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Standard Maintenance

Posted on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 @ 3:25am by Lieutenant JG Taina M'Tras

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 1130
341 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

One of the shuttles was open. So was the interior floor access panel. Noises were coming from it. The rattling of equipment. The ruffling of a uniform. It was not so unusual, really. After a few minutes, Taina's popped out. She went to the pilot's seat, briefly worked at something on the console, and then shook her head. She turned and looked about to head back down.

Matthew stepped into the shuttle, upon hearing the noise of someone moving around inside. "Who goes there?" He asked, his voice slightly squeaky and filled with annoyance that someone would be here unannounced.

Taina smiled. Her smile was almost predatory. "It's routine maintenance, ensign, and part of the regular responsibilities of the engineering department. I did have to postpone it from 0700. I sent a notice to Lieutenant Anderson."

Matthew snapped to attention and saluted, though only half-heartedly. "Lieutenant jg M'Tras...I was not informed that you would be down'am." He said the last word almost begrudgingly, as he hated the fact that a non-Terran, a former slave in fact, was senior to him in rank. While he followed the rules of the rank, he had very little love for what currently wore it.

"I gathered that," she said a bit tersely. He wasn't really being subtle about his feelings.

Growling softly in his throat have to be overranked by this alien, Matthew finally asked, "Is there anything the Lieutenant requires that I can offer?'

Taina wanted to have fun with this one. It was a strong temptation. She could remember horrible days and worse nights with men like him in her past. She stretched, one reaching to the ceiling of the shuttle, claws sliding out even as she yawned, showing fangs. Thighs and midriff, exposed by the imperial uniform, stretched out, highlighting her shiny coat. But she shook her head. It'd be petty. It was beneath her. "No thank you, ensign. I'm almost done here."

Matthew gave her a curt nod, then turned and stormed away. Someone would pay for this!


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