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Dress down

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 10:56am by Lieutenant Lionel Morrison & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
Timeline: MD4 - 10h00
517 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

“How Dare you presume to go to a senior staff meeting!” Lionel spun around and yelled at the quiet Ensign who he had ordered into his office. “YOU Forgot your place!”

Kassandra merely stood there and let him yell.

His rant kept on going until he said something that had her head swinging up. “You are demoted! To Crewman!”

Kassandra’s eyes widened. “Sir!” She snapped out of her silence. “I was doing as required as we were not informed of your arrival or of you being assigned.”


“Sir I was assigned to that meeting by the captain!” Kassandra replied.

Lionel froze. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?”

“Captain Petrov, He assigned me to the meeting because we did not have record of a chief of Intelligence. I was the de-facto chief of department and have been for the past 2 days.” Kassandra said. She had not moved or flinched from the man as he had yelled at her. “I have been doing the paperwork and pulling double shifts to make sure it was ready for when we did get a proper Chief of Intelligence.” She pointed past him to the desk where PADDS were neatly stacked.

“You? A mere upstart ensign!?”

“Sir there was no one else assigned to the department, other than me and 8 other enlisted officers. Without an Assistant chief or a chief.”

“SHUT YOUR BABBLING MOUTH!” Lionel lost his temper again.

Kassandra merely nodded.

Lionel strode to his desk, and looked disdainfully at the neat pile of paperwork she had, left on his desk. He picked up a small device.

Kass noted it and tensed.

He pressed the button and Kass collapsed with a cry of pain as the short burst agonized attached to her uniform belt activated. "Ensign, you would do well to remember your place in this department."

He pressed it again, and smirked as Kass cried out again. "I am going to set this to go off every hour on the hour for the next 2 weeks, while you are on shift. Do you understand Ensign? This will also go on your permanent record."

Kass nodded. "Yes Sir" She got out as she pushed herself to her feet.

"Dismissed" Lionel Snapped and pointed to the door. "Oh and Ensign? The punishment starts now." He pressed the button again and Kass, half turned to the door, crumpled with a cry of pain.

"Get out of my office Ensign" He said as he pressed it again. "Crawl"

Kass closed her eyes and gritted her teeth against the pain and did as bid, crawled from the room.

As the door slid shut behind her Lionel smirked. He would get her to quit or he would drive her insane with the agonizer. He programmed the agonizer, making a note in the disciplinary file of it happening every hour while on shift for 2 weeks, but instead set it for every 30 minutes. As the ensign was not a bridge officer, it would not affect the bridge operations.


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