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A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved

Posted on Mon Aug 8th, 2022 @ 7:06pm by Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Mission Day 3 at 1330
1832 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Christoph hadn't exactly been pleased to miss out on an away mission, but he was also intelligent enough to respect the opinion of his physician and the demands of his own body - at least when there wasn't something urgently pressing somewhere else. It would have been nice to get off the ship, but he hadn't really been needed and Madeline was perfectly capable of taking over for the day despite what anyone may have thought to the contrary. With a charming smile and nod, he said goodbye to the few security officers who had come over to check on a briefly chat with him, leaving him alone again and with his thoughts. He was going to need to figure out what to do with Andrei. He wasn't entirely sure why the other man seemed to think that one violent go around was enough to frighten him into submission, but it most certainly was not. The question was, what was the best play? He was quite aware that Andrei's antics had landed him in hot water with a few members of the senior staff, but Christoph also knew he would have to be careful with that.

Andrei had many people wrapped around his finger, some that didn't even know it... not to mention he had entire ship of Kazon. He had to play carefully.

He shook his head slightly to himself and took another sip of the dark blue drink in front of him and let out a sigh against the bite of the alcohol. Alone at the table, his eyes drifted out the viewport to the planet and then slid back into the room to look at the people. Making an appearance mattered after the work of the rumor mill on the ship; he wouldn't linger for much longer, but lunch and a drink wouldn't hurt.

Callie was sitting in the lounge simply looking out at the stars, as ship’s Counsellor she was supposed to look after everyone else’s welfare but kept her own feelings mostly between herself and Troy. With an advanced pregnancy, and less time until her son was born she was still worrying about being stuck in the Delta Quadrant. Not that she wanted to be anywhere near her controlling father, the further away the better.

Christoph spent a few more minutes finishing the rest of his drink and stood to leave, but as he walked he slowed as he saw a very pregnant woman sitting and, to him, looking a bit unsettled. They hadn't met personally, but given her condition there was literally only one woman this could be and that was Troy's wife. While the two had never worked particularly close together, they had been in the same department so Christoph felt inclined by extension to go check on her. He walked over to her, drawing close but maintaining a respectful distance.

"Excuse me." He called to her softly to hopefully not startle her and smiled. "Is everything alright?"

Callie snapped out of staring out of the window as she turned towards the person who’d addressed her. “Ohh I...” She offered a polite smile. “Thank you for asking, I was just...lost in thought that’s all.” She motioned to a seat. “Please feel free to sit down.”

Christoph accepted the invitation but figured he would keep it brief. Still sporting his naturally charming smile, he took a seat and looked at her. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to intrude on your thoughts.” He looked to her apologetically as he leaned back in his chair. “Christoph Ivers.” He introduced himself given at this point they had only been on the bridge at the same time once recently.

“Callie Marshall” She smiled warmly. “It’s nice to meet you. Don’t worry about the interruption, I needed it to snap me out of dwelling on things.”

"Easy to get oneself lost in doing that these days." He said sympathetically and looked at her with ease and nothing but cordiality. Sure, had she not been married he might have shown more direct interest, but he was respectful and not a home wrecker. Especially not when it was the wife of his boss. "Anything you want to share?"

Callie smiled. “I don’t know how much you know about...this.” She rested her hand on her rounded stomach. “Long story short, the Ocampa accelerated my pregnancy. Right up to six months, it’s shortened things down so much. It just worries me that we don’t have access to more medical facilities than those on the ship.”

"I knew the vague basics." He offered up with a nod at her slightly more detailed explanation. There was a brief flash of disdain in his eyes at the thought of the useless little aliens putting their hands on any Terran, but even much more egregious was a pregnant woman. It didn't linger though and his expression softened as he briefly looked down to her hand resting on her abdomen and then back up to her eyes. "I can understand where you would be concerned, but try to remember that the Vengeance is one of the most advanced ships in the fleet and that does come with those same advancements in medical; our medical staff seem bright and competent enough."

“They do indeed” Callie nodded. “That’s what I’m relying on. I’m probably worrying about nothing, which is most likely what Troy would tell me.” She paused to pick up her drink and sip it. “Being stuck out here does have its plus points, I’m away from my father’s influence for one. I’ve never felt at home anywhere until I came aboard this ship, this has become home, and family.”

It was a strange and maybe even morbidly amusing thing to Christoph. People either seemed to have a perfectly normal family life or a complete and utter disaster of a life on this crew with nothing in between. While he didn't know Callie's situation, he was of course aware of her half-blood status and found himself wondering if she was the result of a typical "breeding project" so many high status Terran noblemen seemed to partake in to breed useful and pliant offspring from slaves. Betazoids, Vulcans, and Orions always seemed to be the most favored. "It is good to find a place to belong." He said finally and crossed his legs. "While it may be happening much quicker than you would have anticipated, I'm sure you're happy to be welcoming your child soon, too?"

Callie nodded. “It’s pretty exciting, though it’s obviously going to be quite an upheaval trying to organise a routine around my duties. We’ll figure it out though.” She gave Christoph a curious look. “You work with Troy, do you consider yourself friends or just colleagues?”

"Colleagues." Christoph replied easily and smiled, obviously not having any problems with it. "With how duties were scheduled, I rarely had time to work with him directly and out of work well," He tilted his head in an almost playful way, "He had someone much lovelier taking up his attentions. I completely understand and respect it."

Callie nodded. “Fair enough. I know we’re all supposed to be wary of each other’s intentions, it’s not unusual for those in the empire to gain promotion by removing their superior. Now we’re all out here, all we have is each other. We can’t afford to second guess one another.”

"No, we can't." Christoph agreed. While he would have liked to say he didn't condone the practice, he was alarmingly aware of how hypocritical he would be considering it was through that very method his family had come to their current status and power back home. "Out here though... every life is so valuable. I wouldn't be surprised if some things may need to change if only for our survival." He nodded toward her. "Like children, for example."

Callie nodded. “Our son will be the first Terran child born out here, depending on how long we’re stuck out here the next generation will be extremely important.” She paused for a moment. “To be honest I never thought I’d see myself as truly feeling part of the Empire, but I know now how important it truly is.”

"It will be important, but it will also be just as important that we don't allow our women to be diminished by becoming mothers." He noted thoughtfully and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. The Imperial Fleet didn't take a high view of pregnancy among actively serving women after all and most would find their careers abruptly ended.

“I guess that depends on how Captain Petrov sees it, out here he is the Empire.” She hadn’t given consideration to what Christoph was saying before now. “I guess those few of us who have children, may become the ones to have more.”

"Perhaps, though there's only so few people you can run a ship with." He reminded her with a smile. "That, and it will be natural for people to want to pair off at some point, I'd think. We may all be heartless Terrans but we do have legacies to consider." He was joking... half joking.

“My son is my legacy, and as I promised Troy I will protect our son with my life.” She offered Christoph a smile. “Do you see yourself as a father some day?”

“I very much hope so.” He replied with warmth in his voice. Christoph did want a family. Even before his father had assumed the mantle of Lord of Brazil nearly thirteen years ago it had been a dream of his to have a legacy of his own. Being a lord’s son and heir apparent made it more of a social necessity. “Assuming I found the right woman.”

“Well there’s plenty of them aboard this ship!” Callie grinned as she picked up her glass and sipped her drink. “No doubt you’ll find someone eventually.”

He smiled and gave a good natured laugh at that. "That is true, there are. Maybe I should start looking sooner rather than later before all the nice ones get picked up."

Callie laughed, it felt good to laugh. “Maybe you should, thank you for this Christoph I needed cheering up.”

"Always happy to make a lady smile." He said and gave a charming smile of his own. He wasn't blatantly flirting with her, he was simply being honest. "I won't take more of your time though, Callie. It was nice finally getting to meet you properly."

“Likewise” Callie smiled warmly. “I should be getting home anyway.”

Christoph stood and offered a hand to help Callie up and make it just a bit easier on her considering her condition. Once she was standing, he offered a nod and smile. "Goodbye." With that, he headed for the exit without a second glance.



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