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Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 1:38am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Christoph Ivers
Edited on on Wed Mar 20th, 2024 @ 4:33am

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Colosseo, Italy; Terra
Timeline: April 9, 2371
1610 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


April was a beautiful time of year, the sweet scents of spring filtering in on the air while the bitter cold of winter gave way to the cool and pleasant caress of milder weather. It was later in the evening, but the streets and bars were still packed with excitement as they always were around the Colosseo. This was where one could mix with the highest and lowest echelons of Terran alike, which had an appeal uniquely its own for all the wrong and right reasons. Even so, there were still some divisions - mostly for the nobility to escape the plebeians if they so wished. One such place was the Imperator, a night club - an expensive night club - meant to attract the children of noble families to congregate together and spend lavishly as was their right. Of course, others were let in too; those with the most attractive faces were first, then those with the most passable bodies, those without either were left floundering trying to beg or bribe their way inside. Usually the ones with the best tongue work could succeed in that particular endeavor.

Christoph Ivers, son of Lord Matthias Luca Ivers, sat in one of the private booths specifically sectioned off for his kind. He was sipping his drink, listening to the heavy base of the dance music being pumped into the club which allowed for no conversation except for those to be done with intimate closeness. Nearly naked Orion slaves - both men and women - danced on raised platforms for the entertainment for the guests; a few were empty, whether the dancers were on break or “on break” was a mystery, but they wouldn’t be open for long when there was money to be made. His posse for the night were on the dance floor, but Christoph had his fill of dancing and was looking for something much more amusing as he surveyed the dancers.

What instead caught his eye was a woman at the bar straining to get one of the bartenders’ attention. He looked away disinterested, but mere seconds later he found himself looking at her again. She was much too covered up to get any sort of attention from the bartenders; the women were catering toward the male patrons or other women who had shown them interest, while the men were busy flexing and chatting up the most scantily clad female patrons for tips and maybe getting lucky later.

This woman would never get a drink.

He looked away once more, but inevitably again his attention drifted back. He couldn’t place what exactly but there was something about her. Even when one of the Orion beauties approached him to offer her services, he waved her away in irritation, looking around her to keep his eyes on the mystery woman. She was determined, he had to give her that. Realizing his own drink was low, Christoph stood and decided to head up to the bar to get a better look and decide if playing nice was worth his time. He walked up behind her, his eyes devouring her through the clothes she was wearing. At a glance they weren’t revealing, but when one really lingered on looking at her, the woman looked like she had been poured into those pants they hugged her so well. Christoph quickly licked his lips and stepped closer - not caring he forcefully displaced another man to do so - and leaned down to speak into the woman’s ear. “Hey, can I help you get something?” He offered casually.

“Huh? Oh uh… yeah sure. I want a starduster.” She replied and reached into her jacket.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s on me.” Christoph smiled and stood up to his full height. “Maana, come over here.” He called to one of the half-Orion bartenders and watched with satisfaction as she immediately left what she was doing and heeled. “I need a refill and a starduster.” Being high nobility definitely had its perks.

“Right away.” Maana hurried to make the drinks.

“I haven’t seen you around here before, Starduster.” He said as he leaned back down to the woman and smiled easily at her.

“Sorry, can’t hear you.” The music was loud and it was even louder at the bar with people trying to have their own conversations or order drinks. She just shrugged at him. Granted she had been able to hear him enough to order a drink…

Christoph just quirked a brow at her and when Maana brought the drinks over, he picked up both of them. He began to back away from the bar, holding the starduster out toward the woman to beckon her to follow if she wanted it. The rush of triumph he felt when she turned to follow was exhilarating. He felt very drawn to her and he wasn’t sure why. Returning to his booth, he took a seat with the starduster still in hand and nodded to the woman to try and get her to sit. “I said: I haven’t seen you around here before, Starduster.”

“Ah, no. Not too often and usually never when it’s this busy.” She replied and moved to sit down with him and take her drink. “Thank you.”

“Well, what brings you in here then?” He sat back and let his eyes run over her body. She was wearing a black leather jacket over a much more enticing top now that he saw it. It was silver and shimmering though the main feature was the low cut that showed off her cleavage. His eyes settled on her breasts, not large but they’d still definitely fill his hand; though just like that his gaze snapped back up to her eyes and he gave her a smile.

Of course, Starduster saw him openly staring at her, but she didn’t seem ashamed or annoyed. “What’s your name? At least give me a name before you eye fuck me into oblivion.” She remarked dryly.

Christoph let out a bark of a laugh at that and slapped his leg. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He touched his chest apologetically and now kept his eyes solely on hers. “My name is Christoph Ivers. May I know your name or would you prefer Starduster?”

“Madeline Cassiel.”

“Cassiel… I recognize that name.” Christoph pondered a moment. “Mining business, right?”

“My father’s business, yes. Growing year by year.” Madeline’s voice held a note of pride as she took a sip of her drink and sucked the remainder off her lower lip. “Ivers though, son of a lord aren’t you?”

“That’s right. Lord Matthias Ivers.” He nodded though as he looked at her eyes closer, he felt this strange familiarity there. “Do I know you? Something about you seems really familiar.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” Madeline shot back.

Christoph chuckled and shook his head. “You’d be surprised how often it works.” He played it as a joke, but there was still just something there. “So, you said you’re shipping off? Where to?”

“I’ve been posted to the ISS Vengeance.”

“You’re kidding!” He blurted out in surprise and suddenly shifted closer to her in interest. “What department?”

“Security.” She quirked a brow at his reaction.

“Well then, Madeline, I think we will be seeing quite a lot of each other. I’m set to head up to the Vengeance myself for security as well.” Grinning, Christoph shifted closer. “I guess this was fate.”

“Definitely does seem like it.” She agreed and smiled at him. He liked her smile.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you tell me more about yourself. I’d like to get to know you more especially if we are to be working together…”

One drink ended up turning into five or six. They’d lost count and ended up on the dance floor at some point. Though they were in a crowd, they danced with their bodies pressed tightly together. His hands roamed over Madeline’s body, finding it solid and muscled but still retaining just enough softness to it to keep her quite enticing. He wasn’t shy in where his hands slid, he wanted to explore her - preferably unclothed - and the way she was moving her hips and body against his he was quite certain she was of the same mind. “Come back to my apartment, beautiful. We can get to know each other even better.”

“I’d love to,” Madeline purred and touched his cheek, “but I can’t tonight.” She shifted away from him and squeezed his hand, walking back to the booth to grab her jacket and put it back on while Christoph trailed her.

“You can’t be serious. Not even for a little while?” He frowned and watched her.

“No, I’m afraid not.” Madeline remained firm. “But hey if we are working together…”

Christoph gave a groan and flopped pathetically into the booth. “You drive me mad, Madeline.”

“Get used to it.” She gave a playful purr and leaned in to steal a quick kiss from him which threw him completely off. His elusive prize had slipped from his hands before he could even register what was going on and he was left reaching for her ineffectually as she walked away, though he drunkenly amused himself pretending he was grabbing her ass until she disappeared out the door.

Christoph let out a long sigh and then turned his attention toward the dancers. The night could be somewhat salvaged.



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