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Drinks With New Friends...

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2022 @ 2:48am by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: ISS Vengeance, Officer's Mess
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1600
1306 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

After returning to the ship and getting M'Tras to sickbay, Johnathan went to his quarters to get cleaned up. Upon entering his cabin, Johnathan saw the trophy, sitting on his dining table, cleaned and mounted, ready to put on display.

After finding a good spot, he hung the trophy, then stepped back to admire the item. The worm may not have been as fiercesome as a lion or a bear, back on Terra, however, it was just as deadly in its pursuit to kill him and his team. Looking at it, he wondered what Kass would say of his new decoration.

That, however, was a discussion for another time. He moved to his bathroom, removing his filthy uniform as he went, and sent Kassandra a quick message, stating that he was back aboard and would be having drinks with his team shortly. He asked her, if she wanted, to come down and have a few drinks as well, possibly dinner afterwards.

After sending the message, he jumped in the shower and got busy washing the dust and grime from his skin.

Once he was finished, he towered off and put on a comfortable suit, one that Kassandra had designed and built for him, to wear in a relaxed setting. He then left his quarters and made his way to the officer's mess, to see if Andrea or Taina had arrived yet.

Arriving back aboard ship, Andrea had been to Sickbay just to have her minor injuries taken care of. Better safe than sorry without knowing more about the planet, and it’s creature inhabitants. Returning to her quarters she took a shower to clean, and freshen up before putting on her off duty clothes.

Making her way out of her quarters she headed for the officer’s mess hoping she wasn’t the last one to arrive. Stepping through the doors a few minutes later she smiled as she saw Johnathan.

“Evening Lieutenant, glad I’m not late!” She offered a warm smile.

Johnathan grinned as he saw Andrea approach. "Glad you could make it. Feeling more Terran now, with all that grime washed off ya?"

“Most definitely!” Andrea grinned.

Taina came in a few minutes after. She had also cleaned after her visit to sickbay and changed into her off-duty clothes, a simple but nicely white civilian dress and boots less practical and more fashionable than her uniform required. She smiled when she saw the other two. "Thank you for the invite, lieutenant. It's nice to see you again, ensign."

Smiling and nodding, Johnathan replied. "I am a man of my word. You two worked hard today, and I always take care of my team." He motioned the waiter over as he asked, "So, what'll you ladies have?"

“Mmm a Risan sunset for me please” Andrea smiled. “I might as well enjoy it.”

"That sounds good," Taina noted. "I'll have the same."

Behind them Kassandra entered, dressed in a red dress with an asymmetrical hemline and matching heals. "Double Vokda." She said as she went to the bar.

Johnathan's face lit up brightly when he saw his love arrive. He excused himself from Andrea and Taina's company briefly, to go over and give Kassandra a quick, but tender, kiss on the lips. They both tried to keep the displays of affection to a minimum while in public. "You look fantastic, sweetheart!" He whispered in her ear. "Come sit, meet my mining team." He gave her his usual boyish grin as he spoke and guided her to their table.

She smiled, linked her arm through his and let him lead her over.

When they approached the table, Johnathan pulled out Kassandra's chair as he began the introductions. "Kass? Allow me to introduce my two newest friends. Our esteemed Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Taina M'Tras," he indicated the young female Catian. "And Ensign Andrea Carrington, one of Vengeance's tireless Operations Officers." He then looked to Andrea and Taina. "Ladies, the love of my life, Lieutenant Kassandra Selin, Chief Intelligence Officer." He beamed proudly when he introduced Kass. He then sat so the women could greet each other.

Andrea smiled as she saw Lieutenant Selin arrive at the bar, she didn’t really know her that well so she offered a polite nod. “It’s nice to finally properly meet you.”

Taina smiled as well, raising a hand to Kassandra. "How are you?"

Kass shook hands and smiled. "Nice to meet you both. I am doing well. How are you both?"

“We’re both lucky to be here, thanks to Johnathan” Andrea offered a warm smile. “Especially M’Tras.”

Kass raised an eyebrow "Being a hero Johnathan?" she asked with a smile.

Johnathan gave the table a bit of an honestly bashful smile. "I...uh...was just doing what came naturally. I didn't even think, I saw a crewmate in danger reacted." Kassandra, of course knew this to he true about him, as she knew of his past.

"He killed the beast. It had me trapped," Taina said. "He has a good head in a crisis."

“That he does” Andrea nodded in agreement.

Johnathan's cheeks were still a little pink. "I just did what any good officer would have done," he said softly.

"And that's what we're saying," Taina pointed out. "That you're a good officer."

At that moment, the waiter arrived with their drinks. After serving everyone, he asked if they wanted anything to eat as well.

"I think just the drinks..." Taina began, but she looked to see if anyone else wanted food.

“I’m fine with just drinks, thank you” Andrea smiled as she accepted her glass.

The waiter nodded and looked over at Johnathan and Kassandra. " Arw drinks for now fine for you two?"

Kass nodded with a smile "Am fine"

Johnathan nodded as well. "Yes, thank you."

The waiter nodded and gave each officer a polite smile, before saying, "My name is Mott. Should you require anything more, please don't hesitate to ask." He then smiled again, before moving off to help another table.

Johnathan lifted his glass in a toast. "To the best mining team in the fleet!"

Taina lifted her glass. "Hear! Hear!"

Andrea raised her glass as well before having a drink, then looking to Johnathan. “I hope your souvenir looks good on the wall?”

After taking a pull of his drink, Johnathan nodded and smiled. "Yes, it does indeed!" He saw that Kassandra had given him a quizzical look, so he chuckled softly as he explained. "One of the local beasties tried to have us for lunch. It actually shot acid at Taina before I could get its attention and give it some else to swallow."

"oh? What did it swallow?" Kass asked softly

"A remotely detonated mining charge," he said quickly before taking another drink.

"That sounds ... unpleasant." Kassandra mused.

“It was!” Andrea grinned. “Reduced the gigantic thing to a pile of goop!”

"He was very heroic," Taina added to Kassandra.

Johnathan was starting to blush from the praise. "I just did what any good officer would do," he repeated quietly.

"You already said that," Taina said, a little playfully.

Looking over at the Chief Engineer, Johnathan gave her a playfully annoyed look. Then he smiled at her. "And I'd do it again, without hesitation."

"I'd do the same for you, any of you," Taina said to the group of friends.

Johnathan raised his glass again. "To friends."

Andrea raised her glass as well. “To friends”

"To friends," Taina joined in.

For the next couple of hours, the quartet of new friends sat and talked about themselves, and life in general. Then, when the 1800 hour gong sounded, the wrapped up and went their separate ways.

Except for Kassandra and Johnathan. Together, they went back to her cabin, to enjoy the rest of their evening together.



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