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Ace in The Hole

Posted on Sat Aug 13th, 2022 @ 4:44am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 7:06pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Rio, Terra
Timeline: Date 2371-06-02 at 1430
3514 words - 7 OF Standard Post Measure


Edward was sitting in his and Giana's favorite cafés in Rio. He knew that she came down here this time of the year. She always enjoyed Carnival. He enjoyed it too, though, not as much as when they were together.

Though the slight had been minor, in his mind, it had unfortunately been in public. Since then, Giana had not returned any of his calls or accepted any of the gifts he had sent. He knew she wouldn't stay mad forever, but, she had never been this silent.

And then there was the news that she was being courted for marriage by not one, but two different men. He would be lying if he didn't feel a pang of jealousy towards both suitors. While he knew he had no claim to Giana's feelings, he had never really known life without her in it. If he wanted to even stand a chance at her hand, he would need to proceed carefully.

So, in the last several months, he has made sure to remain alone. He didn't want it to seem, even for a moment, that he was seeing someone else. In his heart, he knew the truth. While being a Starfighter pilot took up a big part of his heart...

Princess Giana Orsini owned the majority of it.

So, while he knew that he was about to ship out for the new war to start to reclaim the territory stolen from the Empire by her enemies, he requested a final leave before the deployment, to put his personal affairs in order. As the only living Starfighter Ace in the fleet, along with his father's connections, he was granted a seventy-two hour leave.

So, he sent a final message to Giana:

My Dearest Giana,

I know you are not happy with me. I know and regret embarrassing you as I did. I not only wronged the woman I was escorting, the Royal Princess, but my dearest and oldest friend. I hope one day you are able to, if not forgive my, then to think kindly of me.

You have always been the brightest star in my sky. And now, in my stupidity, I have blotted out the entire cosmos. I know that you can choose anyone, far better than myself. I, however, will never know anyone as truly wonderful, warm and loving as you are.

As you mat have heard by now, the Fleet is about to move out, to begin the reconquering of the worlds that were stolen from the Crown. I, of course, will be leaving Yerra with them, where I will fight, and if necessary, give my life to secure an Empire worthy of you.

I have been granted a seventy-two leave, to settle my affairs before deployment. I will spend that whole time waiting, at that little café that we found when we were younger, you know the one. I will be at our table until either my leave ends or, God's willing, you meet me.

Should you choose not to, please do not fret. I will move on with my career, never to bother you again. On this, I give you my word of honor. I will also never think poorly of you. I am the one who is in the wrong her, not you.

Whatever you choose, please remember, you will always own my heart, My Queen.

Eternally Yours,
Love Always,


So now, he sat, and waited. Only the Fates knew what was in store for him.

Edward would sit there for quite some time along with his thoughts, hopes, and regrets. The café was lively as ever, full of the rich and nobility of the world since Giana would never make a habit of frequenting anywhere more pedestrian. The steady hum of the surrounding crowd began to soften, however, and Edward would notice that people were getting up and leaving en masse. Those who had food watched it being hastily packed up for them before they were hurried out of the establishment, though no one had approached Edward to ask him to leave. As they people filed out, the unmistakable uniforms of the Imperial Guard began to file in, taking up positions around the café.

It was not often that Giana traveled with a full imperial detail, but today she made an exception simply to provide a concise and powerful reminder to Edward exactly who she was, since at their last meeting he seemed to have mistook her for some common whore he could mock and put aside in favor of another woman when she herself had been the reason he had been there in the first place. Once everything was deemed clear, the door opened again and Giana walked through with her guard escort.

She looked radiant and every bit the queen he often called her. She wore a long, dark red dress that hugged her figure and had a plunging neckline outlined in golden filigree that crawled up onto the straps that held it and decorated the hem. Her jewelry was lavish (but just a shade off of gaudy, she would never be gaudy) and consisted of rubies, diamonds, and gold. Sitting under her breasts at her waist was a golden chain in the middle of which was the Imperial seal. She was escorted to Edward's table and sat down without giving him the chance to bow or try and kiss her hand.

Giana looked at him with the same amount of coldness that she had left him with at the soiree. "Edward." She greeted icily.

Edward straightened up in his seat and dipped his head towards her. "Your Highness. Thank you for coming down to see me. I know that you didn't have to." He was quiet for a few beats, then said, "As always, you look radiant." The tone of his voice and the expression on his face showed that he was both being completely honest and clearly regretted his behavior.

"No, I didn't." Giana confirmed, crossing her legs and still just looking at him with a hard gaze. She wasn't going to speak. He had asked her here, he could say whatever it is he needed to to attempt to win back her favor in this moment given that seemed to be his intention given the letter he had sent.

After a moment of silence, of them looking deep into each other's eyes, he finally said, with full earnestness. "I am sorry, Giana. It was never my intentions to hurt you in any way."

“I don’t believe you.” She replied quickly and flatly, looking at him with annoyance. “I don’t know what came over you, Edward, and frankly I’m not sure I care at this point. What you did to me is inexcusable. I don’t know if you think I’m stupid or blind or both. You made your choice. The lesser woman. Live with it.”

He arched his eyebrow slightly. "Actually, Your Highness, if you look back on that night, you will see that I didn't say anything in your defense, because I did not think you needed it. Between you and that other woman, you are the better person. You'd see that she lashed out at you for the simple reason that she feels threatened by you, because she knows that you are the better person."

He took a breath and continued. "And, as your aides I'm sure have told you, not only did I leave alone, I have been alone ever since. The reason I was alone, is because you are the only one I want to be with." He sighed before adding, "of course, if after all these years, I haven't made that clear to you, then I'm not sure what else I can do."

“You think I missed those looks between you and that little witch? Those smirks? Those little mocking jabs?” Giana scoffed. “You really must think I’m blind. You didn’t defend me because you wanted to fuck her. You said as much, and whether you left alone or not isn’t the point. She could have rejected you for all I know.” She waved her hand dismissively. “I thought I was the only one, you made it very clear that wasn’t true that evening. Own it, Ed.”

A confused look crossed his face. "At what point, in that whole evening, did I say to you, or anyone else, that I wanted to fuck her? Did we smile? Yes, did we joke with each other? Yes. I have known her and her brother nearly as long as I have you. Her brother is in my squadron! He and I went to the Academy together, remember? I graduated first in my class, he was third."

He sighed and shook his head slowly, clearly feeling disappointed. Looking back up, he said, "So that's it? One night of misinterpreted actions and I've lost all your trust and affection? I am so sorry. I had no idea that I had hurt you that badly."

Silence descended upon them again, then he spoke. ""Since it seems you no longer care about me, may I ask one question?"

“Gods dammit, Edward!” Giana roared suddenly and slammed her fists down on the table. She had a temper, yes, but it was very rare she displayed the rage so known to the Orsini bloodline. You never quite knew what you were going to get. The guards stood stoically by, not reacting to the outburst but it was probably a good thing the café had been cleared. “What you intended doesn’t matter to anyone but you. What was perceived not only by me but by the public is what matters. Did you not read any of the news for days afterward? No, of course you didn’t. That’s not your ‘thing’, but it is mine. Everyone there saw what happened. I was just lucky Lord Sibiya was there to soften the blow and give people something else to talk about besides the eye fucking the host and my escort gave each other. Nobody cares if you were pushed together in your cradles and are best friends for life or anything like that. It is about appearances. How, after all these years, do you not understand that?”

Edward was silent for several seconds as his own anger started to brew. Finally, when it seemed that Giana had nothing more to say, he spoke, his voice low and dangerously calm. "Of course I read the reports, heard the rumors, watched every holo, listened to my mother as she berated me. Everyone in the Terran Social Media has torn into me being a worthless piece of shit. And you know what? Of all of it, the only person whose opinion I truly cared about, the one person that I wanted to talk to, the only person that mattered...was you! Why do you think I've been sending you constant messages, numerous gifts to try and begin to apologize to you! Since the first day I laid eyes on you, I have loved you and only you. I told you that night, that the whole social scene is your battle ground, not mine. Well, rest assured, I have been thoroughly run through. I have nothing more blood to give to those rapiers. I know that I am now and will always be a social pariah. But, NEVER accuse me of wanting another woman! You are the only one I will ever want."

"Oh please, you'd find another woman easily. Let's not be over dramatic." Giana scoffed and her temper seemed to have cooled mildly. She put her hands back in her lap and took a deep breath. "Edward, if I had no remaining affection for you, do you think I would be sitting here in front of you right now? Really?"

"I don't want any other woman," he said heavily. "I only want you. What must I do to prove to you that fact? Go out and give my life in your name while battling our enemies in the coming war?"

"Kill her." Giana replied simply and shrugged. It wasn't actually overly apparent whether she was serious or not in her offer.

He was silent for a beat, the nodded. "Though it will end my career and my own life would be forfeit, very well." It was clear that he was not happy with her demand. However, he was a man of his word, no matter what.

He stood and bowed properly to her. "I will forever be you faithful servant, Your Highness." He then straightened up, paused to look her in the eye one more time, as he doubted he would ever be allowed to do so again, then started to leave.

“Gods. Edward, come back.” She sighed and waved him back over, the imperial guards stepping in to block him from leaving. “As much as it would give me great pleasure for her to be not an issue anymore, I care about you too much to do that to you.” Truth be told she hadn’t expected him to so readily agree and she had to wonder if he had only done so betting on her calling him back or if he would have actually done what she had asked.

Edward paused a moment, before turning around and returning to sit with Giana. It was clear by his expression that he was disturbed. "If you care for me as much as you claim...never do that again. I may be many things and may have done many wrongs, however, I am a man of my word. I had hoped, above all else, you would still believe that of me. So, I will do anything you ask. Just do not ever test me like that again. For the next time, I will not be stopped. My love for you is strong, my honor is stronger. I had thought you knew that about me and was one of the reasons you preferred me by your side as opposed to the various sycophants that are in the Court, drooling to earn your favor, not because they care about you, but because they think it would elevate them, even slightly."

An offer like that could get him into trouble, but Giana also recognized its usefulness and sincerity. "I'm not going to lie to you, I actually didn't expect you to agree to that so readily given you just pointed out she is more or less a childhood friend." She placed her hands on the table and let out a sigh. "I don't know what to do with you, Edward. I care about you, but you did hurt me deeply and in public. I'm not even sure how the commoners would react if I were to be seen allowing you to court me again. That and you are leaving now... and I assume you have no idea when you will get back. My father is pressuring me to marry yesterday. He wants me gone."

Edward took a breath and considered Giana's words for a moment. Then he looked her in the eye and said, "Or, let's go at this from the other angle. Let's say that you not only publicly forgive me, but, marry me. Think of how the commoners will see you then. Not only forgiving a hero of the Empire, but agreeing to marry him before he heads off to fight in the largest war the Empire has seen in over seventy years. Then, upon our triumphant return, we have a full-press ceremony."

He paused a beat, then said, "Or, you can just give me a kiss on the cheek and send me on my way and marry one of the peacocks that are being groomed for you."

"My you are forward... though I suppose that is one of the things I do like about you." This time, Giana offered him a small but genuine smile. She was softening to him again, it seemed, as she always did. "I'm not going to marry you right now, Edward. There have been commitments and promises made for me to entertain various lords and noble sons while I am here in Rio, but I will do my very best to stay my father's blade until you have come back and I can make a proper decision."

A warm smile crept across Edward's face. "That is the least I can hope for, my Dearest Princess. Though," he said with a more assured grin. "You wouldn't send me off to war without at least a small kiss?"

Giana just rolled her eyes and shook her head, though the smile was still on her face. "I will grant you a small kiss." She agreed, though made no move toward him.

Edward continued to smile as he slowly moved from his seat and knelt beside Giana. Looking up into her beautiful eyes, he spoke softly. "My Queen."

Giana leaned in, smiling at Edward as her hand went to his cheek, but suddenly shifted to grab his jaw firmly, but not enough to hurt him (not that she was probably really capable). "Never hurt me like that again, Edward. You are an intelligent man, use that particular gift better than you have."

"Never again, Gi," he spoke quietly. "You are the only star in my sky, now and forever." He then slowly reached up and gently caressed her right cheek. "You are my heart and soul."

Giana caught his hand before he could caress her and just stared hard into his eyes for a moment. If he ever slighted her like that again no matter what their relationship was, he would pay dearly. Her expression then softened and she let his wrist go so he could touch her while she leaned in and gently pressed her lips to his, granting his request for a parting kiss from his love.

Edward would never do anything to hurt this woman again. He was being truthful in his protestations of love for her. As he returned the kiss with equal pleasure, a soft growl rumbled deep in his chest.

She didn’t linger against his lips long. Instead she pulled back enough to kiss his forehead then withdrew entirely. She recognized that pleased growl for what it was and tapped her fingers on the table. “How much longer do you have on your leave?”

Looking at his Princess with a renewed hunger in his eyes, Edward replied. "Twenty hours, seventeen minutes, Your Highness." He knew that he still had work to do to ensure he had fully regained Giana's trust, however, he was happily surprised that she had shown the affection she had. To not only allow him to touch her face - no one did that - but to kiss him a second time on his forehead, nearly moved him to tears.

For this woman, he would pave the cosmos with the blood of all their enemies.

Giana stood without a word to him and began to walk to the exit. Half way there, she looked over her shoulder and quirked a brow. “Well, are you coming?”

Edward was to his feet in a flash. He then moved closer to Giana, when he said to her. "My Lady." He bowed respectfully and honestly. Then, after he straightened up, offered her his left elbow.

One arm slid through his and she placed her other hand on his forearm allowing her to walk close to him as they headed for the exit. “Stand up straight.” She reminded him before they got to the door. Given the entourage she had arrived with and the way that Giana was looking today, there was absolutely no possible way that there weren’t droves of paparazzi waiting outside for them. “Don’t wave, don’t acknowledge, just go to the car.”

He chuckled softly as he straightened up even more than he already was. "As you wish, My Queen," he whispered into her right ear. Then, after he straightened back up, he gave a nod to her security detail to open the doors to the street.

The doors opened and immediately the sounds of a gathered crowd met their ears. They were of course looking for Giana’s attention, but just as she had instructed him, she also didn’t engage the crowd in any way. She simply slid gracefully into the sedan and waited for Edward to get in on the other side. Once he was settled, the driver immediately set out back to the palace proper. “Well then, Edward, you have twenty hours to prove to me how much you are going to miss me while you are gone.”

A slow, hungry grin started to spread across his face. "Well then, let's not waste any time." He then leaned over and started to kiss her, careful not to mess up her hair or makeup.

As he did so, Giana's chauffeur discreetly activated the privacy partition.



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