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Cry Havok

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2022 @ 2:38pm by Emperor Antonius VI
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 9:54pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: The Pyramid - SCAF HQ
Timeline: Date 2371-05-30 at 0900
1368 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

In Rome, the Capital City of the Empire, there exists a government compound that serves as the center of the Imperial Administrative State. It contains the main offices of most, yet not all, agencies, and serves as a hub for information and decision making by those with the power to make them. In the center of it all is a massive building constructed of metal and dark glass called The Pyramid. This building is the Headquarters of the Imperial Secretariat, the effective government of the Empire. Its higher floors contain offices for elite civil servants, but deep in its bowels is a secure facility known as SCAF HQ, or Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Headquarters.

Its main meeting room is large with ceiling mounted lights and a large circular table. Around it were sat various military officers and government officials, but the largest seat was noticeably empty; that of the Emperor; the Father of the Terran Empire. The conversation on the imminent attack had been going on for a few minutes already, guided by the Imperial Secretary for Defense, Retired Admiral Malik Ansley, a dark skinned man in his early eighties, but still possessed of great energy and a notable voice. When the large doors to the chamber parted and the Emperor's Private Secretary entered the room, he trailed off in his speech.

"The Emperor Approaches!" the man said, sanding aside for the arrival of their boss as the entire assembly rose to their feet and stood ready. "His Most Imperial Majesty, Father of the Fatherland, Rightful Overlord of Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar Prime, Rightful Dominus of Qo'noS and Cardassia, Lord of the Terrans, Rex Stellarum, Antonius Angelus Iosephus Orsini Augustus Italicus"

After several pregnant moments, Antonius entered the room flanked by Imperial Guards on either side. Mandarin style suits had been a staple of the Imperial Families since the court of Hoshi I in 2155. His was cream-white with golden buttons and his pants were black. The outfit was not particularly showy while still communicating his status. He processed through the throng of military officers and government officials to the far side of the room, finding a seat placed at the end which was slightly comical in its size. He sat down and the officers around him sat as well. Then there was silence as the group waited for him to speak. He let them wait for several seconds.

"Our Secretaries and Soldiers of the Empire. You heard those titles which Mr. Bava listed as We entered this chamber. They are the same you have heard for the last 78 years, since the fall of our most glorious Empire and the beginning of our present situation. For 78 years, those titles have mocked us all; Our Imperial person clothed in more honour than power, in more former titles than previous ones. Not Overlord, but Rightful Overlord of Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar Prime. Not Dominus, but Rightful Dominus of Qo'noS and Cardassia. A great injustice has befallen us, a theft out of the hands of a faithless alien leader. Spock!"

He spat that name out like it was garbage in his mouth. The man who experimented with democracy and destroyed the Terran hegemony was hated. He had been, from that point on, the devil of their State religion. The Emperor continued to speak.

"Today, We shall set Our flag in the stars again, and reclaim some of what is Ours, joining our fire with that of the first Terrans to strike out from our grand homeworld and make claim to everything their eyes did survey. Our Secretaries and Soldiers of the Empire, We expect success on pain of death." Antonius said, his face a mask, but his eyes burning like fire. "Grand Admiral Nechayev, give Us the plan for battle."

At the far end of the round table, Alynna stood. She had experienced many meetings in this room before, but never one where so much was to gain or lose. She understood her career, or perhaps even her life was staked on the success of this mission. She gave a resolute expression, and then nodded to a member of the SCAF staff to activate the screens that surrounded them.

"The stage for the first phase of the reconquest is set for the four sectors surrounding Terra; those we conquered first at the foundation of the Empire. The Terran and Murates Sectors to the Galactic North will be invaded by the First Fleet, the Vulcan Sector by the Second, and the Tellerite Sector by the Third. This plan of attack is designed to counter Alliance presence in the area. Ships will move in by Divisions, taking worlds in groups led by Vice Admirals, and claiming them once again in the name of the Empire. Alliance ships they encounter will be destroyed on sight. The Imperial Army and Marines will clean up any forces left on the planets themselves. Our estimation is that the attack will take nearly two weeks to be completed."

"And our Home System will be adequately defended?" Asked Malik Ansley, his brown fingers lingering in his short grey beard. "We don't want a counter attack to take what little we have left."

The voice clearing of a man near the Grand Admiral drew the attention of the room. Admiral Leyton, Commander of the Home Fleet, spoke up. His voice strong but with a certain distinctive rasp.

"My Fleet is 48 ships strong, Mr. Secretary. That will be enough, particularly because we will be surrounded by 40 lightyears of newly conquered space."

The next to speak was and old and stalwart man with short white hair and a face that seemed like it couldn’t smile. Nolan Nazar was the Director of the Imperial Intelligence Service, the espionage network that extended Imperial power far beyond their home system.

“Of course, we have allies on each of these worlds with whom we have been working covertly for the last seventy years or more.” He said, his voice dramatic and, somehow, even more intimidating than his appearance. “Once a world is annexed, our network has instructions to assist with shoring up any high-level resistance to our rule. Arrests, political assassinations, and public executions in the coming weeks. It will be brutal for those who resist the Imperial scepter.”

"As well it should be!" barked the typically calm and collected Thomas O'Hara, the Imperial Secretary for Foreign Affairs. "But what of our relationship with the Romulans as we approach this conference which could be a landmark moment for our military relationship. It's possible this would spook them. We didn't clear it with them, after all."

"There you go again with that, Tom." answered Ansley. "Now when did it become an Imperial responsibility to consult with the Romulans every time we make a move?"

"The moment we needed their help to win this war, Malik. We can't afford to be arrogant right now. We could sour the whole deal and end up losing in the long run." the diplomat responded.

"Your Imperial Majesty, I recommend we proceed as planned with the reanexation, but that Tom contact the Romulans to smooth things over and explain our position." came the somewhat whiny voice of the Head of Government, Imperial Chancellor Richard Ramsay. Dr. Ramsay was technically the boss of both of the men who had been arguing and he had selected both of them specifically for their roles, but in the presence of the Emperor, there was always only one true boss.

"Agreed." the Emperor said simply, and then he turned to the Grand Admiral at the other end of the round table. "Alynna, this plan is approved. You may order the ships to begin. Secretary Ansley will serve as mission commander on all aspects of military. Coordinate with all offices to make a smooth transition from war to new-order in these four sectors. I expect to be briefed every three hours, even through the night."

When the Emperor spoke, all chatter in the room ended, and when he stood up, so did everyone else.

"Glory to the Empire!" he said, giving the Terran salute. The crowd repeated him and offered an additional "Long Live the Emperor" as he exited the chamber.



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