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A Change In Plans

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2022 @ 4:47am by Giuseppe Orsini & Emperor Antonius VI & Empress Cosima Orsini & Princess Jessica Orsini & Crown Prince Paolo Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 9:54pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Rio de Jinero Palace
Timeline: Date 2371-05-29 at 1100
5061 words - 10.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The Crown Prince, his wife, and their one year old materialized on the transporter pad. Grand Duke Antonio was in his mother's arms, looking wide eyed around the room, his shock of dark hair done up intentionally to make him look like the most professional baby he could. Jessica was wearing a black v-necked dress that suited her shape without being scandalous or seaming overly casual. She looked over at Giuseppe and smiled, ignoring the greeting of the servant at the foot of the pad. They'd had a wonderful ending to a stressful night, but she knew how he got when he got anywhere near his family; especially his father. She took a hold of his hand and leaned in.

"I'm with you and I believe in you." she said, trying her new strategy again. Maybe, if she could keep things positive, he could hold it together.

A meeting with his father was never cause for celebration to Giuseppe and he highly suspected that Antonius felt the same. Still, after a night of passion spent with his wife and a renewed personal commitment to her happiness, he was resolved to try again. Eventually he would have to find something he and his father could see eye to eye on. “Would you like me to carry him?” He offered to his wife, knowing that their son could get heavy for her after a while.

She handed their son over to him and, as they transferred, she rested a hand on his chest. He was a mixed bag as a son, a brother, and a husband, but he had been a good father at all times. She loved that about him at the very least. She smiled, and walked beside him. “Thank you.”

They walked together then, following a valet girl out of the room and into a grand hallway. He’d spent his summers here his entire life; her family built it. They both had history here, but of a very different kind. She’d barely seen the place, not being a particular favorite of the Empress for some still unknown reason, though the Emperor had always seemed to love her. It had been a point of contention in their marriage as it made Giuseppe jealous.

“I wonder if they just want us for lunch…or if there’s something else going on.” She asked, walking at a moderate pace beside her husband.

"I'm not sure it is actually possible for it to be 'just lunch'." Giuseppe replied, his attention on his son as he settled the boy in the crook of his arm and up against his chest so he could offer his free arm to Jessica. If they were going to do this, he was going to display a unified front - even if it was tenuous at best. "We'll find out what's going on and deal with it." He at least sounded confident in the moment. Whether he would actually follow through words with action remained to be seen. "You look beautiful, by the way."

She smiled, still very sensitive to attentions like that from him. She’d spent so long wishing for them, that she wondered now if they were real or if she was imagining it. She was complimented for her looks on a daily basis, but none mattered like his.

“And you look Imperial.” She said to him and freed her hand from him in order to squeeze his firm backside.

The three of them were brought into the apartments of the Emperor and Empress and then were pointed in the direction of the reception room. They entered to a somewhat interesting scene where the Empress sat by the door reading a small book, Paulo sat at the grand piano on the other side of the room, playing something by Listz, and the Emperor stood with a tall man with graying hair and a brown suit.

“Giuseppe.” Came his mothers voice as she stood up immediately, moving toward the door. “Welcome home. Jessica, lovely to see you as always.”

Cosima kissed her son in the cheek and then moved to Jessica grabbing her hands in front of her and smiling.

"Mother." Giuseppe greeted and returned her kiss on the cheek, though quickly righted himself and steadied Antonio in his arms. The toddler was immediately fascinated by the music in the room and burbled as his head turned toward the piano and Paolo playing. Despite the situation, Giuseppe couldn't help but smile slightly at his child and hold him just a bit closer as he walked over toward his younger brother. "I haven't heard you play that one before."

“It’s new. My teacher has me sight-reading one romantic piece a day.” Paolo said without missing a note or beat on the keyboard. He spoke of very advanced skill, especially for a 14 year old boy, but there was no bragadocious tone in his voice. “What ever happened to your piano lessons, Giuseppe? I remember listening to you play when I was a kid.”

"I didn't really have the talent for it and father grew tired of my attempts." Giuseppe replied honestly as Antonio bounced in his arm. "It sounds like you definitely have the talent and ear." He was attempting a bit of a different tactic and truth be told for the moment he was just in a better mood than he usually was, so a little praise was showered on his brother.

Paolo turned to him, still playing, and smiled. It was one of both appreciation and amusement.

“You’re in good spirits, brother.” Paolo said, and seemed to wait for an answer to a question not posed. He was always constantly curious, a trait he shared with their father. He was, on the other hand, much nicer and more agreeable.

Giuseppe probably understood Paolo a little more than their sisters and chuckled a bit at the unspoken question. "I have a lovely wife and a healthy son. You'll have more understanding that comes with that in time." As Paolo was looking up, Antonio gave a cute little wave to his uncle.

“Oh, I get it. You had sex.” Paolo said, smiling. “Gross…in your case.”

Paolo made a face at his nephew, but he wasn’t natural with children, so it came out as not much more than uncomfortable.

"You wanted to know." Giuseppe grinned down at Paolo. He didn't ask, true, but he knew the look from his brother. For a long while in his youth Giuseppe actually had been a good brother to Paolo until the favoritism had become heavy handed and forced them apart.

Jessica walked up to them and placed her hand on Giuseppe’s arm, her eyes moving to Paolo’s hands on the keys. She watched intently as she spoke.

“What are you boys talking about over here?” She asked.

"I was asking Paolo if he had learned something new." Giuseppe replied and shifted Antonio back over to her so that he could be free when Antonius summoned him over. "His playing is quite skilled, don't you think?"

"It's beautiful." she said, smiling at the boy. She leaned over him to read the name on the sheet music, but pulled back quickly when her baby almost succeeded in grabbing the corner of the score and, undoubtedly, dashing it off the stand. She turned her gaze back to her husband and smiled. "Your mother is taking me to the gardens with some court ladies and their children. It's a play date for us. Good luck with your father. Cosima wouldn't tell me what its about."

She turned then to Paolo and thought about asking him, but she decided the least she got involved the better, and instead leaned forward to kiss Giuseppe.

Guiseppe caught her gently by the chin and leaned in to kiss her with tender affection. It was everything she wanted. He placed his large hand on Antonio's head and smoothed his hair out a bit as a farewell to his son. "Enjoy." He encouraged, and seemed to genuinely hope that she would. He was not happy to see her go, however, and finally turned to look toward his father once more.

Antonius was standing with the brown suited man, the Imperial Chancellor, talking the finer points of politics and law. Dr. Richard Ramsay, for his part, was a melancholic long-faced man with a salt and pepper beard and a high pitched wining voice. He was erudite, and measured, and curious; he had been Antonius's right hand man and head of the government during the seven years of Antonius's reign. He was the kind of extremely powerful man you wouldn't look twice at if you'd never seen him in the news. He was quiet, and not at all flashy.

The Emperor turned to his eldest son.

"Giuseppe Angelo, come here, would you? The Chancellor and I are at a point of disagreement on the finer points of military policy. We would like your perspective."

"Of course, father." Giuseppe assented with a respectful bow of his head. He left Paolo to his playing without a farewell and walked with purpose over toward his father and the Chancellor. "Chancellor, good to see you again."

Dr. Ramsay bowed respectfully and slowly, his sad eyes meeting the Crown Prince's when he'd stood back up.

"Your Imperial Highness, I assume you keep up to date on your Daily Government Box?" he asked then, folding his hands in front of him.

"When I am able." Giuseppe replied, "However, I will admit I have been a bit behind given the current state of the Imperial Fleet and our upcoming venture. My focus has been there."

"They tend to put the boring stuff on top." Ramsay said, smiling mildly. "I'd keep up with those, though. You'll want to be able to take up government at a moments notice if, gods forbid, something happen to your father."

"What are you talking about?" Antonius asked, a smile on his face. "I shall outlive all of you."

"No doubt, sir." Ramsay said, his smile brighter now. He was the closest thing the Emperor had to a real friend anymore. He had never wanted favor or power, and so Antonius gave him the entire government outside the independent agencies. "I'll be brief so that the two of you can get to your delicious meal. A request has reached my desk concerning the governance of the sectors which we are about to take in the upcoming military action. Some of my secretaries think Lords should be made to rule each of the reclaimed worlds with Imperial Army detachments left at their command to quell any unrest. Others think a military governor should be appointed for each sector. Might I ask you what your view is, sir?"

Giuseppe considered it for a beat and looked at Ramsay squarely. "A military governor should be appointed for each sector with resources at their disposal to defend our newly acquired territories, but the ultimate goal should be a transition to Lords and Imperial detachments." Throwing an inexperienced lord to the outskirts of a newly conquered piece of territory was just a poor decision.

"Hmm.." Ramsay said, nodding. He looked at the younger man again. "We could do that and let the brass select some competent officers to take on the roles."

"It would likely be feasible to select officers from noble families who would also have the ability and skills needed to take on such an assignment. Perhaps that could assuage some of the outrage that might come with military appointments." He offered further, keeping his eyes on Ramsay and not looking to Antonius.

Antonius, for his part, watched curiously, a hand placed squarely against his neck and jaw.

"Generally, the military is more egalitarian than civilian society." Ramsay said. "It helps the stability of this government for the people to know that, outside of politics, the Empire rewards those who are good at what they do at all times. Do you think its appropriate to involve the military in political appointments?"

"In a case like this, it might be beneficial to do so." He crossed his arms and shifted a bit where he stood. "Though the Emperor's will above all."

"I told you he'd say that. Didn't I tell you?" Antonius said to Ramsay who nodded and laughed.

"You did, sir. You did. Your father knows you well, Your Highness. I mean, he had it down to the word." Ramsay said. "I await your decision, Majesty. And I'll get out of your hair."

He bowed to the Emperor and then to the Crown Prince, and then quickly turned and left.

Giuseppe's jaw set for just a moment as he felt like he had been the butt of some sort of joke shared between the two older men. Still, he held his head high for the moment. Jessica's kindness and resolve had bolstered him in turn. "Good afternoon then, father." He said with surprisingly pleasantness.

"Good afternoon, Giuseppe." Antonius said with the same smile, clapping his hands on his sons arms and holding him tight. "You seem...full of energy today, son."

The younger man nodded an agreement. "Well, it has been a while since we have sat down to lunch together, hasn't it? I am looking forward to it." It wasn't exactly a lie; he was looking forward to having his curiosity sated for better or worse.

"Right, of course." Antonius said, not convinced in the slightest of Giuseppe's eagerness, but not being rude to any effect. "Well, we can go in then. Oh, and forgive that business just now with Richard. An old mans' bet. I meant no offense."

"Of course you didn't." He mirrored the same politeness that Atonius had showed in response while being no more convinced at his father's words. He turned with Antonius, his steps halting just slightly to see if his father wanted to be preceded or followed into the room today. He was going to get through this lunch. It wouldn't last forever.

Antonius placed a hand on his son's shoulder and walked with him to the door which lead directly into the small dining room. The walls were white with swirling silver inlaid. The table cloth matched it. Over the fireplace hung a portrait of the Imperial Family with Antonius, in resplendent ceremonial military garb, standing in the middle, taller than all of them. It was not literally true, of course. They sat down and Antonius immediately placed his napkin on his lap in anticipation of the beginning of the meal.

"So Giuseppe Angelo, you've been home for several weeks now. Tell me how things are going. What have you been up to?"

"I've been busy with fleet matters, but also doing my best to have my home in order before we depart for the front." He replied honestly but vaguely, leaving out the particular trials that he had at home. Hopefully they were on the mend though. "I hope you will have a few moments to see Antonio. He has had a growth spurt."

"I'll be sure to take some time with him, don't you worry." Antonius said. The boy shared his birth name, something he was sure his son did out of some desire to impress him and endear him to the boy rather than out of love or admiration. "Your wife, is she happy? How does she feel about you going away again?"

The doors parted and in walked three servants, all of whom placed trays, saucers, and plates on the table for them to plate their own food.

"I think that would depend on the day you asked her, truthfully." Giuseppe shrugged, trying a bit of a different tactic with his father. "It is a difficult thing for her sometimes, other times she enjoys the freedom she has when I am not around, I imagine." He spoke as the servants placed down the necessities, paying them no mind in the slightest.

"Well, yes, they can get that way, can't they?" Antonius asked rhetorically. He pulled a roll onto his place and dabbed a bit of butter on there as well. Then, using his knife he put some on the end of the roll and took a bite. Once the chewing was done, he spoke again. "But many wives long for their husbands to be near home, at least."

"Usually, unless it is a marriage of convenience." Giuseppe pointed out, he reached for his own roll which he unconsciously prepared the same way as Antonius had. Something he had done since he was a child always seeking his father's favor. "How have mother and my sisters been? Paolo seems well. Playing beautifully as always."

"They're all marriages of convenience, Giuseppe." Antonius said, blowing past the question completely. "Your mother and my marriage was one of convenience as well, and when I left home, she longed for my return. Jessica seems a very loving woman and you are a prince. What more does one need?"

The statement seemed purposefully ironic. The Emperor didn't laugh, but it wasn't clear if what he'd said had been serious at all or whether it was some strange four layer deep joke.

"Your mother is fine, Paolo is fine, Elana is dating a political enemy of mine against my wishes, and Giana is refusing to do her duty to this family by taking on a marriage of convenience like yours." the Emperor answered the question in one swoop. "You're going to hate running this family."

"So everything is going well, then." He said and sighed. He then smirked and shook his head slightly. "Jessica did mention Giana had been seen with one of the Lords though. Sibiya, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but she's just being dutiful because she fears me." he responded with a shake of his head. "She's probably looking for an excuse to get out of it. The problem, son, is that a Terran Emperor's greatest weapon is his dread. Even against family at times. Of course, we also must rely on those we scare. It's a dangerous game. A terrible job."

"I believe you." Giuseppe said instead of what he might have said in the past, 'I know'. He didn't, actually, but he was starting to learn. "Giana has always been one to test boundaries, but you said it is Elana who is directly dating your enemy? I find that one slightly surprising." He thought she was always too busy with her books, really. Perhaps she had some ambitions after all. Too bad for her.

"It is a surprise." Antonius said, using butter to prepare another bite. "I forbade her from seeing him and she agreed, but we come back to my point again. She thinks I am far more gentle than I really am. The situation will be dealt with decisively soon enough."

"Before I leave, I hope. I'd love to see what you have planned." That one, actually, was genuine. Giuseppe had always shown a keen interest in how his father dealt with his enemies... and how he corrected disloyalty in those he still deemed useful to him.

Antonius looked at Giuseppe, chewing. His eyes were analytical and sober. He seemed like he was reading him like a book. He took another bite, but kept looking. Patience, curiosity, and a willingness to learn; this was the least unpleasant time they'd spent together in easily a year. He was suspicious. And a suspicious Emperor was a very dangerous one indeed.

"Spill it, boy. What are you so happy about?" he asked, his tone measured, still in a polite range, though there was a subtle warning that he wanted the truth. Being a heartbeat away from a throne made one a prime suspect in every plot, real or imaginary. Perhaps that is one of the reasons he hadn't gotten along with his eldest son since his own father had died seven years before. He reminded him of death.

Honesty. He'd give it a try. "I had a fight with my wife last night, but we worked it out and I came away with a new perspective. I've been too caught up in meaningless things and I haven't really been paying attention to what you have been trying to teach me."

Antonius blinked in silence, his eyes on his son for several long seconds before he looked down at his plate. His response wasn't subtle, but it was odd enough that it was hard to read. A small smile followed by an expression of sadness. He nodded several times as if he was listening to someone unheard, and then he looked to he ornate ceiling like he was staring into the face of God himself. After a while, he came back to Earth and looked at Giuseppe.

"Then we shall have to make a change, won't we?" he asked rhetorically.

"I would like to." Giuseppe said in earnest, looking to Antonius. He might not have understood the facial journey his father had just been on, but it had produced a more positive result that he had gotten from the man in years.

"You are needed at court. It's time for the Crown Prince to learn to govern." Antonius said, hoping his son wouldn't relapse into his old habits and he wouldn't come to regret this. "You will discharge from Starfleet and serve as my special advisor on military matters."

Giuseppe opened his mouth slightly. Where once it might have been to immediately protest which would have been telegraphed through his expression way before he actually spoke any words, this time he was genuinely surprised. He closed his mouth and reined in his expression. "Of course, father. As you command." He said agreeably.

The two of them ate and conversed with each other with relative ease for the next several minutes. The conversation was fine and, though they didn't get along famously, things were certainly much improved.

"Your mother wants to know when you're giving us another grandbaby." Antonius said with a slight grin, moving his spoon around in his soup. "She's growing impatient."

"Oh I am very keen on that particularly endeavor." Giuseppe said with a slight chuckle and self assured, knowing smile. "Perhaps she will get her wish sooner rather than later now that I will be here at your side."

"To be young again." Antonius said with a chuckle. He avoided the topics he knew would be difficult and kept to common ground. A more discerning man than Giuseppe might have been suspicious that this was somehow a parting meal before he was put out to pasture. It was certainly unprecedented. It was in his father's nature to harp on details, to challenge, to demand answers he didn't know to questions he had not thought of.

“There is a summit soon to meet with the Romulans, is there not?” Giuseppe asked, not lingering on the topic with his father and instead trying to show an interest in the political matters. “Would you have me attend that with you?”

"Yes, the whole family is coming along." Antonius said. "But I have a very special project for you. One that will show you a great deal about what the future of this Empire will look like."

"Oh? What is that?" Giuseppe asked and leaned forward a bit, genuinely interested in what his father had planned so specifically for him. He actually couldn't remember the last time they had spoken this long without everything falling apart.

“Unfortunately, you must wait for this answer. The scheme exists in my head alone and it must remain that way until the time is right.” He said, taking a bite of the soup from his spoon.

There was a slight, but also remarkably understanding disappointment on Giuseppe's face. He nodded and served himself some soup. "Very well, father." He agreed without even a remote note of reluctance in his voice. Compliance was serving him well at the moment.

“But learn to guard your heart. The task won’t be easy.” Antonius said. “It will…change you. But that is what we need for the Emperor of tomorrow.”

This time, there was genuine concern on Giuseppe’s face and he obviously wanted to ask for some sort of clarification, but by some miracle and force of will, he abstained. “I will do my best to prepare then for whatever you have planned, father.” He promised and seemed to mean it.

The meal ended in the next few minutes and the two of them went back out to join Paolo who was still playing the piano. He had sense branched out into some more fun-filled music. Soon the doors opened and Cosima returned with Jessica and Antonio. Antonius immediately went over to them, kissed Jessica on the cheek, and took hold of his grandson. He walked around with the boy, bouncing him and teaching him all kinds of things he couldn’t understand.

Giuseppe had returned to Jessica, wrapping an arm around his wife as he watched Antonius wander around with his namesake. The boy was as interested as he could be at that age, staring wide eyed at anything his grandfather pointed out to him. Giuseppe looked away however, and inspected his wife for any proverbial battle scars of her own; his eyebrows lifted in silent question of if she was alright.

Jessica returned a smile. The outing had been a good experience and was free of any of the barbs Cosima was so good at dishing out.

“Things are strange right now. Like…perfect.” She said, looking at him. “How was your lunch?”

He moved to sit down and coaxed Jessica to sit down on his thighs, wrapping his arms around her hips. “My father wants me to remain here on earth.” He murmured quietly into her ear, his chin on her shoulder while he continued to watch his father and son together.

Her heart skipped. What was happening? Was this the start of something good or bad. She blinked at him, even though he was looking away, her light summer eyes dancing around his features looking for answers. Her full lips were slightly open.

“He wants you to leave the fleet or take an assignment here?” She asked. “Why?”

“Because I think we have reached at least some sort of understanding together. I am to become his military adviser and be at his side.” He explained, not getting too in depth right here.

The look on Jessica’s face was skeptical. Something was wrong. For years, his father preferred him far away from the action when he could avoid it. She knew he would want to feel this was a good thing, but she had her doubts. All of this registered on her face, though she responded with a simple “wow, what a huge change.”

She looked away then, her eyes settling on Paolo playing at the piano.

“Are you going to do what he asks?” She asked. She knew the answer before she even spoke. The Orsini girls were rebellious, not the boys.

Giuseppe was slightly confused and annoyed by the question, but he kept it under control. This time. “Of course I will. I wouldn’t squander this opportunity.” He replied resolutely and kissed her shoulder. Was she asking actually out of concern? Or would him being home impede on certain freedoms she had been taking in his absence? His eyes shifted to Antonio and narrowed just the slightest bit.

“Right.” She said, and uttered nothing else. She placed a hand around his shoulder and pat and then, suddenly, noticed the pleased look she was getting from Cosima on the approach. The woman had always blamed her for Giuseppe’s lack of intimacy and interests and she was undoubtedly happy to see them actually touching each other.

“So, Giuseppe. I was told you would be staying at court. I think it’s about time.” The Empress said, smiling.

“I couldn’t agree more.” He smiled pleasantly at his mother and pulled Jessica a bit closer to his body, knowing Cosima would like to see that. “You’ve been well, I hope?” He asked pleasantly. He had always been a pleasant person. When he wasn’t wallowing or angry.

“Yes, I have. Your father has been busy with war councils and I’ve been running the social life of the court as usual.” She said with a smile, “though I’m not as spry as I used to be. The job is getting rather difficult to do without help. I haven’t mentioned it but…I had hoped Jessica would join me. I might take her under my wing; show her how things work.”

It was a daunting task. Court was confusing for anyone who wasn’t born into it. Jessica’s eyes went somewhat wide. She knew it was coming, but she thought she had more time on her hands. This was the cost of marrying the Crown Prince, she supposed. Being Empress one day; something she didn’t want nearly as much as she once thought she did. But to secure Giuseppe’s reign and therefore her sons she would do anything.

“Oh, really?” Was all she managed to say.

"You will be wonderful, love." Giuseppe said with assurance in his voice, giving his wife the same encouragement that had so bolstered him in hopes that it would do the same for her. "The people will love you as I do." Eventually. Probably.

She took a deep breath and looked up to her mother in law. She nodded, expecting that one day she would be in her position. When she was, she would want her daughter in law to respond the same way.

“I’ll try.” She said. His encouragement hadn’t meant as much to her as hers had to him, but she gave him an anxious smile anyway. This was already becoming a lot of work.

Giuseppe touched her lips with his thumb and then eased her off his lap. A quick kiss on the cheek to his wife and he walked off to join his father and Antonio; being a close but not overly annoying presence would be a good step, he thought, and he wanted to show as much interest in what his son was being "taught" by his grandfather as anything else. He was resolved to make this work.



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