

Posted on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 @ 3:57am by Petty Officer 3rd Class Tuli

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 1200
1472 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Tuli stepped into the shuttle bay, looking around for an officer. She was holding a PADD in her hand. Spotting Matthew, she started walking towards him. She offered her warmest smile. "Master?" she began.

Still fuming about what had just occurred, Matthew decided to turn his anger on the Command Dept slave. "You! What are you doing down here?!" He stepped up and looked like he wanted to backhand her.

"I was told to deliver this, Master. They're docking protocol adjustments." She offered him the PADD, dark eyes wary as she watched him. Her smile faded.

He snatched the PADD from her hands. "I just checked the records. You were supposed to inform the flight department that the...Chief Engineer was coming down today!" He activated her agonizer. "Care to tell me why I didn't know about the change until I walked in on her in one of my shuttles?!"

She fell to her knees, grimacing at the pain of the agonizer as it shot through her body. Her eyes were wet with tears. She leaned forward and her fingers curled against the floor of the shuttlebay. "I'm sorry, Master!" Had she messed up? She would certainly check but it played no role in deciding how to react. She didn't argue with Terrans when they were like this.

Matthew sneered as he watched the slave writhe in pain. It gave him a brief spark of pleasure to watch, knowing he had this power over another.

After a couple moments, he finally turned off her agonizer. "Be sure you do not make this mistake again, slave. You will find that I am not a merciful man!"

She had been shocked with it before but Matthew held it. The agony seemed to go on and on. Tuli was breathing heavily. Her hand reached out on the deck. A line of drool ran down from the corner of her mouth. It took her a moment to look up when it stopped. "Yes, Master" she said, trying to get her feet under her.

Seeing her trying to rise, Matthew reached down and took a firm hold of the hair on the back of her head and jerked her face up so that he could glower down at her. "Did I give you permission to get up?! DID I??" He then hauled back and slapped her, very hard. "DID I?!?!" He slapped her across her face again, busting her lower lip in the process.

She felt the iron grip in her dark hair as he jerked her face to him. Her face stung as he slapped her. Then again. Her lip was bleeding and she reached up to touch it, seeing the red on her finger, running down into the lines of her soft palm. She looked surprised still. "No, Master."

In his rage, he didn't register her words as a reply to his question, as he had already forgotten it, but instead as an act of defiance. His eyes grew larger in anger as he yanked her up to her feet and before she was stable, he pulled back and punched her in her stomach.

She was clearly surprised as he hauled her to her feet. His fist slammed into her gut and she doubled over. She fell to her knees again. "Master, please..." she whispered breathily.

Matthew wasn't hearing her pleas. He was only seeing a filthy alien who he felt had slighted him. He would teach her her rightful place. Reaching back down he grabbed her by her hair again and hauled her back up. Once she was back on her feet, he dragged her to the flight office, tossing her inside ahead of him as he locked the door behind him, trapping her inside with him.

"You filthy whore!" He gave her such a massive backhand, that the power of the strike caused her to get knocked off her feet and land on her back, on the table in front of him.

Tuli was once more hauled up by her hair. She breathing deeply now. Any attempt to defend herself, she knew, would only land her in worse trouble. Yet where was this man's stopping point? He was strong too. She went with him into the flight office and knocked her flat onto the table. She reached down and tried to pull her skirt down. Every muscle in her body was tense. She said nothing.

Looking down at the alien woman in front of him, Matthew suddenly decided to go to a darker place. Though, did it really matter, she wasn't Terran afterall, even if she was trying to look it. He grabbed her ankles and pulled them around his waist, pulling her closer to him. He struggled with her as she tried to squirm away. Finally tired of her fighting, he hauled back again and landed a solid blow against the side of her face, dazing her.

He then moved her hands out of his way and ripped her skirt and underwear off of her body. He then snarled as he started to undo his pants, pulling his erect member free of his clothes. He then repositioned her and was about to violate her, when he went down screaming in pain as his agonizer was suddenly turned on.

Tuli was hyperventilating. Vengeance's original overseer had expected, even demanded, things from the female slaves he found most attractive. But it had never been quite like this. The sheer violence of it took her aback. It took everything she had in her not to strike out when he fell down to the agonizer.

Standing in the now open door, the Vengeance's Assistant Flight Ops Officer, Ensign Saundra McMillian. Her eyes were cold and hard as duranium as she watched Matthew writhe in pain on the deck.

"McMillan to security, please lock onto Ensign Plumer and transport him into an ahonizer booth, under my authority as his superior officer. I will be down shortly to mete out his punishment.

An instant later, Matthew vanished in a flash of transporter energy as Saundra moved forward, undoing her uniform top and removing it. She used it to cover Tuli's lower region. "Even a slave does not deserve what was about to happen." While her actions clearly saved Turi from further abuse, Saundra still seemed a bit cold. "Sit in this chair here while I get you a new uniform and a med kit."

Tuli wrapped her top tight around her waist and sat as instructed. "Thank you, Mistress." She spoke softly. Quietly. Her eyes followed Saundra as she worked.

Saundra returned from the replicator and handed Tuli a fresh slave uniform and undergarments. She then turned her back. "Go ahead and get changed. You are safe, for now."

Tuli changed quickly. "Thank you, Mistress."

Once she sounded like she was dressed, Saundra turned back and started to treat Tuli's injuries. "Explain to me what happened."

"The Ensign believed I had failed to notify him of a scheduling change on time and he became angry with me, Mistress," Tuli said cautiously.

"Angry over a possible scheduling mishap is one thing. What I stopped..." she got quiet. " something totally different."

When she finished treating Tuli's busted lip and other scrapes and bruises, Saundra pulled another chair over and sat down in front of the frightened slave. "Did you say or do anything that may have provoked him more, Tuli?"

"I tried to stand after he used the agonizer on me, Mistress. I didn't know he expected me to stay on the ground," Tuli volunteered, trying to imagine how Matthew would answer that.

Saundra took in a breath and then let it out through her nostrils. "Well, regardless of your transgression, he had no right to treat you as he did." She sat back and crossed her legs, her eyes scrutinizing the young slave. "Of course, the questions remains. Why was the notification not given to either Lieutenant Anderson or myself?"

"I thought I had sent it to Lieutenant Anderson, Mistress," Tuli answered helplessly.

"Don't you think if Lieutenant Anderson, the Second Officer of this ship, or I, had received such a notice, we would have acknowledged it? Why didn't you ensure it was delivered right away?" Saundra spoke to Tuli much like a mother scolded her child for doing something stupid.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Tuli said, looking down.

For several beats, Saundra said nothing. She simply stared at Tuli.

Finally, she sighed. "Well, I think you've been punished enough over this. Report back to your department. And," she added with a raised brow. "Should Ensign Plumer try to come at you again, contact me immediately. While it won't save you from a few slaps or him activating your agonizer, it might prevent things from going to where they went today."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress," Tuli answered gratefully.


