "Social relationships past what we share do not seem to go well for her."

He would help her up out of the mud later.

“Is that true, Lieutenant Cassiel?” He asked, looking at the woman. “And if so, how can you expect people to follow your lead as department head if you can’t connect with them?”

“Truthfully, captain, I consider myself an easy going person who is easy to get along with… which I think most people would say, but I don’t really make friends which is what seems to be the issue here?” She asked and glanced over to Christoph. “I do not need to be friends with those under me. I expect them to obey as I have obeyed - as we are sworn to obey.” Being a periphery character on Andrei’s little groups seemed to finally be coming back to bite her in the ass… but he was just so…

"That may be true." Ivan said, exhaling through his nose and reaching back behind the desk for a small wooden box. "This isn't an easy decision, but its one I need to make. It cannot be both of you. Cristoph, since you are the senior officer and served on the Bridge during Gamma shift, I'm going with you."

He leaned forward and pulled the half pip off the man's neck, then he opened the box and replaced it with a full one.

"Christoph Matthias Ivers, I hereby promote you to the rank of full lieutenant with all the rights, responsibilities, and benefits that affords. You are now my Chief of Security." he extended his right hand. "Congratulations, son."

"Thank you, sir." Christoph grinned and shook his captain's hand with a strong grip. "I won't let you down."

Ivan looked at Madeline then, pursing his lips for a brief moment.

"You are now Assistant Chief, Lieutenant. The two of you might want to seek advice from Commander Marshall and Lieutenant Petrov considering you've come to these positions so soon. But I have every confidence in you. Do your jobs well, remain loyal to me, and bring glory to the Empire."

"Yes, sir." Madeline said and didn't seem upset in any way that she was not selected for the position, but she was also just hard to read.

"Is there anything else, sir?" Christoph asked, still standing at ease with a smile on his face.

“No, that’s all.” Ivan said, giving the Terran Salute. “Glory to the Empire.”

Both Christoph and Madeline snapped to attention, returning the salute. "Glory to the Empire."


The two turned and as the door closed behind them, Christoph cleared his throat. "Hey... Maddie. Look it isn't-"

"That wasn't necessary, Christoph." Madeline cut him off quietly as they crossed the bridge to the turbolift and stepped inside. "You would have gotten the position anyways I'm sure. Now you have made me look lesser."

"Look, I'm sorry." He said and stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her hips and looking down into her eyes. "I'll make it up to you, I swear. You'll be my assistant chief and I'll make sure that you are seen. The social stuff we'll work on together."

Madeline's lips pursed as she looked at him. "Fine, but I'm still not okay with what you did."

"Then let me make it up to you." Christoph said, leaning in to press his forehead against Madeline's while his hands slowly trailed up her sides. "I know it won't make it okay, but let me at least do something."

She simply sighed and closed her eyes, her lack of reply acquiescence to his offer.

Hopefully for at least a little while, there wouldn't be another cycling of personnel in their department and they could settle and move forward. For the glory of the Empire.



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