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Doctor Frankenstein, I Presume?

Posted on Fri Sep 16th, 2022 @ 12:44am by Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken & Chief Petty Officer Noah Reed

Location: ISS Vengeance, Sickbay
Timeline: (Before the Talaxian Run)
1840 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Though he wasn't looking forward to it, Micheal knew that he had to go see the ship's CMO to get his return to duty physical. Part of him was hesitant because he didn't know the doctor, so there was no trust that he wouldn't try to copy any of the tech that was keeping Micheal alive.

However, if he ever wanted the day to come, where he could regain any of his lost humanity, this appointment was the first step on that path. So, that in mind, he stepped into the ship's sickbay and looked for the medical staff.

Dana was on duty, PADD in hand just finishing off updating a patient record with minor injury details, when she saw someone waiting. Walking over she offered a warm smile as she gazed at him. “Can I help you?”

Micheal was surprised at what he now saw. With his enhanced vision, he was able to determine that the woman approaching him was heavily enhanced with Borg implants.

Cautiously, he spoke. "I hadn't realized that the Borg had reached Terran Space while I was lost in the Andromeda Galaxy."

Dana was taken by surprise, no one else seemed to know of the Borg. “You ... know of the Borg?” She shook off the surprise. “Erm...they didn’t. I was unfortunate enough to be one of a small group that encountered them. They took us back with them, I was part of a pre-invasion group years later but it didn’t work out as planned.” She offered a brief smile. “The Empire saw my worth, the doctor’s took out what implants they could.” She glanced at him curiously. “I see I’m not the only one whose augmented.”

Micheal arched his right eyebrow in amazement. "Wow! You are certainly very lucky! From what Intel on the Borg I have been able to gather, no one in the Delta Quadrant has ever escaped them." He then could feel her intent stare upon him.

Chuckling softly, he nodded. "Yeah, though mine was to save my life, not assimilate me." He looked over at the nearest biobed. "Shall I? I am here for my return to service physical, afterall. My wife was in the other day. Kaleigh Robertson?'

“I wasn’t here when Kaleigh was in but I remember updating her file from the notes the doctor left. Congratulations!” Dana smiled warmly. “Please make yourself comfortable on the biobed, I’m sure the doctor will be here soon.”

Micheal grinned happily. "Thank you! I'm still coming to terms with the great news that I am going to be a father...for more than just to Daphne, of course. I see her very much as my daughter already." He suddenly blushed from embarrassment. "I feel like it sounds like I will love a biological child more than her...that's not how I meant it."

“Of course not” Dana smiled warmly. “Having your first biological child is special, it doesn’t change how you feel towards Daphne.”

Micheal gave Dana a lopsided grin, relieved that she understood him. Moving to sit on the biobed, he removed his shirt, revealing more augmentation that had been done to his body.

Dana was shocked and surprised all at the same time. “Wow! I thought Borg implants were tough, whoever did this was obviously a master at their art.” She offered an understanding smile and picked up a tricorder. “Do you mind if I run a full scan?”

"They are called the Flagaunians. They saved my life when I emerged from a massively powerful snd unstable wormhole, that pulled me from the Alpha Quadrant, and deposited me deep in the Andromeda Galaxy." He took in a breath, then continued, "Hold on a sec..." and closed his right eye.

Two seconds later, several small hatches opened on his left arm, face and torso, clearly giving access for various types of maintenance.

The left side of his skull, or at least, a metallic version, was visible, as were that various circuits that were housed there. The internal working of his artificial left eye and sensors could easily be seen, if not exactly easily identified.

His left arm was simpler in its design. Several servos, pumps and motors to allow for movement of both the limb and the artificial flesh that covered it.

If his cranial cavity was full of circuits and other cybernetic devices, his torso was even more so. The entire left side of his ribcage was either reinforced or completely replaced with artificial bone. Upon closer examination, it would be found to be from the need to properly support his replaced left arm.

While his heart and right lung appeared original, at least on the outside, it was clear that his left lung was not. It expanded and contracted in concert with his right, but, it was clearly made of some kind of artificial substance.

Lower down, his liver was his, as was his right kidney, as both were hidden by protective tissue. The se could be said for his stomach and bladder. His spleen was artificial, as was his left kidney and his entire intestinal tract.

"As they had never seen a human before, they put me back together as best they could. I'm actually amazed that I look as good as I do." He chuckled softly at his own expense.

Dana was surprised by the sheer complexity of the systems that made up Mad Dog’s body. “Goodness me! I never imagined anything like this. Your systems are more complex than anything I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something for an Ex Borg!”

Micheal nodded slightly. "Apparently, they master this level of technology about three hundred thousand of our years ago. They actually use more sophisticated biotechnology than this now. But," he sighed as he remembered the words that the doctor had said to him. "They are bound by their own laws not to provide advanced tech like that to...lesser-developed speciesI. Apparently, they've been a space-faring race since the dinosaurs ruled Terra."

Dana nodded. “I’m seriously glad the Borg don’t exist here, can you imagine what they’d do with that kind of technology?” She offered a smile. “Well enough of my ramblings, I’ll see if the doctor is ready for you.”

Daniel looked up from his PADD as he heard footsteps approach his office and noted the crew member. "So our other special project has arrived it seems..." He trailed off, not really making it a question as he stood and made his way into the main Sickbay.

The probe to the medical tricorder flipped back and forth between fingers as he approached and scanned eyes over the opened compartments for a long moment before looking Michael in the face. "Here for routine maintenance?"

Micheal looked over at the approaching officer. He could tell that said officer was different from the rest of the crew by his thermal readings, though he didn't mention it. "No, that I can do, Doc. I'm here for my initial physical, as I just recently joined the crew. I exposed myself like this to allow you and your staff an opportunity to understand my unique situation."

"Yes. Because that is difficult to tell from your outward appearance, I can see why you would think I might need additional information." Perhaps not the best bedside manner but, Daniel did hate to be treated like an idiot and couldn't help responding harshly. "Regardless..." He continued before allowing a response. "You may close up now and lay down on the bio bed so that we can get a thorough scan for the records. Need baselines and all that."

Dana offered a smile to Michael, she understood what it was like to be different. No one here besides Michael Understood or even knew what the Borg were. She stood ready to assist, or get whatever Daniel needed.

Micheal blinked his right eye and the various open compartments on his body, each sealed seamlessly. He then did as instructed and laid back on the biobed. "Ready, Doc."

Daniel moved to put the scanning device into place over Michael's feet and then went over to the wall panel. A few commands and the arch started to slowly move up the bed and over Michael's body. Each time it hit a particularly dense area of machinery it slowed and beeped as the instrument ran deeper scans to be sure it found everything it could. The process was not quick, taking several minutes and a few times Daniel had to back the scanner down the bed to scan a particular area over again.

"Machines never quite interface with organic components seamlessly, do they?" Daniel muttered to himself, but loud enough for the others to hear. Then turning as the scan completed to remove the device from the bed he speaks a bit louder. "Though this is some of the best I've seen. Your organic components don't seem to be showing any extra strain at this point than I would expect. It will takes some time for me to go through all the data, but for now I do not see anything alarming."

Micheal nodded as he replied. "The species that put me back together, had mastered the use of cybernetics a few thousand years ago."

"Well, your baselines are logged and I will review the data to make sure there is not something problematic on a smaller level. You are free, unless you have any questions?" Daniel moved to take the scanner off the bed from over Michael and set it back in it's storage spot in the bed. "Dana, I want you to review the data as well to have a second set of eyes. I understand you have some cybernetic experience as well?"

Dana nodded. “I do indeed” she held up her hand briefly showing the cybernetic web on her hand. “I was part of a species called the Borg, unwillingly I might add. There’s more implants throughout my body.” She offered a smile. “It’s all in my file.” With that she started going over Michael’s readings.

Micheal shook his head as he sat up and put his shirt back on. "No, Doc. I don't think I do right now."

Dana glanced up as she finished skimming over the data. “From what I can see at a quick glance, readings are all fine. I will go over again just to be thorough.”

"Very well, update me tomorrow. Robertson, you're free to leave and we will update you if there needs to be anything."
Daniel nodded to them both and made his way away from the examination area to talk with another patient and nurse.

Dana watched Daniel go before smiling at Michael. “That wasn’t so bad. If there’s anything you need feel free to drop by and see us.”

Micheal nodded to Dana and gave her a friendly grin. "I will, thank you. Have a good day." He then stood and left sickbay.



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