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In Chains

Posted on Thu Aug 11th, 2022 @ 3:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Cerron

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: ISS Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 5 at 0700
1678 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

A pounding headache. Sore ribs. Intense confusion. Andrei was coming to. He winced and then blinked his eyes open, his head swimming from the impact of earlier. He looked around the Bridge left, right, and forward. He was on the Bridge, but why...then he recalled. He was in the middle of a mutiny of the worst kind: the slave against the master.

"What...what's going on?"

The words barely left Andrei's mouth when his body was suddenly wracked with pain and was subjected to it for a solid thirty seconds until it finally abated, leaving his nerves raw. When his senses started to come back, he would finally become aware that first, he was completely naked. His arms were raised up and spread apart; long chains were attached to the manacles around his wrists. He was on his knees which were spread apart shoulder distance, behind him his ankles were trapped in their own manacles that had been bolted to the floor. Around his neck was an unfamiliar but extremely obvious weight of a collar.

"No one said you could speak, Terran." Cerron growled from the captain's chair as he spun around and looked down at Andrei.

Andrei looked down, the same deck plating he had seen before, except red stains of blood were pooled around the area in various spots. Head wounds tended to bleed alot. He felt like death and he looked it as well, he was sure. He was in a rigged up humiliation device of some kind, stripped bare of his uniform and weapons. His hair was caked with dry blood and between his bruised thighs, his manhood hung for the entire Bridge to see. He looked left and right, no sign of his top Kazon to be found. He was sure they were dead.

"Why are you doing this?" Andrei found himself asking, even though he already knew the answer. Terrans believed slaves couldn't be relied upon, but his mother had always taught him different. She'd taught him that they were people like Terrans, although inferior. And if you treated them well and showed care for them, they would love you, and defend you, and fight for you. And those he had hand-picked and trained had done just that. All except for Cerron. "If you wanted freedom you would just beam me back to Vengeance and leave."

As soon as he spoke, again, the collar around his neck activated. This time, he was left there for at least five minutes. Eventually, Cerron turned off the agonizer and looked down to Andrei. "You'll learn your place soon enough, slave. Now, there are some men here who would like to have a few moments to address some things with you." Stepping back, he spread his arms and indicated toward Andrei as two more Kazon men stepped up, both equipped with pieces of bulkhead. They looked down at Andrei with wicked grins and began to beat him savagely, mostly sticking to his back and chest for the moment.

Andrei closed his eyes tight at the activation of the agonizer again, but he refused to cry out. By will alone, he merely grunted and spat, tears streaming from his eyes and his muscles tensing all over his body. He struggled against his restraints by sheer force of the electric current moving through him, and when it was done, he sagged there. When the blows with the bulkhead came, he was buffeted back and forth with constant blows. His eyes were wide and his mouth open wide in a state of some euphoria for all the suffering he was undergoing. Even pain had a pocket; a refuge, when a person realized that pain was an unavoidable part of their experience. When the two large Kazon finally stopped their savage beating, he leaned forward and coughed up blood. Looking up, with barely enough energy to speak and a string of bloody spit dripping from his swollen lip, he made eye contact with Cerron.

"You want to break me, Cerron? You want to show me my place?" he asked, not demurring in the slightest, despite his pitiful state. "You are...I'm learning that my rightful standing over you with my cock in your mouth, you son of a whore. HIT ME AGAIN! COME ON!" he screamed now, finding more energy and fighting against his shackles again.

Cerron looked down at Andrei calmly then, not rising to the other man's challenge and instead just laughed in Andrei's face like he were laughing at a child throwing a tantrum. He accepted one of the pieces of bulkhead from one of the men. "Maje. You will address me as Maje, Terran." He corrected Andrei. "Your cock in my mouth, hm? Perhaps I should remove that particular fantasy for you." He shifted the piece of bulkhead, pressing it against Andrei's manhood in a threatening way.

"Yes, and take it back to your room with you." Andrei said, looking down at the meeting of the metal and his manhood. Truth be told, this was a terrifying proposition. It was quite important to him. But not more important than his identity as an unconquerable man. Cerron had the power to take every thing from him but his identity. That he would guard with everything he had. And if he died, he would die Andrei Ivanovich Petrov; no one else. "Admit it, you just want to see if it fits."

Andrei looked up and spit at Cerron, the white liquid landing on the hand with which he was holding the piece of bulkhead. He closed his eyes, fully expecting to lose his favorite toy forever. Their was tension in his face, but he still waited with a quiet resolve.

For the moment at least, it seemed the Kazon were more amused by his spirit than anything as they all laughed and Cerron moved the bulkhead away. "Tempting, but we will save such a thing for when you can be properly displayed to the Nistram." He wiped Andrei's spit back onto his face. "No more talking." Again, the agonizer. "You will regret the day you crossed the Kazon."

Before Andrei could come back with a smart response, he began convulsing again with the pain of the agonizer. As before, he did not cry out, but only shook and made the sounds associated with such movement along with the occasional whine. At the end of it, just when it felt like it was going to last forever, he slumped back down again.

That was their plan? To display him to the Kazon Nistrim? He started dreaming of ways to destroy the entire Kazon Federation. He didn't think they were strong enough for that just yet.

"Tell me, Terran, do you enjoy the view on your home world?" Cerron asked as he picked up something in his hand, rolling it around and regarding Andrei with an almost curious expression.

“I don’t look at scenery, Cerron.” Andrei responded. “I look at women and books. You should know that.”

Cerron chuckled and leaned in closer to Andrei. "Yes... yes you do." He then thought for a moment and considered the object in his hand. "I was going to use this on you, but now I'm remembering that Kaadil mentioned something about wanting to put the woman you threw him in the agonizer over speaking to her when you were on the planet in her place. Perhaps you'd like to watch that? You like fucking women, why not watch?"

“How would you like to watch me put your mother in her place?” Andrei asked, irritated that he was talking about Maddie that way. “I bet she begs like a whore. Especially her first time taking a Terran for a ride.” He paused and looked at Cerron with a frown. “If you want to watch me fuck your mother, Cerron, all you had to do was beg.”

“Maje.” Cerron corrected and activated the agonizer again. As it ran, he spoke to Andrei. “I didn’t know Terrans fucked corpses.” Apparently, the Kazon had very little regard for his own mother which really wasn’t surprising. Cerron just stood there for another five minutes, taking great satisfaction in watching Andrei work not to scream. Eventually he seemed to grow bored and wandered away, starting to speak with the other Kazon. They had to make a plan of how to get their teams off the planet safely and then get away before the Terrans would be able to figure out what was going on. There were even still some Kazon who would be loyal to the Terrans they would need to deal with. Weakness would have to be culled.

For Andrei, an indeterminate amount of time had passed since the last activation of the agonizer. Suddenly, it stopped and his body was allowed to go slack. Cerron was back in front of him with another Kazon at his side. Andrei’s head was forced back and the second Kazon put his large, meaty hands on Andrei’s face so he could use his fingers to hold Andrei’s eyelids open. “I hope you’ve had your fill of women and books, Terran.” Cerron said. He placed the canister he had been holding above Andrei’s held open eye and tipped it to spill just a bit of liquid from within. It hit Andrei’s eye and at first there was nothing.

Then came the molten, earth shattering pain.

They had done many things to him so far, but this was the first time they had attempted to take something from him forever. As the Kazon man seized his face, Andrei gasped slightly and his heart began to race even faster. What were they going to do? As his eyes were held open, he looked up and he knew what was happening in a deeper part of himself. Now, they would take from him his sight. He didn’t respond to Cerron, nor did he imagine poetic about his life with women, but watched the liquid come down. This time, he screamed.



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