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Letter from home

Posted on Fri Jan 21st, 2022 @ 5:29am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Ensign Selin's Cabin
Timeline: MD4 - 06h00
381 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

FROM:Commander Alexandros Selinofoto, Executive Officer - ISS Ravager
TO: Ensign Kassandra Selin
SUBJECT: Family Information


This is to inform you that our father is remarrying in 2 months, to a Clarissa Stevens from England. Family is expected to be there. Our brothers have already gotten leave. I expect to see you requesting leave in the next 24-48 hours.

Long Life and Glory to the Emperor

Commander Alexandros Selinofoto,
Executive Officer
ISS Ravager

Kass looked at the letter. Yeah no hard pass thanks for that. Knowing her father, the woman was already pregnant with the next Selinofoto child. Well her siblings could handle it. She would not. She pressed a button and the message was sent back to the sender with [[Officer not found]].

Alexandros could screw himself as far as she was concerned. He and his brother Nathanael were children of her 1st Step mother Clarissa and then there was Christos, twin to her only sister Athanasia son and daughter of the other Stepmother Leila. She had very little to do with them, and their mothers, hell she had, had very little to do with her full blooded brother Iason who was 8 years her senior. Maybe it would have been different had her mother Mariette not died, but Clarissa Selinofoto and Leila Selinofoto had made sure she was excluded, from the family gatherings for years. Iason got invited because he was the second born son, but Kassandra? Who cared, not like she was beautiful like Athanasia, thus no match could be made, and who cared about her grades? Not them. Her father only cared because it showed that his family line was smart and strong but even then, he barely paid attention to her, other than to issue orders.

And Frankly, Kass liked it like that.

She bet Clarissa and Leila were NOT Happy about a new wife. Sure there had been mistresses and such over the years, none who had produced children. So this new wife to be must be pregnant. No other reason to marry her and face the wrath of Clarissa and Leila over it. And Kass was small enough to let that please her that her stepmothers were upset about this.

Sighing she hit the button and turned off the comm. Time to get to work.


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