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The Scientific Method

Posted on Sun Jan 23rd, 2022 @ 3:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Science Lab
Timeline: MD 3, 1200 hrs
604 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Next on Troy's list was one Cael Maz. The security file on his PADD indicate the Chief Science Officer was a multi discipline scientist, but that he had a preference for work in the field of artificial intelligence. Troy made his way to the science labs and looked about in several before finding Cael in a general use lab now configured for robotics research. "Good afternoon Lieutenant. I am Lieutenant Marshall, the new Chief Tactical and Security Officer."

Cael was looking over some research that had been done locally in the way of a functioning android to house the 'mind' of the artificial intelligence. He tossed the report aside before turning to address a slave, "Fetch me some sweet tea, iced." He then turned one more time with a smile on his face. "Welcome to the ISS Vengeance, Lieutenant. Can we get you something to drink?" He offered motioning to the slave.

Troy shook his head as he tapped a canteen on his belt. He was sizing up the man before him as the scientist spoke. "I never drink anything I don't replicate myself or already carry on my person." He paused to look at his PADD. The file for Cael was interesting to say the least. "I merely wished to stop by, introduce myself and perhaps gain a bit of insight on a scientist with a severely redacted personnel file."

"Very smart move. It is best to know where your drink and food come from." Cael said motioning to the slave to continue with the request. "Only so much can be placed in a file. It's the years that make the difference. Certain skills accumulated very patiently I might add. Tell me, what /can/ I answer for you, Lieutenant?"

Troy put the PADD back in his pocket. "It's not uncommon for a member of Imperial Starfleet Intelligence or Security to have redacted personnel files, but scientists generally do not unless they are involved in research with a significant military application. Is this the case with your file?"

"You could put it that way. What I have brought to the table was....hard to pass up." Cael said before being handed a drink which he took and brought to his lips. "Mmm thats that stuff. Imperial Starfleet does know how to make a good sweet tea."

Troy looked at the robotic form on the table. "It was my understanding that the development of robotic combat troops was considered a dead end. They may have their uses to augment slaves for labor, but that's about it."

"Robotics has other applications. What we are doing here is good quality work over time. Nothing ready anytime soon mind you as I barely got started, but soon enough it will be ready." Cael said as he looked upon the lifeless shell of the body.

Troy looked at the robotic body before returning his gaze to Cael. "I look forward to seeing how your research develops. Let me know if I can be of service."

"But of course, All hail the Terran Empire," Cael said having done an about-face and saluted in typical fashion.

Troy returned the salute. "All hail the Emperor. Long live the Empire." He gave a final nod before departing the laboratory. He paused to look back at the sealed door. The man held a secret, of that he was sure of. Discovery of said secret was going to take some time and due diligence.

Cael sighed, "Never gets old." He then turned around to get back to work on his project.

One of the slaves looked to him curiously before continuing on with their duties.


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