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Take Once or Twice Before Bed

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2022 @ 1:23pm by Caeda & Endia
Edited on on Wed Aug 9th, 2023 @ 10:02pm

Mission: Adventures of the ISS Terror
Location: Admiral’s Quarters
Timeline: Date 2371-5-20 at 2100
3487 words - 7 OF Standard Post Measure

The evening had been less than quiet, but for one of the best reasons. Maura stood in the admiral’s bathroom, water running over her hands while she was bent over the sink. It had been fun, but she wouldn’t linger too long; they weren’t at the point where they would linger. Cupping her hands, she brought water up and lowered her face to meet it so it wouldn’t go everywhere and then she quickly dried herself with a towel. Righting herself again, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was still naked, her skin still mildly flushed; she could still feel the slickness between her thighs and gave a soft, pleased sigh. Eventually though, she wandered back out into the bedroom, smiling to Nadine as she continued to luxuriate in the bed. She still looked quite satisfied which in turn made Maura quite delighted. Despite Latham’s insistence to the contrary, she hadn’t wormed her way into the Admiral’s bed to run her. No, she had done it for no other reason than Nadine was a beautiful woman, and Maura appreciated beautiful people.

Any protection or influence would only be a perk.

Putting a knee on the bed, she leaned in to steal another quick kiss from Nadine but promptly got up to start pulling on her own clothes. “We should do this more often.” She cooed in a teasing way.

Nadine Granger was quiet but never shy, and that fact had clearly not changed as she sat on the bed, her body exposed, her one leg tucked over the other at the thigh to cover her most sensitive parts. On her face was a satisfied smile, directed inward instead of out; much of her was directed inward instead of out. She accepted the kiss readily and watched as Maura started to get dressed. This was hardly the fist time she'd laid with a member of her crew in her life and she wouldn't pretend like it was.

"It was a very good distraction." she said in a smoky voice, more woman than Admiral, and then she leaned back on the bed, her still breasts raising slightly with the movement of her arms. She was splayed against an array of pillows; far too many by some people's measure. "We'll see."

Maura couldn’t help but feel slightly sad there hadn’t been an enthusiastic yes at the end of that, but she accepted it in stride as she pulled on her clothes. “It will be interesting to see what the cargo freighter yields.” She began conversationally, adjusting her breasts in her bra and then working to put on her top.

Nadine continued to watch the woman, holding off the talk of work as long as she could. She was the kind of woman who tended to get laser focused. It was her greatest strength and weakness. She had to hold her work obsession off and try to avoid a new entanglement at the same time. all attachments, especially love, were traps. She couldn’t allow herself to get caught again.

“I’m sure it’s vegetables and potted plants. It doesn’t really matter at first.” She said. The Commander had been a passionate love-maker, and her body was still tingling from their intermingling. Talented tongue; tender touch. She wondered to herself if Maura really enjoyed herself as well, or if her interests were mostly ambitious. There was no way to know at this stage.

“Maybe, though maybe we will find some hidden treasures.” Maura chuckled in good nature, zipping up her skirt as she did so. “Oh or maybe a map to it.” She grinned and gave a playful wink. “You never know, really.” She ran her fingers through her hair a few times and then briefly sat back on the edge of the bed to pull on her boots. “Regardless it will be good for the crew, I think.”

“A treasure map would be nice.” Nadine said, moving toward the edge of the bed herself. She sat next to Maura, her own naked body now a contrast with her CFCOs. Her hand found the woman’s leg and her eyes centered on Maura’s. “Or maybe a big tough guy who knows right where it is and thinks he isn’t telling us.”

Maura stilled as Nadine placed a hand on her leg and smiled slightly as she looked down to it. It tingled in a strange but pleasant way which she blamed on the afterglow. Nadine had been very thorough. "Well we could definitely adjust his tune if he thought that." She smirked, but remained there as long as Nadine touched her. She wasn't in a hurry to leave, but she also didn't want to overstay her welcome. "We'll find something. I can feel it."

“I’m a proper Terran Officer. Torturing aliens turns me on.” Nadine said, raising her eyebrows. “The bigger they are, the louder they scream.”

"While I do enjoy those particular screams, there are others I enjoy even more." Maura cooed suggestively and leaned in to kiss and nibble at Nadine's shoulder.

“I’d have to agree with that too.” Nadine said, angling her head away in order to elongate her neck slightly, a gesture that seamed more flirtatious than anything. Her hand moved up the woman’s thigh slightly. “Latham wouldn’t approve if judged by his attitude toward you yesterday.”

"Latham seems like someone who could suck any fun out of the room within seconds." Maura said simply, leaning in closer and trailing her kisses a little higher on Nadine's neck as it was offered. "Doesn't bother me in the slightest though."

"No?" Nadine said, a shiver going down her spine which she ignored. "Most of the crew shake in their boots when he walks into the room. You're not afraid of my bulldog?"

"No." Maura replied with sureness in her voice. Her hand moved back to Nadine's spine and she began to trail her fingertips lightly over it. "I respect him, but I do not fear him."

Nadine's own hand moved up further and began to gently massage Maura's thigh as she herself turned her body in response to the motion of the pilot's fingers.

"Maybe you should be. He's going to be insanely jealous when he knows how you charm the boss." Nadine said with a wink. "And if you keep doing that, Maura, I'm going to start to expect something more."

Maura chuckled softly and continued with her attention, leaning in a bit more. She could get undressed just as easily again. "Oh I think he is perfectly aware I have a talented tongue, I offered to give him pointers." She leaned in and began to trace the line of Nadine's jaw with gentle, teasing kisses. "Expect away."

“Mmm.” Nadine said, turning her head as Maura’s kisses reached the front of her face and kissed her lips slowly once, twice, three times, the passion of those kisses growing in intensity with each meeting of their lips. Nadine’s hand slipped underneath the fabric of her underwear and massaged gently at the mound at the meeting of her thighs, teasing out the natural wetness that came. “I bet he loved that. So generous of you to offer to share your secrets. I’m sure he’ll pay you for your services when we get home.”

"I'm sure." Maura replied, a soft and pleasured sigh escaping with the words. She leaned in to kiss Nadine again, teasing her lower lip with just the tip of her tongue while her free hand moved up her commander's side and to her breast. She was gentle in her teasing, not wanting to get herself too riled if she was about to be teased and denied. She found that was often something people in power liked to do to people like her.

"Are you going to take that uniform back off, Commander, or I going to have to remove it myself?" Nadine purred, her somewhat low and raspy voice growing breath and effeminate. Her fingers played underneath Maura's uniform skirt in teasing movements meant to arouse interest more than give pleasure.

"Far be it from me it interfere with a dressing down from my Admiral." Maura replied with a devious grin and lifted her hands up in surrender for her "dressing down". She was never one to take sex too seriously - as long as she wasn't using it for a purpose. This? This was just for fun.

Nadine growled slightly, grabbing the other woman's jacket and unzipping it with ease. She leaned in and kissed her as her fingers grasped at the base of Maura's red uniform shirt and lifted it over her head. She watched as the chestnut-haired woman raised her arms in compliance. With a swift and skillful movement of her fingers, Nadine unclasped Maura's bra, allowing her breasts to fall free. The Admiral then placed her hand gently on her chest and then shoved her back with some force, causing her to fall completely onto her. She moved onto her more like a graceful cat than a Terran, her hands finding sensitive places as she went, until her lips made contact with Maura's neck. She kissed and teased feverishly with the same energy she had displayed in their last session, pausing at her ear long enough to whisper, "it's good to see you can take orders as well as give them."

Maura submitted quite willingly to Nadine's attentions, complying with any shifting that was needed. The only slight interruption to that was a sharp intake of breath when Nadine pushed her down; it was a natural reaction for most any Terran, really. As she landed onto the bed though and felt Nadine's hands on her, she instantly melted back into the moment and made a soft, pleased sound in her throat. As she felt the other woman's lips on her neck, Maura tilted her head back to offer more. The words spoken in her ear made a shiver run down her spine and she moaned softly in anticipation. "Mmm... yes, I can."

Nadine’s kisses moved down Maura’s neck until they found her breasts. She kissed around those orbs, now exposed and spread out due to her laying down as her hands massaged them slowly and skillfully. When her mouth found one of Maura’s nipples, however, much of her teasing was gone. She flicked her tongue and sucked with all the passionate intensity she felt, being careful not to cause pain, but moaning ever-so-slightly as she did so. Between her own legs, she felt the wetness intensify as she straddled Maura and started to grind her sensitive parts against whatever she could make contact with.

Another moan escaped Maura as she submitted to Nadine's passions. It was a bit surprising how intense the admiral could be, but it was not an unwelcome revelation at all. Her hands moved to the other woman's body, her fingertips running over the more sensitive areas of flesh while she lifted her leg up just slightly to give her something to grind against. Maura's senses were swimming and after a long moment she simply closed her eyes and let it happen.

The two indulged in their passions again for quite some time before finally surrendering and collapsing back onto the bed. Maura's arm went over her eyes, she was panting hard and she felt like she was trembling, though wasn't entirely sure if she was. After catching her breath somewhat, she lifted her arm and turned her head to look at Nadine and reached out to run the backs of her fingers down the other woman's arm as she too recovered. While Maura enjoyed cuddling, she knew it wasn't for everyone and tended to allow her partners to set that particular boundary, but a little affection never hurt anyone.

Nadine was truly exhausted now and her breathing was heavy. Two sessions with Maura and a late night had sapped almost all of her energy. She offered a tired smile, laying next to her with their bodies apart. Her hand was resting on Maura's stomach, not prompting another tryst like last time.

"What brings Maura Rinne into my bed?" she asked, sighing. "What's your real story? Beyond the official records?"

A smile appeared on Maura's face and she shook her head, looking back up at the ceiling. "Well, to that first question: I know it is difficult to grasp in the environment we are in and how it is expected Terrans will act with using sex... but I am in your bed genuinely for no other reason than you are a beautiful woman and I wanted to fuck you and be fucked by you." She shifted on her side so she could look at Nadine properly. "I can play the game if I really must, but truth be told I find it stale and boring. I don't like to be bored. I find often times people are too busy conniving to actually engage in our true purpose: bringing glory to the Empire."

"Stale, boring and necessary if you want to get anywhere. But some people are lucky. They just happen to want to kill or fuck the right people, right?" Nadine asked with a casual smile, resting her head on her propped up arm. "How about the second question?"

"Mmm second question..." Maura continued to look up to the ceiling as she considered. "My story... I'm someone who of course wants to advance in the Empire like anyone else and I am going to use the Imperial Fleet to do just that." She spoke the words with the conviction of someone who believed that they wouldn't be stuck out here for seventy years. "What path exactly that will end up taking, I'm not sure; but," she turned her head to look at Nadine and smiled slightly, "I also don't want to forget to live along the way. I think too many people get caught up in the 'game' and forget to get any other enjoyment out of life. Most people when they get to where they want to be do so with a massive target on their back which more often than anyone would actually care to admit cuts their life and enjoyment of their goal short. So in the end, you're dead and didn't even enjoy anything. I'd prefer to have both, even if it means I don't go quite as fast."

"So, in other words, you don't mind our little detour to the Delta Quadrant?" the Admiral asked, her fingers dancing on Maura's stomach with short elegant motions. Most people were extremely upset; she'd be lying if she said she was thrilled.

"I think it would be a bit strong to say I don't mind it; I'm not overly pleased, but I think I will have less of a challenge adjusting to it than many will." Maura replied honestly, licking her lips slightly as Nadine's fingers danced over her skin. "Of course I'll miss the comforts of home and family, though."

"In exchange for an adventure no one has ever seen before." Nadine said, though she herself did not seem convinced. She didn't have much back home because she had always been married to her job. In a way, despite the anxiety she felt, now was no different than before for her. "At least there are some alluring...distractions here. And having a powerful Terran Dreadnaught never hurt."

Maura chuckled at that. “No… no. Neither of those things are cause for any sort of complaint.” A pause, “We’ll be alright out here and in the end we have the opportunity to provide something new and potentially extremely valuable to the Empire.” Or their children would… though she chose to believe it would be they themselves who would get home.

"I'll leave the baby making to others." Nadine said with a giggle, as she rotated off the bed, her energy youthful and, for once, she wasn't focused on work. She moved toward the replicator, her fit naked form shifting in all the right ways and ordered two cups of hot decaf tea. Bringing them back to the bed, she watched the stars outside for the briefest moment before putting Maura's down next to her on one of the side tables. Still standing, she sighed. "I should get back to work."

When she spoke her tone was somewhat dark and laden with an unspoken sadness. She blinked, keeping the rest of her thoughts to herself, but hadn't sipped the tea she'd gotten yet.

Maura had sat up when Nadine had moved off. Her back was against the headboard and she briefly followed Nadine’s gaze outward. It was the tone in the other woman’s voice that had Maura looking back up to her. She gave an easy, charming smile then, “Why don’t we have some tea and then go back to our day?” She offered lightly and picked up her own cup to take a sip and reinforce her offer. She wouldn’t press, but a few more stolen moments wouldn’t hurt.

"Trying to keep me out of my uniform, Commander?" Nadine asked, giving an easy and flirtatious, though tired grin. She sat down next to her on the bed again and picked up her cup. "Latham thinks I should get more sleep. I'm starting to see what he means."

"Sleep is important." Maura agreed, holding her tea in one hand while reaching out with the other to start running the backs of her fingers up and down Nadine's spine lazily. "You can always give me a call if you need help settling." It was playful and suggestive and she smiled up to Nadine.

"Somehow I don't think we'd get more sleep if I did that." she responded. She was generally cagy. Used to being underestimated, she didn't have the temperament or age people expected in an admiral. She was quite and pensive, often more prone to observation than manipulation. Of course she had her own ruthless streak, but it wasn't obvious. She was used to being looked over as a serious political player, and she supposed that had been her best strength. Getting promotions by being offensive and scary to no one.

"Oh I don't know." Maura gave a devilish little grin quite befitting the typical cocky pilot. "I think we would... the fun part would be working ourselves toward that goal." The expression didn't remain for long and gentled into a simple smile hidden quickly by her tea. She wanted to ask Nadine more about herself, but the timing didn't feel quite right. It would come in time. "Besides, can you imagine the look on Latham's face if you were to tell him I was your sleep aid?"

“I have her once or twice before bed and I sleep like a baby.” Nadine said in a pretend conversation with Latham. She giggled them, showing bright white teeth. “I can see that vein in his forehead popping out right now.”

Maura matched Nadine with a girlish giggle of her own as she imagined that very scene. “It might be worth it just for that, you have to admit.” Maura sat up fully then and slid her arms loosely around Nadine’s waist. She planted a gentle kiss on the other woman’s shoulder and then gently nuzzled into her neck. “I probably should go.”

Nadine said nothing for a while, but instead but her arm back around her. The warmth of their bodies together felt amazing; comfortable. She had slept with people on assignment before, but they were never so intimate with her. She smiled, and let the moment last, but was careful to keep things in perspective. This couldn't become emotional.

"It's probably time, yes." she said, her voice distant again. She didn't know how to feel, but she wasn't going to show that either. "I promise to let you dress this time."

“At the very least you can enjoy the show.” Maura gave Nadine’s shoulder another gentle kiss and nuzzle before she finally untangled herself from the other woman and slid off the bed to start to dress again. She wasn’t particularly hurried about it, but also didn’t make too much of a show either. Once finished, she pulled her hair out of the back of her top and ran her fingers through it a few times to straighten it out. She flashed Nadine one more charming smile. “I’ll see you, then.” She purred her farewell and moved to the door to leave.

Nadine offered a silent wave and an inscrutable half-smile. She was never overt enough to be read properly, a trait which had frustrated several lovers with either obsession or resentment. As she watched the beautiful woman leave, she wondered which kind she would be.



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