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Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2022 @ 10:08pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: ISS Vengeance, Chief Finley's Office
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 1100
5434 words - 10.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Mur’Trolla was not happy. She was being reassigned. It was all that intelligence slut’s fault, she was absolutely sure of it. She found herself outside the cabin of the Shuttlebay Manager, head bowed, as she hit the chime. Her slave’s uniform was standard and she was fuming internally.

Finley was busy looking over the repair reports that he had to turn in to Lieutenant Anderson in the morning. Raptor 3 was a lost cause. She'd only be good for spare parts, and even those were in short supply, due to how heavily damaged the starfighter was.

He was about to finalize the report, when his door chime rang. "Enter," he said gruffly.

The doors slid open, revealing Mur'Trolla, her eyes downcast respectively.

"Trolla, what are you doing here?"

“Lieutenant Anderson has reassigned me to you Chief Petty Officer” Trolla said submissively. She was struggling to keep her anger out of her voice.

"Did he now?" Chuck leaned back in his chair. "Come here," he pointed to the deck on the right side of his chair.

She walked over and knelt as she was trained to do, head lowered.

Chuck turned his chair to face her. Reaching down with his metallic left hand. He placed a finger under her chin, gently lifting her face up. "You are quite a lovely woman."

“As you say Master Finley.” She said, her eyes still lowered despite his raising of her chin.

"Look at me," he said softly. He wanted to see if there was still fire in the back of her eyes.

She raised her eyelashes and her eyes met his. There was fire there, anger and jealousy and determination.

"What happened, for you to lose the Lieutenant's favor?"

“The Lieutenant has a woman from Intelligence.” Muri replied “I was not informed that she had access and I believe she organized my removal”

"Ah," he responded. "So now you have been sent to me, then? I am not as young or as attractive as Lieutenant Anderson is. He is but a boy, while I am a man. How do you feel about that?"

She looked him in the eye “Lieutenant Anderson never had me warm his bed. I was a cleaning slave nothing more to him. I prefer men to boys,”

This made Chuck smile a very hungry, almost feral grin. "If you please me, I will ensure that you are well treated. Would you like that?"

She considered it, noting the look in his eyes. “Yes Master Finley.” She replied.

"Rise and show me your body." He sat back in the chair, getting comfortable in it.

She stood and slowly turned in a circle before undoing the skirt and uniting the top and letting her clothing fall to the ground.

"Very nice," he said softly. There was a hint of true admiration in his voice as he spoke. "Come here, sit with me."

“On your lap Sir?” she asked as she walked to him.

"Across my lap," he replied. "We need to discuss some things."

Muri sat as instructed, hands folded in her lap. “Yes sir”

Placing his metallic hand gently against her bare back, up between her shoulder blades, while his right hand rested lightly on her knees. His eyes stayed on her face, studying every curve of her youthful-looking features. "You truly are a very beautiful woman, Muri." His tone was soft and non-threatening.

“Thank you Sir” She said,keeping her back straight. “I have been trained to maintain my appearance”

He reached up with his right hand and gently turned her face towards his. For several beats, he gazed silently into her dark eyes. There was an intensity to his eyes, and a great sorrow.

Her hand slowly reached out and touched his face gently.

He closed his eyes and leaned his face into her soft touch. A few beats later, he opened his eyes and said to her. "You can get dressed, if you want to. I won't force you to do anything that you don't want to." His voice was strangely kind and sincere. "But, before you do, may I ask you a question, about your people?"

She didn’t move. “What question Master?”

He paused a beat, then asked, "Is it true that, Vulcan women, when they are with a mate that they approve of their level of passion is beyond nearly every other species?"

“Yes.” She replied. “But there is a process for that. Slaves are not permitted to do that process. It's Illegal”

"What is the process?" He asked, honestly intrigued. He had only ever heard rumors. With his current…physical situation…he had never had a chance to find out.

“It's a telepathic process.” Muri replied “A mind meld and it is considered dangerous to Humans.”

He nodded slowly, his eyes moving, not to her nude body, but to the far bulkhead. It almost seemed as if he was giving her as much respect as was possible, given both their positions, and her state of undress. "It must be something to experience," he said softly. "Not that I…." He stopped speaking and shook his head slowly, as if trying to expel a bad memory.

“If it were to happen, and someone found out, the Captain would kill us both”

"I'm sure he would," Chuck replied sadly. "Of course, even if it wasn't illegal, I seriously doubt that you would want to be with this old, battle-scarred cripple. You would deserve to be with someone as beautiful as you are, someone who could…give you what I can't." He looked away again, clearly battling old demons.

“Why?” she asked curiously.

Looking back up into her hypnotically beautiful eyes, Chuck found himself actually opening up. "During my many years in the Emperor's Star Fleet, I have fought many battles. From each, I carry scars, both inside my body and out," he artificial hand twitched slightly against her back.

"During one battle, I was gravely injured while trying to save my men. A bomb exploded nearby and I took a good bit of the blast. Three weeks later, I wake up in the enlisted hospital, my body a mess of scars. The doctors….they told me.." he looked away again, anguish starting to fill his features.

“Told you what?” she asked softly..

Looking back into her eyes, he replied, anguish in his voice. "They told me…while I could please a woman orally..
Or digitally…that was it! My….my manhood….can never perform again!"

She considered him and then said “How does that work?” Muri looked him in the eye.

"As an NCO, I don't warrant the more highly specialized civilian doctors that officers can afford. Every one I went to, and I went to a lot! They all said the same thing. There's nothing physically wrong, ots all in my head. Well. If it was all in my head, then I should still he able to grow an oak tree!" He shook his head.

Looking back up into her eyes, he asked, "How is it, I can talk to you about this so freely?"

Muri tilted her head. "I am a slave. Someone you can order not to speak your secrets. Someone you can order to do things and they would do it."

He smiled softly. "That's just it. I don't want you to keep my secrets because I order you to. I want you to do so…because you want to."

Muri considered what he said. "And if I want to?"

He looked at her, a spark of desire starting to grow in his eyes. "I…I won't force you to do anything you don't want to. Not while we are alone in here."

It was mental. She considered it. “If it is mental...” She said softly. “A neural pathway may need to be reconnected.”

He shrugged slightly. "A procedure that, even with my loyal service, I'd never be able to afford. Unless…there was another way?"

“An illegal way” she said softly. “And I am not fully trained in it.”

He nodded, his eyes casting away from hers. "You're right. I..I'm sorry that I implied anything. Please..please don't think less of me for it."

“You should speak with the doctors on board. They may be able to help.” Muri paused, “If you gave permission, I can read,...”

He looked back up at her, hope slowly entering his eyes. "I give you permission! As I said, you will always be safe in here, and with me."

Muri nodded. “Thank you Master” she said softly.

He gave her a soft smile. Then, he moved his left hand from her back, to the door controls on his desk, locking them. He then moved the hand back to the spot between her shoulder blades. With his right, He took gentle hold of her left hand and brought it up to his face. He then released his hold and nodded slightly, his eyes focused on hers. "Go ahead."

Muri was nervous, she shifted on his lap so that she straddled his thighs instead of sitting across them, then she slowly raised her fingers to his face. Softly she placed them in the spots she had been taught by a lead Vulcan Slave on earth. “My thoughts, Your thoughts, Joining, Blending...” she whispered and her eyes closed.

Chuck's eyes closed as well. He then inhaled a deep breath and moaned softly.


Chuck's looked around his surroundings. He was back at Ceti Alpha Five, back in the battlezone where he had received his injury. Except, aside from himself, he didn't see anyone else in the trench that he was standing in.

A hand gentle touched his shoulder and Muri stepped up beside him, dressed in her slave clothes. "You were hurt here."

He looked over at the beautiful Vulcan and nodded. "Yes. This was the site of the battle that I told you about." He pointed to a structure on the horizon. "My men and I were imbedded with the Marine unit that came down here. That building was the target. Alliance command cadre were supposedly meeting here." He lowered his arm and gaze. "We didn't know, until it was too late, that it was a trap. Half the force was wiped out in the initial explosion."

He looked around them as he continued to speak. "The Alliance had buried bombs all over the area. They then set out the bait and waited for us to waltz right in. Then they sprung the trap." His head hung low, as the painful memories started to rush forward.

~safe, you are safe~ the thought flitted through his mind.

Muri moved to stand in front of him. Her clothes vanished. "And before your accident Master, you would have wanted a female true?"

His eyes quickly moved over her body appreciatively, then back up to her eyes. He nodded and replied. "Oh yes. I know I wasn't the almighty gift to women, but, I did fair enough with what I have."

She smiled then. “I think I know the problem.” She whispered. “Come show me more, show me what happened.”

He nodded, then turned his head to his right. A few meters away, the image of him appeared, trying desperately to pull two younger crewmen to safety. "They didn't survive," he said quietly. "But, their sacrifice did save me."

As the scene continued to unfold slowly, a hidden explosive went off, just as Chuck was clearing it. The blast picked him up and threw him a dozen meters back. The crew crewmen he was trying to save, were atomized, however, it was clear that their bodies took most of the blast.

When Chuck landed, he looked like he had been through a shredder. He lifted his head once, then dropped back down, as the shock rendered him unconscious.

The next time I opened my eyes, was in the hospital."

“And they told you what they told you.” Muri said as she walked around to stand behind him. She pressed up against him from behind. “Master, they lied to you” she breathed in his ear. “You have nothing wrong with you. You are healthy. They didn't want to spend time healing your mind.”

Chuck felt a rush of sensations flood through his body when Muri pressed up behind him.

Suddenly, he was nude as well, the various battle scars clearly visible over a good portion of his body. "Muri," he said softly to her, "I…I am a beast, compared to your beauty." He turned to face her, allowing her to see him. As his mind sees his own body.

“You are a man who has seen combat.” She said softly. “And there is nothing wrong with that.” She took his hand. And placed it on his chest. “Touch and tell me what you feel.”

As soon as he felt her touch, and heard her words, the mental image of himself started to change. The scars started to grow less obvious. More importantly…something else started to change.

***The Real World***

Under her opened center, a bulge started to form in Chuck's uniform pants.

She could feel it, and her hips moved in response.


"I feel….I feel!!" He exclaimed, looking down at his growing manhood.

Muri smiled. “You are looking very strong now Master” She said as she moved to stand behind him again and slid her hand under his on his chest. “Show me.”

Taking gentle hold of her hand, Chuck lowered it slowly to his growing manhood. He gasped when he felt the sensation of her touching him. "How…? How is it..that I can feel you?!"

“Here, it's in your head.”Muri replied and her fingers danced over his length. “I bet it's working in the real world as well Master” She said in his ear even as she pressed against his back.

Chuck was speechless, as the sensations washed over his mind. He slowly turned to face Mur'Trolla. Reaching up, he took her face in his hands and pulled her closer, kissing her tenderly.

She kissed him back, her tongue sweeping across his. “We should return to the real world Master, in case we need to do more sessions.”

He nodded. "Okay," he said breathlessly. His eyes closed again.

***Real World***

Opening his eyes, Chuck was at first greeted by Mur'Trolla's soft lips against his. Then he felt a long-lost sensation of tightness in his crotch. Breaking the kiss, he gasped. "By Odin!" He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

She gently lifted her hand from his face. “Hmmm, it seems to have worked,” she said softly. “Is the Master happy it worked?”

He nearly giggled with pure joy. "Oh, very happy indeed, my dear." He had to shift slightly at the growing discomfort of his contained erection. "I need to adjust myself," he stated happily.

Muri sat back braced on his knees. "Am glad I was able to assist the Master."

Chuck reached down to his lap and, while trying not to cause Mur'Trolla to fall, her proximity, along with the fact that, in this position, he could see…everything…she had to offer, he started to fumble at his belt buckle and pants.

Muri pushed his hands away and undid the belt and pants for him. She smiled at him as she did so. “Yes it worked.” she said softly.

Chuck stared down at himself, his eyes filled with amazement. He then turned his eyes up to Mur'Trolla and, after a couple beats, reached out and gently pulled her to him and then he kissed her, deeply and overflowing with passion.

Muri had never been kissed with passion before, in fact until the mindscape, she had never been kissed. Masters never kissed her when they took their pleasure. She was a slave after all. She tentatively kissed him back, scared that he would think her forward.

Instead, Chuck moaned softly. He continued to kiss her as his manhood throbbed between their bodies.

Gently she broke the kiss. “Master?” she asked softly. “Do you want this slave to use her mouth on you?”

He was trying to catch his breath as she asked the question. "D-do you want to, Muri?"

She stared at him. “Master?”

He reached up and gently took hold of the left side of her face. "I told you, you are safe here, with me. I will never force you to do anything when we are alone. So, I ask again. Do you want to? You can say no if you want. I won't be angry."

Muri frowned at him. “I am a slave” She said to him. “What I want is not meant to matter Master”

He looked at her, his face softening. "It matters to me," he said softly.

She studied him carefully and then shyly pressed her lips to his.

Chuck accepted her tender kiss, returning it with one of his own. He knew that what they were doing was illegal. However, he had never felt this alive ever before. He just hoped that the feeling would continue for a very long time to come.

Muri ran her hands down his chest as they kissed, and slid so she was pressed against him. She could feel his desire, the mental link had not been permanent and she was wary of it, but she knew a man’s desire well over her years.”how many years?” she whispered “Has it been Master?”

He moaned and gasped as Muri moved against him. "T-ten…ten years…" He moaned again as his mind was flooded with sensations from his manhood.

She gently placed her hand on his manhood. “Ten years... hmmm” her fingers trailed along it gently. She traced light patterns along his skin.

The new contact caused him to throw his head back slightly and gasp aloud.

Muri smiled at that. She wrapped her hand around him and moved it back and forth. “Ten years is a long time, Master” She whispered.

Chuck was taking in gasping breaths. He was trying to hold back, however, as Muri had just said, ten years is a long time. He started to feel the buildup to the point of no return.

She watched his face and lifted her hand off of him. “I can make you climax or I can let you take me.” she whispered

His eyes moved back to lock on hers. "I want you!" He whispered hungrily. "Please!"

Muri shifted so she was braced above him. “Like this Master?”

He nodded wordlessly, his eyes seeming to battle between pleading with her and wanting to devour her.

Slowly, oh so slowly she lowered herself onto him, a soft moan escaping from her lips as she did so. She touched his face and directed his head to watch their bodies join together.

Chuck moaned and gasped as Muri started to lower herself upon him. As he watched, he finally filled her. Looking back up, he buried his face in her cleavage, as he started to do everything he knew how to, to give her pleasure as well.

Muri’s soft moans reached his ears as she began to move, clenching around him rhythmically with each movement, as she had been trained to do since childhood. Vulcans could feel pleasure, the whole 7 year thing was mating heat truth be known and sexual pleasure was more than humans felt if they were bonded to their mate. It had been a while since she had had a man who pleasured her while he took his pleasure.

Chuck's left hand moved up her back, to help balance her as she moved against him. With his right, he brought up to her perfectly-sized breasts and squeezed her left breast while he sucked and nibbled on her right one.

Muri’s training kicked in and she began to move faster, trying to bring him to climax, as it was ingrained in her that his pleasure had to come first.

He moved his mouth away and looked up at her. "No! Please!" He whispered. "It-it's been so long…I don't want it to end so soon!"

She smiled impishly down at him. “I am sure I can keep you on the edge for hours” she teased. “But Master, needs release..” she nuzzled his neck. “Unless you have other ideas on this”

He sighed softly as he felt her lips on his neck. "T-together! I..I want us…to climax…together!"

“Really?” she nibbled on his ear and then kissed down his neck.

"Y-yes…yes!" He gasped loudly.

Muri slid her tongue across his lips and smiled. “Okay” And she began to move faster.

Chuck grunted softly as Muri ramped up her movements. He resumed stimulating and teasing her breasts.

Muri’s moans grew in volume and she was soon gasping, his name as her body tensed in pleasure.

As soon as her body tightened around him, Chuck could not hold back any longer. Throwing his head back, he let loose a primal grunting as he exploded deep inside of her womb.

Muri sagged against him as the pleasure ebbed and their movements slowed.

Chuck held her securely against him as they both started to come down from their sexual highs. "That…that waa…amazing!!"

She nodded as she relaxed against him. “Master is pleased?” she asked.

He nodded happily. "I am! Oh so much!" He pulled his head back slightly, to look into her eyes as best he could. "Will..will you join my mind again?"

She looked at him. “Y-You want me to?”

He nodded. "I..have never known as much peace as I did when our minds were joined." He replied earnestly. "For the first time in my life, I felt no pain!"

Muri frowned “Do you feel pain now?”

He was silent for a moment as he listened to his body. A relieved smile crawled across his face. "No! No, I'm not! Thank you!" He kissed her again, this kiss was full of emotion and passion.

Muri kissed him back and gently drew back. “If you still want me to meld with you...”

He nodded. "I do. I trust you, Muri."

Strange for a Master to trust a slave, but she closed her eyes as she placed her hand back on his face. “My thoughts, Your thoughts, Joining, Blending...” she whispered.

Chuck closed his eyes again.


When he opened his eyes, he was whole, no scars on his body, and he was standing on the shoreline of Coco Beach, Florida, near his home, back on Terra. The waves from the Atlantic Ocean were gently breaking against the shore while a comfortable warm breeze blew past his face.

Muri appeared beside him, dressed in her slave outfit, her hair down and cascading down her back.

He turned to her and smiled happily. "I know this is just my mind becoming healed and my body still carries the scars but," he reached out and gently held her face in his hands. "Muri, if it takes me the rest of my life, I will do everything I can to repay and love you."

“I.. thank you, but there is no debt.” She said softly. “It's my job to heal my Master”

He paused for a moment, then told her, "Muri, while we are alone, you don't have to call me, Master. My name is Chuck. You can call me that, but only in private. We must be very careful while around others." A sad look crossed his face as he continued. "While in public, the time may come, that I have to punish you. Please know, I will not be doing it because I want to."

“Why not? No one has ever been upset when they punish me?”

"That's because…they weren't growing to care about you." He knew every word he was speaking could be seen as treasonous. However, something had changed inside of his being when they touched minds. These were feelings that he wanted…no…needed to explore.

Muri sat down on the sand, and pulled her knees to her chest. She stared out at the ocean. “You barely know this slave.”

He knelt down in front of her. "I know," he admitted. "But I want to know more. I want to know everything about you. Just like I want you to know everything about me. And not so you can please me. But because it would make you happy to know."

“There is nothing to know about me. Born and raised an slave.” Muri said softly. “My life has been servicing the Empire.”

"There must be more," he said, reaching out to softly caress her left cheek. "What are your desires and interests?"

Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. “Something no one can ever give” Muri whispered.

He thought he knew what it was, but he wanted to hear her say it. "Tell me," he spoke softly.

“Free, I want to be free and have choices to make. But it will never happen.”

He thought about it for a few beats, then looked back up into her beautiful eyes. "I'll buy your freedom. All I ask in return, is that you live your life to its fullest. Even if it's not with me. I want you to be happy in your life, and find someone who you want to spend your time and your life with."

“You can’t buy my freedom Master,” she said softly. “They wont let that happen, not now not while we are in the Delta Quadrant,”

He reached forward, gently taking her hands into his. "Muri, just give me some time, okay? I've made it through so many other hurdles before. This is just another one. Keep faith in me. Even if it takes my life, you will have your freedom one day. I give you my word of honor." He then grinned at her. "And as we are currently in my mind, you know that I'm being completely truthful with you."

He was truthful and so she nodded. “Yes Master”

He put his right index finger on her full lips. "What did I tell you about that? Do I need to punish you already?" The corners of his mouth twitched up as he spoke.

“It... is not allowed” she replied softly. “I cannot call you Chuck in our minds because if I make a mistake.. And call you that outside...”

He sighed softly, looking down. After a beat, he looked back up at her and smiled softly. He then stood up and offered his hands to help her up.

Slowly she let him help her to her feet. She gave him a tentative smile back.

Once she was standing, he brought her hands to his chest and looked deep into her eyes. "Then say it just once, in here. Let me hear how is sounds with your angelic voice. Even if I never hear you say it again, I will have this memory to warm my heart, always."

After a moment she said “Chuck” softly.

He inhaled deeply and sighed a very happy sigh. His eyes glistened slightly as he replied. "Thank you, my love." He then leaned in and kissed her.

Love, she had never been called that before, so she barely moved when he kissed as she was shocked.

Chuck felt that something was off. Pulling back slowly, he saw the shocked look in her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

“N-nothing” she said softly.

He reached up and gently caressed her right cheek. "Please," he asked softly.

“Love is not something Slaves are allowed.” She admitted.

"Then, that too, shall stay in here." He looked her straight in her eyes. "I know we have only known each other for a very short while, but, I know that…I could grow to love you."

“Dangerous for you Master” she said softly. “A risk and a vulnerability.”

He grinned softly at her. "Why don't you let me worry about the danger. I'm too stubborn to die." He gave her a wink, trying to get her to smile and relax some.

Muri nodded "okay" she said softly. "What now?"

He smiled. "Now, we enjoy ourselves as much as we can when we are together. I don't want to be with anyone else but you, Muri."

Muri's head tilted. "If you have to punish me... how would you do it?" She wanted to know so she knew.

He thought about the question. "It would have to be an authorized method, or people could get suspicious." He looked at her and asked, "Which version do you hate the least?"

"The booth. I... can handle the personal agoniser in my collar, but it's Not preferred." Muri said.

He nodded. "Okay, the booth it is. And only on occasion, will I use your shock collar, strictly to keep up appearances. Okay, sweetheart?"

Muri gave a small nod. “okay”

He wrapped his arms around her, gently placing the right side of her head against his chest, and held her protectively. "Since Anderson released you to me, when you aren't in the slave quarters, stay either in my office or my quarters. That way, I can say that you are keeping both spotless, and you'll also be a bit more protected from anyone else aboard."

Muri leaned against him in the mind scape and nodded "Yes Master"

He kissed the top of her head. Then, looking around at the area they were in, he asked, "Muri, does time move the same in here, during a mind meld, as it does out there?"

“Yes,” she replied. “We have been silent there for as long as we have been here.”

"Then, while I would love to stay in here, we should head back out. I don't want your strength to wain to much. I imagine this is starting to put a strain on your mind?" He looked down at her, pure concern for her safety in his eyes and tone.

Muri nodded. "It is. I am sorry, I am not strong enough to maintain this for very long"

Chuck shook his head gently. "You don't have to apologize, my love. Bring us out, so I can hold you with my real arms."

Muri nodded and faded from his mind. And then they were back in reality.


Muri was still straddling him on the chair, he was still inside her.

Chuck gasped as he opened his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Mur'Trolla, to keep her from falling off of him. "Whoa…! That was…wow!" His eyes found hers. "I meant what I said, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." He then kissed her, desirous to taste her again.

Muri shifted against him with a soft moan. Her legs were starting to cramp but she dared not complain.

Chuck could feel her thighs starting to vibrate slightly. Slowly, he spun them back to his desk. Then, moving his hands up under her armpits, lifted her up off of him and sat her gently on his desk. "You can tell me if you are uncomfortable, sweetheart. I told you, you are safe here. And I'll keep telling you that, until you believe me."

She looked at the floor and nodded. "I will need a list of chores Master."

He nodded, thinking to himself. "Okay, you will start your day getting my duty uniform ready while I shower after my morning exercises. Then, you will ensure my quarters are spotless after I leave for my duty shift. Then, you will have breakfast in my quarters for yourself, cleaning up afterwards, of course. You will then come here and ensure my office is cleaned. Throughout my shift, you will help the other two Flight Ops slaves as needed. You will have lunch here, with me. Continue cleaning as needed, and then, as my shift nears it's end, you will return to my quarters and set out something comfortable for me to change into, spend the evening with me, then, return to the slave quarters."

He looked up into her beautiful face. "Do you feel you can take care of all of that?"

Muri nodded “Yes Master, this slave can do that” she said softly.

This made Chuck grin softly. "Good. So, why don't you get dressed, go to my cabin and freshen up, replicate a fresh uniform, then come back and we will have some lunch together."

Muri slid from the table, bowed and picked up her clothing. “Yes Master,” She said softly.

As Muri got dressed, Chuck used the refresher in his office to make himself presentable again.



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