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The Fallout

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2022 @ 9:23am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: ISS Vengeance, Johnathan's quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 25 at 1700
1046 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Johnathan was sitting, staring out at the Stanfield, thinking about the discussion he had just had with the Captain earlier, regarding his request to marry Kassandra. To say that it had gone as he hoped...would be a lie.

While the conversation had ended amicably, Ivan had refused to give Johnathan his blessings to marry his daughter. The Russian had claimed that he was looking out for Kassandra's best interests and, while he would not give permission now, there was, however, hope that he might in the future.

At least he hadn't forbade the two of them from continuing to see one another.

The door opened and Kass came in on the crutches . "Hey" she called out as she did so. "Am off duty."

He looked over at the woman he loved more than life itself, clearly upset about something. "My love..." he stood to move over to hold her.

Kass frowned "Johnathan what has happened?" She asked concerned. "Is someone hurt?"

After embracing Kassandra, he then helped her to the couch and they sat down. "I..I don't know how to say this delicately, so I'm just going to say it." He looked her in the eye. "Ivan said no. He's not going to give his blessings. Not now, at least. He feels that I am from poor stock. While he recognized that I am a good, loyal officer, he doesn't know who I am, personally. He said that, as your father, it's his right and responsibility to find a perfect match for you."

Kass took a breath. And then another. Kass had a temper, it was one rarely seen and she hated being so out of control so she rarely unleashed it but it was so tempting to march upto the bridge and give the Captain what for. But she didn't. "And just who does he think he can marry me to out here? Ivers? Please and hard pass there and No way in hell, Not many choices. He is just...arrghhh if he thinks for one moment I am changing my mind...." she let her fist hit the couch cushions. "He should know better!"

Johnathan reached out and pulled her into his arms, holding her as the both vibrated from their emotions. "I know, my love. It felt like he was expecting to get us home soon and find you a match from one of the other aristocrats in the Imperial Court."

Kass snorted "Not likely. On Terra I am seen as Athanasia's little sister, the one who has no future. Only Princess Elana ever saw anything, and that was because she loves my designs. My ... Stepfather didn't want to waste money on my future, thus why I am in the fleet. If he thought I could make a match like the one Ivan wants, i would not be here. I would be in the Imperial court already."

"Well, then it's a good thing that we're not back on Terra," Johnathan whispered as he started to calm. "Otherwise, we never would've met."

"Maybe, or Maybe not. You were noticed by the Emperor, and had the Vengeance's mission been a success, then you would have been presented at Court."

That hadn't occurred to him. "Damn, then your father wouldn't have had an issue, would he?"

"My step father? He would have thrown me at whoever. Because I would not have known about Ivan."

"Maybe, maybe not." He repeated her words, a cute, cocktail grin on his face.

"Highly unlikely. Yana would not have allowed him to even suspect or find out. I think she always suspected and this just confirmed her suspicions. " Kass sighed.

He sighed softly, then pulled her back into his embrace. "Well, it's a moot point. We are here, and we have found one another, my love."

She leant against him. "So I guess I need to speak with the Captain?" she suggested half heartedly.

He nodded silently, regretting that she would need to. "I think so. Though, do you think it make things worse, or help?"

"Well I think after 22 years, he underestimates his power over me, Captain is one thing, as a father another." Kass said firmly.

"He claimed that, as he didn't know you were alive, and he missed raising his other children while he was gone, he will be making up for both with you now."

"Oh joy. He can do that with Mika and Andrei, I am not going to want to be 'reraised'" she grumbled.

He kissed the top of her head. "Well, he seems to disagree, my love."

She would see about that. Sitting there in Johnathan's arms she considered their next move. Low breeding her foot. She would show Ivan just what Johnathan was made of.

After a few quiet moments together, he quietly spoke up. "We will figure this out. If I have to prove myself to him, to make our lives easier, then I will."

"We will work it out." she agreed "And if needed, you can learn the Courtly pleasantries required."

"With you as my teacher, I'm sure I'll Master them quickly, sweetheart!" He smiled at her, then kissed her gently, lovingly.

As they came up for air, she smiled. "I will go see the Captain after dinner"

He nodded. "Okay. In that case, allow me to prepare a meal to give you the proper energy reserves needed to go into battle," he said with a grin.

"Sounds good" Kassandra smiled at him.

He smiled at her and nodded. "You go get cleaned up and dinner will be ready shortly!" He kissed her forehead before getting up and moving to the kitchenette.

Kass watched him go then stood, and using the crutches swung into the bedroom to get cleaned up. She considered her clothes and dressed as if she was meeting an important official. Best to look her best when she spoke to her .. father.

A few minutes later, they were enjoying a delicious dinner of lamb chops with orzo and lemon. They enjoyed the meal with a chilled white wine.

After dinner, Kass brushed her teeth and headed out to speak with her father.

Johnathan gave her a final kiss for luck, then sent her on her way, hopeful that she could change Ivan's mind, even a little.



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