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Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2022 @ 2:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 0700
519 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie had been asleep for a good while, the after effect of almost losing her life to the phage, and the way it caused complications with the birth of hers and Troy’s son.

Troy had not left Callie's side since the threat of the cannibalistic Vidiian boarders had been eliminated. He had a hand resting on her leg as he dozed in and out in a chair next to her bed. An increase in the chirping of the biosensors slowly rousing him.

The monitors in Sickbay started to alert as Callie slowly started to stir. Her eyes fluttered open, as she frowned at the bright light above her head. The frown disappeared as she turned her head towards Troy, her hand slowly moving to grasp his. “Hey handsome.” her voice was a little hoarse.

Troy gently took Callie's hand. "You gave us a nasty scare there beautiful." He called over his shoulder. "Doctor Lamont, our patient is awake."

“Our son?” Callie looked towards Karen as she approached, last time she’d heard their son’s cries he sounded in pain.

"He's healthy," Karen confirmed.

Callie breathed a huge sigh of relief as joyful tears ran down her face. She gently wiped them away with her free hand, not ready to let go of Troy’s hand just yet. “We need to choose his name.”

"I would like to call him John." Troy had a tired expression, but offset by the joy he felt for knowing his wife and son were out of danger. "After both the Captain and Lieutenant Anderson."

Callie was surprised by the choice of name, but she was happy to agree. “Then John it is.”

Callie looked back at Karen. “Can I see my son? I’d like to hold him.”

"Of course," Karen said, stepping away.

She returned a minute or so later, holding the baby. She gently handed him to Callie, smiling. "There you go."

“Thank you Karen” Callie looked at her son in awe, he was tinier than she expected him to be. “Hello John” She gently kissed the newborn on his head as she marvelled at his tiny fingers. “He’s beautiful Troy!!”

Troy nodded as he reached out to caress both his wife and son's cheek. "That he is, as is his mother."

Callie smiled as she looked lovingly into Troy’s eyes.

Troy turned to Karen. "Doctor Lamont, how long will Callie and John need to remain in Sickbay?"

"Callie should be able to go home tomorrow," Karen said. "John the day after."

Callie smiled. “It’ll be nice to go home, but I don’t want to leave John.” She looked at Troy, her motherly instincts were to stay near her newborn son.

"You're welcome to stay," Karen said

“Please” Callie nodded. “I don’t think I’ll sleep very well if I’m away from John. I’ll be worrying about him.” She looked at Troy. “You don’t mind do you?”

Troy simply smiled and shook his head. "Of course not. You and the Doctor look after John and I will look after the ship."


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