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Some Time to Relax Prt II

Posted on Fri Jul 8th, 2022 @ 2:19pm by Sergeant David Novak

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 25 at 1915
1206 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The evening hadn't gone as planned, but David and Dana had made up somewhat and the night was back on track. They sat at the restaurant again at the same table as before, finishing off their meals. He smiled at her, glad she decided to stay.

"You look just as good eating that as I thought you would." he said, grinning, grabbing a napkin to get the sauce off of his fingers. "It's nice to escape from reality in here once and a while, don't you think? Being lost in the Delta Quadrant is so...bleak."

“Tell me about it!” Dana nodded. “There’s times I just lie awake staring at the ceiling thinking about it all.” She sighed before smiling again. “Thank you so much for all of this, it’s amazing being here with you David. The meal was just... wow!” She grinned. “So do you feel like some err...dessert now?” She smiled a wry smile as her foot rubbed up against his leg.

“Check please.” He said with a grin, grabbing a moist towelette and cleaned his hands further. “Unless you want some cake or something, that is.”

Dana grinned. “Not a chance! That’s not the kind of dessert I had in mind.”

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that." he said, placing some holographic cash on the table and winked at her, standing up. He walked over to her and extended his hand to her, wanting to help her down off the stool. "Lead the way, if you remember where we're going."

Dana accepted the hand down, offering a big smile. “Are you kidding me!? I remember exactly where we’re going!” Leading the way she traced his steps all the way back to their penthouse apartment.

When the two of them got through the door to the Penthouse, David took the lead, pulling her upstairs with excited quickness and pushing the double doors to the bedroom wide open. He kissed her as soon as they were inside, his lips meeting hers hungrily. Before he things got too hot and heavy, however, he pulled back and put up a finger.

“I’ll be right back, Dana. I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” He said with a smile. “I won’t be long.”

Then he turned and walked through the door into the expansive bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Dana was buzzing with excitement of spending more romantic time with David, their evening hadn’t started perfectly, but it was certainly going well now. With David in the bathroom, she quickly slipped out of her dress leaving just her sexy lingerie and posed herself on the bed awaiting him.

David had taken time in the bathroom to freshen up and make sure he was neat and tidy. He also checked his smell and removed most of his clothes, saving his blue boxers. When he came out, he walked forward just as scantily clad as Dana. He smiled at her, his eyes falling on her body.

"Great minds think alike." he said, moving over to a nearby wall panel and accessing it, turning down the lights and providing a better view of the city beneath them outside the surrounding windows. He also turned on the fireplace across from the bed. It started with a roar.

“Oh wow!” Dana smiled as she looked at the fire then back at David. Getting up off the bed she walked across to him, wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him passionately.

David, in turn, placed his hands on her ass and gave it a squeeze from both sounds, smiling as he kissed her back, their moving around those of the other and their tongues dancing together sensually. There was little softness on his body as he was all muscle, but feeling her softness and warmth pressed up against him felt wonderful and made his skin tingle with the liveliness of the sensation. With little effort, he moved his hands down to her thighs and picked her up as if she had been a small child, kissing her as he walked them toward the bed again.

Very gently, he laid her down, and as the lights of the city twinkled in the background, he delivered sweet kisses to her neck, and chest, and stomach, working his way down to her thighs. Next he looked at her hungrily, and began to tug at her panties.

Dana grinned as she lifted her hips so David could easily get her panties off. She was as eager as he was to make love again. The more time she spent with him, the more she was sure she was in love with him.

As soon as Dana’s panties were off, David tossed them over his shoulder, not caring where they landed. He grabbed her thighs and held them in place with strong arms, as he moved his head closer to her. He started with the area outside her lips, kissing around it and trying the skin gently in various places. Not only teasing her a bit with occasional licks, but also trying to build as much anticipation as he could. He looked up at her, past her breasts, to see how she liked it.

Dana was in heaven! Every touch David gave her sent raptures of pleasure through her, her fingers pulling on the sheets of the bed as he enjoyed what she had to give.

David continued between her legs for the next five minutes, working his tongue with all the skill he could muster. He tired to be sensitive to all of her movements and every little indication of how she felt. Once she had climaxed twice, the marine crawled up the bed toward her and laid next to her, placing a hand on her side. She was still in her bra and he in his underwear, but all he did was look in her eyes.

"I might not know what I should do or whether I should commit yet, but I know how I feel. I care about you, and I want you to be happy." he said in a quiet voice, his hands dancing around her hip.

Dana smiled as she looked into David’s eyes, her hand resting on his hip. “I meant what I said when I told you I love you David. Nothing will change that, I’d rather have this time with you enjoying what we have now, than never have experienced any of it with you.” She leant closer kissing him long and slow, letting the passion linger as her fingers trailed under the waistband of his underwear.

David closed his eyes, feeing her fingers wrap around him underneath the cloth of his boxers. When he opened them again, he kissed her.

“I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be right now.” He said.

“Good” Dana smiled before gently pushing David back onto the bed. Trailing kisses down his neck, and chest she paused long enough to offer a wry smile before moving lower. She gently took hold of his underwear pulling it down, setting him free, before moving to get to work giving him as much pleasure as he gave her.



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