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Mother to Mother

Posted on Fri Aug 12th, 2022 @ 5:55pm by Callie Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Various
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1415
1652 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Sitting next to Ivan, Callie was getting increasingly uncomfortable on the small hard seat she was sitting on. Fidgeting about with the cushion she’d brought with, she knew she’d have to tell Troy eventually that she was infected.

The turbolift to the Bridge opened and Commander Petrova stepped out, her brow furrowed. She had been in her office during the events of the Vidiian landing, but word had reached her that the Lovarr had departed from the fleet. She walked right down to the command area and stopped in front of her husband.

"Where is our boy?" she asked, her tone colder than usual. Worry lined her features. "Where is Andrei?"

"As soon as the Vidiian ship landed, his ship started their engines and took off. They wouldn't respond to hails." Ivan said, looking up at his wife. His neck hurt just by the effort of that alone.

"Then why aren't we following him?" she asked, and then rememered herself, looking to the rest of the Bridge crew before looking back to him. "Sir."

"Because, Yana, the Vidiian ship has a cure for this virus and we need it for the whole crew, it seems. Their representative said we're all infected."

"Can that not wait until after we get our son back?" she asked, crossing her arms under her chest. "He's in danger."

"He may have just left on his own." Ivan said, waving a hand into the air dismissively. "He is an..unpredictable man."

"Are you serious, Ivan? Andrei wouldn't do that. He would NEVER leave his family. Not on a ship full of Kazon men. That's impossible. You have to see that."

He looked at her with a direct and challenging expression.

"We'll discuss this later, Commander." he said, using her rank as a cudgel to remind her where they were and who she now was. She wanted a commission, now she needed to act like an officer.

Callie offered Mrs Petrova an understanding glance, she was a worried mother and Callie was starting to understand just how Yana was feeling. She turned away to stifle a yawn, not wanting to appear she was yawning at Yana.

"Yes, Captain." Yana said, her eyes still locked with her husbands. There was more than a bit of resentment in her tone, but she acquiesced to his demands. She looked at Callie as she yawned, her eyes drawn to her inflated belly. "That's a very uncomfortable chair for a pregnant woman, Captain."

She looked back at her husband again, this time her her face was defiant. Annoyed.

"It's the chair assigned to the Chief Discipline Inspection Officer. She's doing her job." Ivan said, not looking at Callie.

"Sometimes, Ivan...." Yana said, trailing off. "This mother has two jobs."

“Commander” Callie offered Yana a respectful smile. “I’m sitting here of my own volition, Agreed it’s not that comfortable but I’ll manage.” She shifted uncomfortably resisting the urge to wince at the pain in her joints and back as she shifted.

Yana looked down at Callie, watching the movement of her lips and the pained look in her eyes. She didn't respond to the woman's word's necessarily.

"Let's talk, Callie." Yana said. "Mother to mother."

She extended her hand to help her up if she wished.

Callie looked towards Ivan. “With your permission Captain?”

"By all means, Lieutenant." Ivan said with a gesture toward the woman. He watched the two of them but said no more.

“Thank you Sir” Taking Yana’s hand Callie stood up and headed off the bridge with Yana, pausing long enough to give Troy a smile before stepping into the turbolift. As the doors closed she offered Yana a smile. “Thank you Commander.”

"Deck 3." Yana ordered, and then turned to Callie. She offered a sweet smile. "You're pushing yourself. Why?"

Callie took a moment to answer. “Because I have to, pregnant women work I have to keep my department running.” She paused. “Plus I...have the phage just like Captain Petrov and a lot of the crew.”

Yana pursed her lips, showing that she felt sorry for what Callie was going through.

"You need to take care of yourself and your baby." she said as if she were talking to her own daughter. "No one else can, except Troy. And he's at work too. Are you planning on continuing to push this hard once he's born?"

Callie shook her head. “I honestly don’t know, this has all happened so fast. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret being pregnant but I thought I’d have plenty of time to plan. With what the Ocampa did to us...” She sucked in a painful breath.

"Callie...are you alright?" Yana asked, going to her grabbing her to stabilize her.

“It’s okay” Callie smiled. “My Son has one hell of a kick!” She smiled. “There’s times he shifts to positions that press on nerves as well. The joys of pregnancy!” She smiled. “I just hope we get the cure, I don’t want him born with the phage!”

"Shhh." Yana said, to calm the woman's panic and to moderate her volume just as the doors open. "That means we're just going to have to get the cure from the Vidiians, for your baby's sake and for all of us. Now come on, let's get you sat down somewhere comfortable."

Yana guided Callie out of the turbolift and down the corridor until they reached the XO's Quarters. She waited for Callie to scan them in, and then Yana helped her inside and over to a chair.

"Now, what can I get you to drink?" Yana asked, not searching for an answer to whether Callie wanted something to drink at all. She also didn't wait for the answer to the question she actually asked. "Computer, water."

She brought the glass from the replicator and handed it to Callie.

"You need to stay hydrated, girl." Yana said, and then sat down across from her, pulling her own chair closer.

Callie smiled warmly. “Thank you Mrs Petrova” She sipped the water enjoying how refreshing it was. “I never had a mother figure in my life, my own mother was...still is, a slave. My father took me from her when I was born and raised me.” She put the glass down on the table. “I’m starting to understand what it is to be a mother. I can only imagine what’s going through your mind with Andrei missing.”

“You’re very sweet.” Yana said, offering Callie a sad smile. “And motherhood Can be difficult, especially if you have a son like my Andrei, but you love them anyway. I don’t know what’s going on with him or if he’s even okay. I know you two have a rocky past, isn’t that right?”

Callie nodded. “When I first arrived here I let myself loose, enjoying the freedom I hadn’t had up until then. Andrei and I, we...” She offered a brief smile. “He appealed to my naughty side at the time, then my falling pregnant and the incident with Johnathan. Things were pretty rocky between Andrei and I, but we made up in a professional sense after that. I don’t think Andrei would be so stupid as to abandon this fledgling fleet, I just hope you get him back Mrs Petrova.

She had certainly told Yana more than expected. Her eyes went wide for a second and then she blushed and looked away in embarrassment. Being told by a way how naughty her son was made her feel wasn’t at the top of her to do list.

“Oh, wow. Really?” She asked rhetorically, then attempted to change the subject. “But you got Troy out of the deal.”

Callie nodded. “I’m the luckiest woman in the universe!” She smiled thinking about Troy. “I never believed in fate, but meeting Troy has proved to me that I was wrong. I’d be lost without him now.” She gave Yana an apologetic smile. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Andrei gets around that’s who he is. When I found out I was pregnant he joked about it, insulted me, and as a result Johnathan punched him. He threatened Johnathan with revenge, hence why I blamed Andrei when Johnathan was stabbed.”

Yana was quiet and seemed a bit irritated, her smile having faded slightly. She blinked several times and avoided eye contact for a while before toughening up, looking at Callie, and giving an understanding expression.

“I won’t judge you, Callie. My son has certain charms and women find him hard to say no to.” She said, seeming to think. “A blessing for him. A curse for you and for me. I wish you hadn’t told me the details though.”

Callie nodded. “Sorry Mrs Petrova, I just wanted to be honest with you. For what it’s worth I don’t think Andrei would do this, he has too much to gain from remaining part of this small fleet. Hopefully we’ll find him once we’re all well enough to help him.”

"I hope so." Yana said, worry lining her smooth skinned face. She looked ten years younger than she was, but times like this made her feel her age inside. She stood up and smiled at Callie. "Get some rest, Callie. Your baby is the most important thing. No matter what these men say."

There was something in that phrase. There was something in those eyes, but it was gone as soon as it was revealed. Yana turned and walked toward the door.

“Yana...” Callie looked towards the other woman. “Anytime you need someone, you know where to find me.” She offered a warm smile before watching Yana go. She could only take Yana’s advice as she lay down to try and get some rest.



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