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Sound the Trumpets

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2022 @ 11:21pm by Emperor Antonius VI & First Consul Shiarrael t'Nairrehk
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 9:55pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Imperial Martian Complex
Timeline: Date 2371-06-12 at 1000
1275 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The Martian Complex was bustling with activity as powerful men and women from Terra and Romulus moved in to join those who had already been holding initial meetings for days before. The Emperor stood on the vast and ornate landing bad with his entourage at either side as the senior Romulan officials' shuttle creased the skies on their way to land before them. He wore a black jacket decorated with swirling lines of gold and jewelry. a black circlet, lined with gold and encrusted with rubies and emeralds, sat atop his grey head.

The shuttle landed without flourishes and the hatch opened moments later. The sound of booted feet echoed and two straight lines of Romulan Centurions marched down the ramp. As they reached the bottom of the ramp they stepped to the side and continued forward until they were all off the ramp. They came to a stop with parade ground precision. Then from the shuttle, exited a tall female Romulan, though the lack of forehead ridges gave some of the Emperor's people pause. She was dressed in a forest green dress with gold inserts in the folds which shimmered as she walked. Around her long unbound black hair was the silver circlet of the Romulan First Consul. On her hip, a shining honour blade was strapped to the braided belt around her waist. Behind her, several aides marched with the same precision as the honour guard.

First Consul t'Nairrehk, stopped a proper distance from the Emperor and studied him carefully. She was young, a lot younger than him. An Aide moved to stand beside him. "First Consul of the Romulan Federation Shiarrael t'Nairrehk." he announced in proper Terran.

"His Most Imperial Majesty, Father of the Fatherland, Rightful Overlord of Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar Prime, Rightful Dominus of Qo'noS and Cardassia, Lord of the Terrans, Rex Stellarum, Antonius Angelus Iosephus Orsini Augustus Italicus" came the voice of the Emperor's own herald as a peel of fifty trumpets rolled loudly some fanfare from their stance in two long inward-facing rows leading away from the shuttle.

"Titles titles titles." Antonius said with a smile, his voice gentle, as he stepped forward and extended a hand to the First Consul. "Aefvadh iudaiht Terrha, iu ehkifv." he said then, in clearly accented Rihansu.

"Hann'yyo hwiiy e ieiuqh aefvadh Rhiyrh " Shiarrael said politely. She shook his hand, Terran fashion.

"We have a parade to attend, of course. But after that, I'm very much looking to a one on one with you." Antonius said and then turned to look over his shoulder for a moment before looking back at her. "My ministers are not."

"That would make them exactly like mine." Shiarrael said her lips quirking. "It keeps them fit and healthy."

"A shame no man can govern alone, isn't it? We must rely on those whom we give power. Power they can use, in one way or another, to turn the ship of state in the direction they would like to go. " he said. "But we shall hash things out without them, and they will melt outside the door, waiting with no control. It will be fun."

"They will drive themselves crazy i believe the Terran term is?" Shiarrael agreed "So, formal occasion first?"

"Yes. We wave. We smile. We tell jokes quietly enough that no one else hears, and we kiss a few babies. All in a days work, I think."

"I do hope you have good jokes, it has been a while since I have heard good ones" the First Consul quipped. "And these days, a laugh is welcome."

The parade had taken an hour and a half, during with Shiarrael had traveled amongst the common people of the Empire with the Imperial Family. Having had a chance to meet the Emperor's wife and children, the two of them were shown into the audience chamber in the main palace. Once the door was closed, Antonius sighed and smiled, walking toward the center of the room and sitting down in an ornate chair, his breathing a bit hard.

"I hope my jokes were up to your standards."

Shiarrael followed stripping off her cloak and gloves. "They were. Much better than what I have previously heard from your ambassadors. Such dull and dreary conversation from them Your Excellency." She took the opposite chair.

"They're so busy bowing and scraping in competition, they forget the purpose of calm." he said with a smile. "There was once a time when the Imperial Seat was almost impossible to hold. Then, the Emperors were humorless too."

"One must find pleasure in life no matter how dreary it is. I find it amusing to have aides send contradictory information throughout the senate. Sends them scurrying like ants."She studied him. "So to business?"

"Of course." he said, leaning back and relaxing in his chair. "Once we trim the diplomatic fat and the bureaucratic jargon, we have a military alliance against the Alliance. The Terrans regain their Empire, and you gain yours, Shiarrael." There was a twinkle in his eye as he looked at her.

"A goal that is reachable Antonius. The Alliance would panic. And panicked ants are easy to squash." Shiarrael said calmly "Trade between our two empires will benefit us both."

"Yes." he said with a nod. "It would. We've already taken four sectors. Between our forces and the Terran resistance in their borders, they are already overwhelmed. Once you strike, their downfall will be inevitable. And the Romulan ale will be a sweet perk."

"I do hope when this is done, you and I will share a bottle in celebration." Shairrael said. "So the Klingons are a major concern for us but we are ready to take them... out."

"I intend that we will. In the meantime, we shall shatter the Alliance's power in our territory, and then we will take on the Cardassians. Our hope is to resume previous borders from nearly 80 years ago. Anything more, and we might risk our alliance over a mad grab for more power than either of us can handle right now." Antonius said, interlacing his fingers. "Empire building is about more than conquering, its about pacifying, stabilizing, and governing. These last things often prove harder than the first."

"That is indeed true. " Shairrael agreed. "I am sure, like us, you have the supports in place ready to go." She said calmly. "And we have been making .. discrete incursions into the Alliance space over the past few months." She pulled a PADD from her robes and handed it to him. "Our scans on the badlands near Cardassia. You.. are missing a starship I believe."

"We're missing two." Antonius said, his face not betraying any emotion in particular. "Do you have any information that might be useful in our search then? Every single Terran is valuable to us, and we would like them back."

"unfortunately our scans only found that one ship's information." Shiarreal replied "I have a vessel still stationed in the badlands, sending reports every few hours. Any information we get, we will pass on to you."

“The Empire appreciates any help you can offer.” Antonius said, and then stood up, his old frame creaking. “Shiarrael, there will be lots of noise at this conference. Both of our advisors will try to get us mired in the economic and political muck. We must stand strong and come out, in the end, with the same agreement we have reached here. Else-wise, it has all been for nothing.”

"It wont be for nothing Antonius. We will both see our empires grow strong and our enemies suffer the more dire of consequences for their... lack."



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