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Meeting the New Boss

Posted on Fri Aug 5th, 2022 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington
Edited on on Tue Aug 9th, 2022 @ 2:05pm

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Cargo bay 1
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 0830
1118 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Sovas had been working on getting himself up to speed on their current situation as well as sorting out what their supply situation looked like. While many in the empire hungered for fame and glory so thus sought out careers that would allow them to engage more directly with the enemies of the empire, the half Vulcan took a more pragmatic approach to such vainglorious pursuits. It was all well and good to take the fight to your enemy but unless you were well prepared and had the supplies to carry out such conflict, it was doomed to failure. So he took pride in ensuring that through his meticulous efforts the aims of the Terran Empire would be met, not through the clash of blades or violent bursts of phaser fire but by ensuring that those who took the fight to the enemy would have plenty of torpedoes, replacement phaser coils and shield emitters to remain in the fight and outlast their foe.

Many took his pragmatism for weakness and lack of ambition, though nothing could be farther from the truth given that he possessed all the same hungers and drives graced to him by his Terran blood. Though he also knew that the strongest predators weren't always the ones that were seen but caught you unawares, snatching away survival from the unprepared. So it was that he was now ensuring that he wasn't caught unaware or unprepared.

With a new Chief in Ops Andrea wanted to make a good impression. Having conducted a full survey of the status of the Ops systems she made her way to where Sovas was to hand it over. “Excuse me Lieutenant” she stood at attention giving him the respect due his position. “A full report on our status for you Sir.”

The half-Vulcan paused as he turned to look over at the Ensign standing stiffly at attention before nodding. "At ease Ensign, provide me with a summary of your report."

Andrea relaxed and took a deep breath. “All in all we’re not too bad. Ship’s systems have been better, and we are going to need to find supplies sooner rather than later. Repairs have mostly been completed, but some of it is patch job only until we find the supplies we need. I’ve been trying not to use what we only have a limited number of, just incase we really get in a tight spot.” She handed the PADD over. “As you can see engineering supplies are very limited. Mainly due to the fact that ship’s are expected to be able to reach dock for any major repairs.”

"Always an ever wonderful shortcoming of the Imperial Logistics Bureaucracy's need to let everyone know right where they have them." He commented dryily while trying to sort out the best way to deal with their current supply shortages.

"What are you feelings about half Terrans Ensign," He looked up from the PADD to gauge her reaction and get a read for her. "And how you feel about having one up jump a pure Terran such as yourself?"

While to some it might have seemed a crass or too forward question, though if he intended to keep his position and his life to make his own way within the Empire he needed to know where the threats would be coming from.

“My feelings?” Andrea looked at Sovas in silence for a moment. “That depends on the person Sir, if they have no problem with me, then I have no problem with them. As for being ... jumped by one, the last non Terrans that lay hands on me are now six foot under.” She paused letting the tense air of her statement go by. “It’s not something I generally talk about, but I was kidnapped, and subjected to mental and physical abused by non Terran’s hence why I eventually killed them!”

"Good to know Ensign," Sovas made a mental note of that before he made to clarify his question since it seemed that his choice words might have a bit of a different association for her. "When I say up jump, I mean having a half Terran placed into a command position before you as a pure Terran, though your assailants deserved their fate for having the presumption of abusing their evolutionarily superior."

“My misunderstanding Sir” Andrea offered a respectful smile. “I have no qualms with the decision of my superiors. Any Officer, whether pure Terran or not, placed into a Command position above me has obviously earned that right. If I do not agree then I will state that fact.” She paused. “For the record you are safe from me Lieutenant.”

"I appreciate the straight forward answer Ensign," He nodded while turning back to his work for a moment before giving the woman a slight smirk. "Though for the record, that would be what one might say if they wanted their target to lower their guard."

“Indeed it might” Andrea smiled a wry smile. “I guess you’ll just have to try trusting me.”

Sovas chuckled a little at the junior officer but decided that she wasn't a terrible individual to have as part of his team though he would still be a fool to discount someone who took their revenge on those that had wronged her. "Trust isn't something that comes easily for me, though I don't see that you would have any reason to stab or gut me so we'll build from there."

Andrea smiled warmly. “By all means Sir. I’ll endeavour to earn your trust.”

"Is there anything else Ensign?" He questioned here, feeling that to carry on from here would be idle chitchat and for a moment he could feel the unpleasant memories of his father's [i]lessons[/i] when the elder Nyseth had caught him just standing by and speaking to one of the servants instead of studying or sparring. He felt the rush of emotion, the sensation of the physical blows that had sent him reeling while fear surged through him and he felt that presence in his mind. It was hazy and indistinct but there all the same as he outwardly did his best to focus on his work and the unsettling sensation of reliving his childhood.

"Actually if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on something." He handed Andrea the PaDD and gave her a tight nod. "Take over for me here and make sure no one takes any supplies they aren't allocated."

Without another word the Half-Vulcan turned to leave, doing his best to not sprint out of the Cargo bay as he felt the full weight of his childhood memories bearing down on him.



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