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Things that were and might never be again

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2022 @ 7:28am by Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth & Captain Ivan Petrov & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King
Edited on on Wed Jul 20th, 2022 @ 7:36am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 24 at 0900
1170 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sovas was still having difficulties coming to terms with what he had experienced when the Caretaker had so callously dragged their ship light years away from the Badlands into the region they had been currently stranded because of the self centered cunt couldn't be bothered to just die a simple death like the rest of creation. Though given that the Caretaker had apparently been an extradimensional being did not mean that they could so frivolously carry away one of the most advanced and powerful warships of the Imperial Fleet. Though he was maintaining a carefully crafted mask of strength he was concerned at the experience that he'd had and was quietly questioning whether to entirely embrace his Terran heritage had been the right choice to the exclusion of all else.

He checked the phaser and the shortblade at his side as the turbolift slowed and he looked out onto the bridge as all eyes turned to him and he could feel each of them taking his measure as he moved into the savage jungle while being mindful of the predators searching for weakness but giving them no hint of such as he tapped the chime button to announce his presence to the captain, wondering what he would be in store for or if it would simply be a short visit before his throat was slashed and he was turned into reconstituted gruel for the crew to survive on.

The door opened and a slim woman with a short haircut and many tattoos visible at her middriff stepped forward. She offered the man a boyish grin and stepped up to him.

"Lieutenant Nyseth, sir, I am Petty Officer Jackie King, the Command Yeoman on Vengeance." she said, and then stepped aside, having satisfied one of her many curiosities about the man who had been lying unconscious in their Sickbay for nearly a month. "He's here, sir."

From inside the office, Ivan Petrov, a bear of a man with a long black and white beard and fists like hams stood up and rounded his desk.

"Come in." he said, offering a hard expression, his eyes focused on the Half Vulcan. "Come in. We've all been pulling for you to come out of your slumber, one way or another."

Sovas' gaze lingered a moment on the yeoman, taking her in at a glance and narrowed her eyes at her introduction as he wondered what it was that she gained by making an introduction to him and what schemes she might be concocting before his attention was drawn to the imposing figure of Captain Petrov. His father had told him stories of the man, what rumors had passed through the lips across the galaxy.

Traitor. Patriot. Butcher. Madman. Lapdog.

All had been used one way or another to describe the man before him as Sovas bowed his head and properly saluted the other man as he met that steely, hard gaze. "Yes," Was the only immediate reply he gave as his mind turned to the moments of excruciating pain, worse that any Agonizer Booth or any torment that he'd been made to suffer at the hands of his father, it was like someone had reached inside of his mind and had begun to slid molecular thin blades into his soul before it had thankfully all gone dark before he'd awoken in Sickbay. "I thank you for your and the crew's concern, though I have been given a clean bill of health and am ready for duty."

"How will I best be able to support the efforts of the Empire?"

“We’ve had some recent misfortune strike. I’m sure you’ve been told. Despite your being out for a while, you are our most skilled candidate for the position of Chief of Operations. Callie had moved to Discipline Inspection, so the job must fall to you.” Ivan said simply.

"I see," Sovas commented simply while listening to the Captain explain the situation, though he had grown used to the feeling like there was someone or something else inside of his mind watching and listening, he'd grown used to the sensation as he let out a deep breath. "I will endeavor to establish a high standard within my new department, though I will be conducting loyalty interviews on those who remain from when she was in charge since I would be unable to easily request replacements with our current circumstances."

“That’s smart, especially because things have undoubtedly changed since we entered the Delta Quadrant.” Ivan said. “I offer my congratulations even though the circumstances of your promotion are quite irregular. I suspect you’ll find your way, Mr. Nyseth. Do you have any questions for me?”

Sovas hated being called Mister Nyseth, it rankled him not because he hated the title but he had grown up hearing people refer to his father in that manner when he allowed someone to be more casual - which was only with those that the man had trusted deeply and even then he made them refer to him as Patrician. "What exactly are our plans in the Delta Quadrant? Will we be attempting to return home or establish an outpost of the Empire here?"

"I believe that we can do both." Ivan said, his eyes searching the man and his signs of irritation. "We're building a fleet that will, hopefully, give us the resources to exploit local alien societies and get home faster. But I also see us being out here as an opportunity to establish the Empire's power and reputation and, hopefully, to set a foundation for future conquests, if the Emperor wills it."

"The Emperor's will be done in sharing the glory and supremacy of Humanity." Sovas nodded as he considered the prospects of being here. If they had still been in the Alpha Quadrant then he would have expected his father to find a match for him in order to gain more power for himself and the family, though that would still be possible given his other children, granted the man hadn't culled them all in his survival of the fittest games. Though here he was capable of writing his own destiny, making his own path without his father's hand trying to puppet him. Whatever irritation had been present before seemed to have melted away as sly smirk formed itself on his green tinged lips. "While an alien hand may have placed us here, it will be the hand of Human that shows our new slaves their true purpose in the galaxy."

"Well said, Lieutenant." Ivan said, grinning. "Now, you may go about your duties and organize your department. Make sure to pass a status report to the Command Yeoman by the end of today so that we can check your progress. Your dismissed."

Sovas gave a nod and then saluted Ivan before turning to leave the ready room while he moved to get setting into his new position and give his report to the yeoman as he considered the possibilities of their current circumstances.


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