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Physical Examination of Lieutenant Marshall

Posted on Sun Jan 23rd, 2022 @ 2:31am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Ensign Mika Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 3, 1015 hours
829 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy entered Sickbay, one of his least favorite parts of a ship or installation to find himself in. He stepped up to the duty desk and introduced himself to the attractive young woman manning the desk as he handed her a PADD with his medical records already open. "Greetings Cadet. I am Lieutenant Marshall and here for my in processing physical."

Mika offered a smile at the new arrival, one of the hundred's she'd seen in the last few days. Such was the reality of a first mission on a military vessel. She accepted the PADD from him and perused it. As she was the duty officer, she would be in charge of logging his physical.

"Welcome to the Vengeance, Lieutenant." she said, standing and walking over to the nearest bio bed. Her uniform skirt billowed as she moved, and she gestured for him to sit on the bed as she activated the bioscanner. "Hop up here, please."

Troy complied with the young woman's request after removing his weapons belt and placing it within easy reach. Trust was earned, but it was also a two way street. "I hope you will take care of me as well as you did at the Academy infirmary last semester."

“Did I?” She asked in an interested tone. She took another look at his face before her eyes widened in recognition. "Oh my goodness, I remember you. You had the headache that wouldn’t quit. Easy to fix, but I bet it was pretty annoying.”

With a flourish of her gloved finger, she started the biobed’s scanner and watched as it started to give information. The most basic and important part of this work was verifying the readings rendered here generally matched the ones he had given from his past check ups.

"It gets somewhat tedious to spend an entire weekend running 47 cadets through the same holodeck training program...and watching each one them fail." He studied the young woman's face for a moment. "I assume by your features you are the daughter of Captain Petrov."

“Is it my untrimmed beard that gave it away?” She asked with a bright smile, giggling a bit at her own joke. “I’m Mika Petrona, and yes the Captain is my father.”

Troy turned his gaze to the readings on the monitor. "So in your professional medical opinion. How long do I have to live, barring an untimely death due to a subordinates attempt at career progression?"

Mika arched an eyebrow at first, but when she got his meaning, she simply smiled.

"I see. You feel as though you may fall victim to a workplace incident which might effect your health. In my professional opinion, medical or otherwise, I don't think you have anything to worry about." she said, finishing the scan and saving the data it recorded. "Though, I would try to avoid finding myself on the edge of a cliff with no witnesses if I were you, just to be safe."

He nodded slowly. He was the vigilant sort who rarely let his guard down. "I shall endeavor to heed your sound advice." He allowed a curious expression to cross his face. "I have never had the opportunity to serve with a family member in the same command. May I ask how doing so for you is?"

“In all honesty, my inability to candidly answer that question says it all. If I were to ask you about your relationship with your parents, you could give me a private answer. I, on the other hand, can only give you a public one as my father is a man of authority here. It’s… kind of weird for me.” She said, and then seemed to correct herself. “But, of course, this is a great opportunity and I really appreciate it. Many of the cadets I attended Academy with would literally kill to be in the position I’m in.“

Troy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He could tell the young woman examining him held the rare trait of compassion. It could make her a target for the enemies of the Captain. "Well, are we done here Cadet Petrova?"

She worked quickly to compare the information he provided her, cross referenced with the information on his medical history in the database, with those she just took.

“According to the medical scans, you’re perfectly healthy and fit for duty.” She said with an agreeable nod. “You aren’t experiencing any discomfort or medical problems not picked up, are you?”

Troy shook his head. He knew he was in perfect health and prepared to assume his duties once in-processing was complete. "I am fine. I do appreciate your diligence in asking though."

"Of course, sir." she said with a measured half-grin, trying to hide the kindness behind her expressions. "Stay safe out there, and good hunting.

Troy strode purposefully out of Sickbay. It was time to meet his counterpart in the Marine Detachment.


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