
Bad News for Kass and Johnathan

Posted on Fri Jul 22nd, 2022 @ 11:09pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Johnathan's Cabin
Timeline: Mission Day 25 at 2230
665 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass arrived back at Johnathan's cabin, and took a deep breath before entering it.

"Johnathan?" She called out.

He was sitting on the couch, nursing a drink, when his doors slid open. Seeing that it was Kassandra, he leapt to his feet, a hopeful smile on his face. "My love! did it go?" He helped her back over to the couch and sat down with her, picking up the drink he had waiting for her from the coffee table, and handed it to her.

Kass held the glass for a moment then took a sip. She placed it down on the coffee table. "Not good." She replied.

He put his drink down as well, then put his arms around her and held her tight, supporting her weight easily. "Tell me," he said softly to her as he guided her back to the couch.

"He and I went back and forth, respect this no respect that. He refused to give blessings and I told him to be prepared for illegitimate grandkids. I didn't loose my temper though I came very close." she closed her eyes. "Two Months is the bottom line. He will assess us for 2 more months and then we will discuss the situation. During those two months however, I am not allowed to live in the same cabin as you. We can still see each other but I am not allowed to move in here or spend the whole night."

Johnathan was silent for a few moments, then nodded. "Okay. We can do two months easy. Hell, we survived that shithead Morrison, the Caretaker, the fucking Ocampans." He kissed her tenderly, then looked deep into her eyes. "Whatever it takes to be by your side, I will do it, my love."

"Starting tonight" she said softly "I am expected to be in my cabin. He suggested i move in with him, Yana and Mika. I passed on that"

Chuckling softly, he joked with her. "What? You don't hant to have a slumber party with your baby half-sister?"

"Mika is fine," Kass replied with a sigh. "Its nice not being the baby of the family." She bit her lower lip. "I should pack up what I have here and go back to my cabin."

Johnathan shrugged then responded. "Why? He said you couldn't move in or stay the night. He never said that you couldn't come here to change after work."

"Johnathan If we are to get this right, I need to move back to the Chief of Intell's cabin. It's 2 months, two horrible months, but we have to. Do not worry, once I am cleared for... everything, we will just have to learn to set our alarms so we do not get caught with me sleeping over or vice versa,"

Sighing softly, Johnathan finally nodded. He knew that Kassandra was right. She always was. If it took him the rest of his life, he would show her that she chose well, when she agreed to marry him. "Alright, my love. We will do this right. That way, your father cannot say that we didn't follow the rules."

"Exactly" she whispered and kissed him gently. "I love you. Never doubt that." She continued.

After returning the kiss, Johnathan gently placed his forehead against Kassandra's and looked deep into her eyes. "I will never doubt that, my love. Our love is as sure as the Northern Star!"

Kass smiled and got her crutches and stood. "Lets get started."

He nodded and followed her. Over the next two hours, they packed up and removed most of her things from his quarters, they decided to leave a few personal hygiene items...along with a few private items as well.

Finally, they were sitting together on her couch, holding one another. All of her possessions had been put away and they had had a small bite to eat. For now, they were just enjoying the last hour that they could be together that evening.



