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Deadliest Tool of the Chief Engineer is the Chief Engineer

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 2:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD 4, 1300 hours
1131 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy entered Main Engineering and paused to see an agonize booth set up along one wall across from the window of the Chief Engineer's office. He gave a slight eyebrow raise before walking to the office door and rapping his knuckles on the closed door.

Melissa looked up from what she was doing and approached the door. it opened to reveal Lt. Marshal and her eyes zeroed in on him. What a obsolete human. Rapping his knuckles on the door. Meeting a woman that was held at a Terran Research Lab for a year, and exploited for various purposes until the Captain learned of it and allowed her to tear her tormentors apart... literally. Her Iron Clad loyalty to the Captain and her ruthless reputation was already spreading through the ship.

And now she stared at him for five seconds. "Can I be of service to you, Lieutenant?" Her tone was that of a calm, unfeeling monster.

"I have read your file Lieutenant and I am curious." Troy drew his dagger and placed it on the desk near Melissa. "It is my understanding that you have an inhibitor chip that controls cortical functions that prevent you utilizing violence." He gestured at the dagger on the desk. "Tell me. What would you do with that knife were the implant malfunctioning or was removed?"

She stared him in the eye... "I would not use that knife to destroy you. Instead I would use my bear hand. Grab your neck by your spinal column.. And tear your spine and your head completely out of your miserable... organic... body..." She noted. "I am faster, stronger, and more intelligent than you. So the empire has found appropriate shackles for me.. But... be warned... I do have permission from the Captain to preserve my life and dignity now. I wouldn't be much of a officer here if I couldn't guarantee a brutal death to any enemy that faces me." She picked up the knife and began to crush it. "But you have nothing to worry about. I am driven by self-interest. What is good for me... Is good for the Empire, and vice verse. It's in my best interests right now to serve."

Troy looked at the destroyed dagger. He looked at Melissa curiously. She was obviously dangerous, but under some control. He looked out the window at the Agonizer Booth. "I have no desire to be your enemy Lieutenant, if anything those scientists got what they deserved considering what I read in their personal logs. If you find yourself being treated by anyone here in a similar manner. I want you to inform me immediately. I will see to it they are placed in the booth there for your viewing pleasure."

"I commend your candor, and your loyalty to the crew. Pain is temporary. Fear is eternal. There will be no further attempts at violating my dignity because I have demonstrated the proper application of fear to both my peers and subordinates. I have show what I would do to someone if they force themselves on me." Melissa noted. "And that show of strength is more potent than any Agony Booth." She mentioned. "But, I digress. It is not the people who do not view me as human you should be aware of." Melissa noted. "It is Lieutenant Morrison." She mentioned.

"I intend to hone my department with fear, respect, and skill. Morrison hones his with arrogance, words, and bluster." Melissa mentioned. "He will become an obstacle. Spying on his own ship, when his attention should be focused towards the empire's enemies. He's doing the Chief Inspector's job for him." Melissa mentioned. "What we have is heresy right now, but I have a feeling the Lieutenant will soon prove his mediocrity to the Chief Inspector in ways we could never reveal."

Troy nodded. His opinion of the CIO was less than enthusiastic. He was arrogant and somewhat pompous. Troy had never believed in assassination as a means to procure a promotion, but if it were necessary to successfully complete a mission, he wouldn’t hesitate. "I have already flagged that individual for more scrutiny. He doesn't have half the ability he seems to present to others. I would appreciate if you bring to my attention any inappropriate behavior he displays towards you or your staff."

"Perhaps... But there is another solution." Melissa noted. "Let him fail. Fail in such a way that his sheer incompetance is put on display for all to see. Of course we will have to push things along a little. Not in a way that jeopardizes our survival, but in a way that makes him look completely, utterly incompetent. The Captain will kill him personally." The Cyborg noted. "And he should not see it coming, which will be difficult to accomplish." She noted. "But it must come from a direction he does not anticipate. He will watch his peers, we're the most immediate threat to him."

Troy considered Melissa's words carefully as a smile crept to his face. Morrison would want to deal first with the threat that could also elevate his standing amongst his peer Department Heads. The Captain's announcement appointing Troy as Second Officer could provide the means to forcing Morrison's hand before he was fully prepared. "I am his obvious first target. Perhaps a frontal assault from me would open up his flanks...metaphorically speaking."

"Be careful with Morrison. Men like him obtain rank in the empire, not by their merits, but by their influence and 'friends'. There's rumors he may have friends in the Imperial Court, which could inconvenience the Captain if Morrison's back was placed against the wall." Melissa mentioned. "And try to stay out off the Agonizer Booth. It is a base form of discipline for inferiors that should just die anyway. Or perhaps the Captain should give these lowlifes to me when they fail for my research."

Troy raised an eyebrow out of morbid curiosity. He could only speculate what type of research she was involved in. "What, pray tell, would be the nature of this research?"

"Weakness...." Melissa noted. "I find human frailty endlessly fascinating. Learning new, and painful ways, to decapitate someone triggers an interesting emotion in my mind. I have to understand it."

Troy kept a neutral expression on his face as he listened to Melissa's explanation. He realized that this complete lack of human empathy had to stem from a lifetime of abuse and depravity. "Ensure that your research doesn't interfere with the mission for the Empire."

She nods. "Be a good distraction for Lt. Morrison. I will ensure that his blunders... are not fatal."

Troy returned the nod. He wasn't about to trust Melissa, but perhaps her skills could be put to good use in the future. "Good day Lieutenant."


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