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"Reunification" **Mature Content below**

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 @ 11:09am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Lieutenant Anderson's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1930
2776 words - 5.6 OF Standard Post Measure

With the Captain informing her that she was NOT allowed to move in with Johnathan, Kass had spent the last two weeks in her own cabin. Sure, Johnathan had spend evenings with her, but platonically as she had yet to be given clearance.

Kass checked the Chrono. It was quicker from her office to the deck where their cabins were than from the bridge some days, so she had time. Briskly she walked to her bedroom and the wardrobe beyond, glad she had insisted on it being large enough to dress in. She stripped out of her uniform and grabbed the outfit she wanted then she stepped into the bathroom and took a quick sonic shower.

Once that was done, Kass pulled on the red leather mini skirt, and black bra with the red mesh shirt over the top, before sliding her feet into her favourite red heals. It had been over a month since she had been able to dress for Johnathan in a way that would set their evening alight. Doctors orders and all that. But now, she could. Grabbing a small bag, she exited her cabin and down the hall to Johnathan's. With full access to his cabin, she entered, placed the bag in his bedroom and then Kass strode to the kitchenette and began putting together their dinner while she waited for him to come home.

A few moments later, the doors slid apart and Johnathan strode in. "Honey, I'm home!" He called out playfully. From where he was he couldn't see Kassandra in the small kitchenette, but he could hear her moving about inside.

"In the kitchen" she called back as she finished up making the salad to go with their meal.

After removing his uniform jacket and hanging it on the back of one of the dining table chairs, Johnathan moved towards the kitchenette. "Something smells delicious..." he paused at the entrance, his eyes feasting on the woman he loved. "Wow! You look...amazing!"

Kass sent him a warm teasing smile as she placed salad tongs in the salad bowl and turned to the small oven where the seasoned chicken was cooking. "Dinner will be ready in about 15 or so." she said.

"Anything I can help with?" He asked as he moved up behind her and gently kissed the side of her neck, under her right ear.

"hmm no... why don't you go change?" she said as she kept her gaze on their meal. "We can eat and then .... talk..."

"Alright, sweetheart." He kissed her neck again, then headed off to their bedroom and jumped into the sonic shower to quickly clean the workday from his skin.

While he showered, Kass set the table and put the salad on the table and poured them each a glass of wine. Sure, they could have had a slave do this sort of thing, it's what her father and stepmother would have done, but Kass liked cooking and having quiet personal meals with her lover.

A short while later, Johnathan returned, freshly cleaned and dressed in a sharp looking suit that complimented Kassandra's outfit perfectly. "Everything looks perfect, honey! Thank you for doing all this!"

"My pleasure. And seeing I had time after my shift..." Kass grinned at him. "Doctors cleared me for full duty this afternoon."

His eyes lit up at that news. "Oh, sweetheart, that's wonderful!" He then had a hungry grin fill his face. "So that also means that, all extra-curricular activities are back on the menu as well?"

Kass smiled and then shrugged. "Oh if you are interested in those." She moved to bring in the chicken.

Johnathan reached out and pulled Kassandra into his lap as she was passing him. Looking deep into her eyes, he nearly growled, "I have hungered to be with you for so long, my love. I am always interested in everything you wish to share with me." He then kissed her deeply, their tongues sliding over one another as he slowly moved his hands over her body.

She kissed him back and then gently broke free. "Our dinner love. Let us have that first." she whispered and slipped from his lap.

Sighing softly, he nodded, releasing his hold on her. After she served their dinner, he lifted his glass in a toast. "To a lifetime of nights just like this one, I love you, Kass."

"I love you Johnathan" She smiled at him. She sat as they began to eat. "So how was your day?"

After swallowing the bite that he was chewing, Johnathan wiped his mouth with his napkin. "First of all, this is delicious! Thank you for making this dinner, my love." He took a sip of his wine then answered her question. "Well, actually, I have some good news." He smiled at her. "While you have already agreed to marry me, I will be able to give you a ring soon. I spoke with Micheal and Kaleigh Richardson earlier and secured the materials to create a perfect ring for you."

Kass raised an eyebrow at that. "Really? Seems the newest member of my team is holding out."

Johnathan shrugged slightly. "As I see it, whatever they collected before joining the Vengeance belongs to them. So, I'm not going to tell others where and how I got the materials." He looked over at Kassandra. "Will you?"

"no I won't say a word." Kass smiled. "So what else did you do today?"

Taking in a deep breath and letting it out through his nose, he said, "I tried to see the Captain today about getting his blessings, but, he was too busy. I will try again tomorrow." He looked over at Kassandra. "I hope he doesn't make things difficult."

Kass nodded "If he does, let me know, I will speak with him" She sipped her wine. "I know he can be a snob."

"I will," Johnathan replied with a smile. He took another sip of his wine then asked. "Would you like your engagement ring now, or wait until Ivan gives his blessings?"

"Wait. Better to wait, for the ring. That way we both do not end up in trouble.' She finished her meal. "That said its been nearly 6 weeks for something else..."

Hearing the hunger in her voice, Johnathan quickly finished his glass of wine, then stood up and moved over to stand next to Kassandra. "Far too long, my love." He then offered her his hand.

She studied his hand and her lips curved as she placed her own in his. Allowing him to help her to her feet, she stepped up to him close, and placed his hand up under her skirt on her thigh before moving it higher "Six weeks, and I remember you don't like me wearing certain things..." she breathed in his ear.

As she guided his hand under her skirt, Johnathan quickly became aroused. Hearing the heat in her voice, mixed with feeling the heat from her bare center, he growled hungrily as he slid his fingers inside of her. "And I remember just how perfectly you feel."

Kass moaned in his ear "Its been 6 weeks... I .. may have forgotten..." she teased with a smile.

"Well then," he growled as he pulled his hand free of her and moved it up to take hold of her throat. "Allow me to remind you." He then kissed her deeply, his tongue pushing into her mouth as he started to move her backwards towards the nearest bulkhead.

Kass moaned into his mouth and her hands gripped his shoulders tightly, and she defiantly did not struggle, enjoying his power over her.

After pressing her up against the bulkhead, he released her throat and reached down to start opening his pants, dropping them down far enough to free his erect member. He then moved his hands to her ass, lifting her skirt up and picking her up, spreading her legs around his hips as he slid deep inside of her, grunting and moaning from the pleasure that was flooding over him.

Kass's eyes rolled back in her head as she groaned out his name as he took her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and crossed her ankles. She clenched around him tightly and shifted with him, enjoying the feeling of him taking her after so long.

Once they had a comfortable position, Johnathan increased the strength of his thrusts as he slid his hand up under Kassandra's top and squeezed her covered breasts.

Kass pressed her head back against the bulkhead as they moved together, baring her neck to him. "Johnathan.." She moaned "Love you! Missed you!" she gasped out with each thrust.

Leaning in to kiss and nibble her exposed neck, Johnathan grunted between thrusts. "You are...are the only...woman for me! and forever!!"

"Good.." she panted "Because I.. would hate to have to kill you.." She unlocked her ankles and ran her heels down back of his legs even as she ran her nails down his back.

He rolled his head back and moaned, feeling Kassandra rack her nails down his back. After releasing his hold on her he quickly removed the clothing on his torso, giving her his bare flesh to enjoy.

She smiled and leaned forward and began kissing his neck and chest as they took each other. As she teased him she kept her gaze on his face watching taking her cues from him.

Continuing to thrust into her, Johnathan locked his eyes upon her. He could feel his climax approaching, but he didn't want to finish yet. Slowing his movements some, he started to pull off her top, then her bra. "I want to see you!"

"hmm take me to bed and I will be naked for you" she nipped at his ear. And she pushed his hands away to remove her shirt and bra.

Growling loudly, he moved his hands to her ass and lifted her off of the bulkhead. He then carried her to their bedroom and, after pulling clear of her center, tossed her down onto the queen-sized mattress. "Show me what belongs to me, slave!"

"Yes Master" Kass rolled up onto her knees and slid her skirt off fully before pulling her hair free from its pony tail. She then parted her knees and bent backwards on the bed, giving him a full view of her form.

After fully removing his own clothing, Johnathan feasted his eyes on Kassandra's perfect form. "Absolute perfection!" He then moved to lay down between her spread legs and buried his face in her center, where he commenced with devouring her.

Kass moaned and whimpered as she shifted beneath him. "Sir.." she whimpered beggingly. This closeness she missed, the touch of him.

Johnathan dug in, using her words and pleas as fuel to drive her even higher in her ecstasy. As he continued to consume her center, he reached up and squeezed her breasts with both hands.

Kass's form shivered beneath his as she struggled to keep herself from climaxing. "J-jonathan... please..." she whimpered.

Feeling that she was close, Johnathan want to climax with her. Pulling clear of her, he started to kiss his way up her body until he was positioned between her long legs. Without hesitation, he plunged the entire length inside of her. "I want to hear you scream!"

Kass cried out as he took her again and she forced her eyes to lock on his. "Make me" she taunted between gasps of pleasure as she moved with him.

Enjoying the challenge, Johnathan ramped up his trusts as he moved her hands up above her head, holding them with her wrists crossed.

Her eyes sparkled in the dim light and she reached up to nip at his chin even as her body tensed. "Johnathan... love... you.." she gasped out.

He growled as he continued to plow into her. " you...Kassandra!!" As he finished speaking, he suddenly burst, blasting through his climax and filling her womb with his seed.

Kass climaxed beneath him whimpering his name. And when her passions had ebbed she clung to him in their bed.

Once they were both spent, Johnathan rolled his head forward upon her right shoulder. "By the God's! I've missed you...missed you so damn much!!"

Kass curled against him. "Hmm missed you as well lover."

For a moment, Johnathan just laid there, holding Kassandra underneath him. After a few beats, he shuddered slightly as his breath caught from the overwhelming emotions he was feeling in that moment. He clenched his hands into fists, briefly pulling her hair, before releasing her and raising his head to look into her eyes. Tears were slowly falling from his as he spoke.

"I know you've been home and are safe now. I just...I can't loose you! I nearly lost mind when you were taken. The only thing that kept me going was the hope that we'd find and rescue you, my love."

She pressed close. "Hey, you guys found me, saved me. I am here and not going anywhere. I promise"

He held onto her for a while longer. When he finally started to calm down, he slowly released his hold and moved to lay down next to her. "I know. I'm sure I'm being ridiculous. I just..I've never wanted someone in my life more than you, my love. Now that you have my heart, I don't make sense without you. I would paint the cosmos ever color of blood if you were ever taken from me."

"Well that won't happen so you will need to find another reason to paint it red." She smiled and pulled the blankets up over them.

He smiled happily, then leaned in to kiss her again. "For you, anything, my love." They then started to make love again, content to shut out the rest of the universe while they held onto each other.

Hours later, after they had worn each other out, Kass lay awake, drowsily curled into him, just letting her mind drift.

Johnathan was quietly humming and old song he once heard as a little boy. He couldn't remember the words or even the title, he just knew that he like the soft melody of the notes.

Kass shifted slightly. "Have you thought about Home?" she asked softly.

"You mean Terra? Sure, a few times. Truth be told, I don't have anything back there to miss. You're my home, Kass. Once we get married, I'll have a family, a real family, for the first time since I was a baby."

"So you have no preference on where we could make our home?"

He thought about it briefly, then shook his head. "No, so long as we are together, possibly with a fast ship of our own." He said with a grin.

Kass shifted so she lay braced on his chest and studied his face. "So.. I was thinking of living in Paris. My apartment there would be too small if we have a family but I have friends who can help us get a place."

Reaching up to gently move some stray hairs from her face, Johnathan smiled. "Sounds great to me, sweetheart. If that's where you want to live, then that's where we'll live and raise our children."

"Sound perfect" She brushed her lips across his. "Paris in spring is so lovely."

He returned her kiss and smiled. "I could be your personal pilot, fly you to all the fashion shows that you'll be the star of."

Her chrono beeped and she sighed. "I need to get back to my cabin..."

For his part, Johnathan tried not to complain too loudly. He didn't want take this harder than it already was. However, he did embrace her lovingly and kissed her again, before reluctantly releasing his hold on her. "Tomorrow night, your cabin. Only fair that we share the walking out responsibility."

Kass sighed and pulled herself away from him. She nodded and went and hunted up her clothes before dressing quickly. Then she returned to his bed and leaned down and kissed him gently. "Love you." she whispered.

He sighed happily as she kissed him. He then returned the kiss, his body screaming to pull her back into bed with him. However, he kept control, mostly. A few of his muscles trembled under her touch. "I love you more," he replied, smiling his most handsome smile just for her as he spoke.

"Sleep well" Kass said softly and headed out of the bedroom and the cabin.

"You too, my love!" He called out to her as she walked away. "See you for breakfast?"

Kass waved and vanished from sight.


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