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Night of the Crimson Blades

Posted on Fri Aug 19th, 2022 @ 9:31pm by Giuseppe Orsini & Emperor Antonius VI & Lord Lachlan King & Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:09pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Small Dining Room, Martian Complex
Timeline: Date 2371-06-13 at 1800
4715 words - 9.4 OF Standard Post Measure

A Long dinner table had been prepared and the invitations had been sent. It was to be a dinner for the delegation from the Council of Lords. As tense as the situation had been before, it was quickly getting even worse. Suspicions that this entire conference was a rubber stamp for a military alliance was obviously confirmed at this point. Seeing as a massive military operation had been launched weeks before without the approval of the Lords was also weighing on the situation. The Blue faction, those who wanted a peaceful and economic Empire - those who wanted to liberalize and to vote were steaming mad. As they started to file into the Banquet hall, greeted by the Crown Prince at the door, the disquiet was evident on their faces.

They were not happy with the rule of Antonius VI.

Giuseppe stood looking every bit the Crown Prince that he was ready to welcome a table full of his father's enemies with respect. He never could quite manage the smile and cordiality that Giana could project, but he could at least put forth an approachable facade. His charcoal suit was tailored to his body immaculately, the jacket sitting buttoned over the deep crimson shirt and black tie. his shoes were polished and caught the light. As the doors opened, he stood up a bit straighter and took a deep breath. He wasn't sure what the purpose of this was, but he was trying to trust his father's guidance. So here he was.

The first guest to arrive, Lady Hillroy approached, the entrance where the Crown Prince stood. She was middle aged and her hair was starting to gray, perhaps more from politics than from genetics. She was effectively the Deputy Leader of the blues, meaning she had worked for most of her adult life for a more egalitarian, fair, and enlightened Empire. Needless to say, she was starting to see that Antonius was clearly bad for business. She looked up to Giuseppe. He was now always at his father's side, it seemed. Would he be any better when he sat that gilded throne of the greatest empire to ever grace the galaxy?

"Your Highness", she said, curtsying in her silver dress.

"Lady Hillroy." Giuseppe greeted, giving the woman a slight, stiff bow from his waist and held his hand out to her. "Welcome. Have you been enjoying your time here?"

"No." she said simply, a frown on her face. "His Imperial Majesty is ensuring that all our worst fears about his plans are realized. And what do you think of...your father's relationship to the Council of Lords?"

Of course she wouldn’t just smile and be pleasant. It was apparently just asking too much of people sometimes. “My father is the Emperor. His word is law and the council serves at his pleasure.”

"By regulations implemented by his father, your grandfather, he is to consult us before major initiatives." she said with a raise of her brows. "We aren't his slaves. You should learn that if you are to be Emperor one day."

“We all serve the Emperor.” Giuseppe replied evenly, not rising to any sort of baiting nor commenting on the decisions his father had made. It wasn’t his place, nor was it theirs. In fact truthfully many of these lords had started to reach beyond their station. “Please, make yourself comfortable.”

The Lady moved to the seat designated for her as she was bid, saying nothing else but almost seeming to roll her eyes.

The next to approach was an old man who walked slowly, hunched over. He was Lord Norton, Speaker of the Council of Lords. He passed in front of Giuseppe and smiled, lowering his head instead of his whole body.

"I'm surprised your father wishes to spend time with us at all, sir. He has been avoiding us so." he said, his eyes blinking slowly.

The old man would get a pass for not bowing, obviously, and Giuseppe offered him the same slight bow as he had Hillroy. “My father would never avoid his council, Lord Norton, he simply has other matters that have been demanding his attention.”

Elana entered on her own, her main aide behind her. She was dressed in a dark purple suit and heals. She was every inch the Imperial Princess as she walked briskly across the floor towards her brother. She noticed he had lords approaching him and she smiled as she reached his side. She dropped him the proper curtsey. "Brother" she said primly.

A few moments behind her, as if they hadn’t come together, Lord King approached the room. Walking in, those who were already there looked up at him. He was the leader of their faction. The man they looked to for moral and practical leadership. He stopped before the two royals and offered a charming smile.

“Your Highness.” He said, bowing deeply to Giuseppe. “Your Highness.” He said, bowing low before Elana, grabbing her hand, and kissing it softly.

“Sister.” Giuseppe greeted with a mildly warmer note in his voice for his sibling. “You look lovely.”

Any warmth he might have had immediately evaporated as Lachlan approached and his eyes narrowed just slightly. He gave a slight bow and then his eyes narrowed further as he watched the exchange between Elana and his father’s chief thorn in his side. “Lord King.” He welcomed the man stiffly. “Please make yourself comfortable.” It was dismissive. He wanted the man away from not only him but his sister.

“Prince Giuseppe.” Lachlan said, polite but not personal. He knew Giuseppe to be a man bent on tyranny, perhaps even more than his father. At least Antonius had straddled the fence for seven years. He turned and went to his seat quickly, sitting down and watching Elana with interest.

Elana stayed close to her brother. "Your dislike is showing Brother" She said softly as she linked her arm through his.

The tension didn't linger as Lord Mayor Karam Chadha entered with Lady Mayor Janine Masters on his arm. The constant rumors swirling that the two were an item despite their considerable age gap was a popular topic among the lower courts. It was difficult to pin down, because though they were often seen arm in arm with each other, they were also seen just as often linked up with others. Today though, they were together and approached the crown prince. Karam wore a dark navy blue sherwani inlaid with a black brocade and bright gold buttons with black slacks and shoes to finish the look. Janine was wearing a simple off the shoulder emerald green dress with tasteful gold jewelry. She wasn't trying to draw too much attention to herself, but just enough to be noticed.

Karam ushered both of them to stop at Giuseppe; Karam bowed while Janine curtsied.

"Highness." Karam greeted with a cool but respectful voice.

"Highness." Janine's voice was lower, her eye wandering over Giuseppe a moment and then demuring as both she and Karam righted themselves.

"Lord Mayor, Lady Mayor." Giuseppe greeted, going through the motions as he had with all the others. Thankfully the pair did not linger and went to their seats without prompting.

On the heels of the mayors came Iosefa Desai, Lord of the Pacific Dominion. He was a young, intelligent lord and quite an eligible bachelor in his own right, though he was also known to be a rake and a cad. He didn't particularly seem to care and enjoyed his freedom to the fullest. Eventually he'd find his trophy wife. He approached Giuseppe with a cocky smile on his face and gave a low, respectful bow to the man. "Your Highness. Love the suit."

Giuseppe's eye twitched as he bowed stiffly. "Lord Desai. Thank you. Please make yourself comfortable." As he straightened, he watched the man walk away with a swagger and gave a mental sigh.

Elana raised an eyebrow at the man who had ignored her.

Finally, when all the guests had arrived, the doors were opened and the Emperor entered in a dulled-burgundy mandarin suit jacket inlaid with black swirls and black pants. As all stood in the room, he offered a smile and moved to the head of the table.

“Good evening, my Lords and Ladies.” He said, lowering himself heavily into the seat. “Thank you for coming. As you know, this afternoon the treaty was signed between the Empire and the Romulan Republic solidifying a military alliance against the Alliance. I know this is not what you all wanted, but I assure you, it is for the best.”

He raised a glass of wine then.

“I toast…to the Empire!”

"To the Empire." Giuseppe agreed, raising his own glass in agreement with his father.

"To the Empire" Elana said with the same passion as her brother as she raised her glass at the same time.

Lord Desai grabbed his wine, looking around at the others - his allies - a moment before he took a quick sip of his drink. Things were tense. He hated when things were tense.

Lachlan noticed the eyes of his allies turn to him. They were strong enough in their convictions that they were willing to risk the ire of the Emperor, but only if they did it together. He lifted his glass, holding it aloft for a few seconds, and then drank from it without joking the toast.

“Excellent wine. My compliments to your extravagance.” He said, and then looked to the Emperor.

Lord Norton and Lady Hillroy joined Lachlan in their sips of the wine and also refused the toast. For Norton, who had sat on the Council of Lords for the past 40 years, this lack of solidarity to the Emperor was unprecedented.

Seeing Lachlan’s reaction, both Janine and Karam exchanged a brief glance together before silently taking their own small sips of wine. They remained silent, eyes averted from the Emperor.

“You have pushed us too far, Antonius.” Lachlan said, his tone rising. “We all respect your office, but it’s clear that you don’t have the best interests of the Empire at heart. We hate to say it, but you clearly have no intention of creating that Age of Enlightenment you promised through music and art and literature. You have enhanced our culture but, in politics, you’re acting like…”

“A petty tyrant.” Sounded the voice of Lady Hillroy, direct and unenckmnered by the normal need for decorum. The gloves were off.

Janine’s blue eyes slid over to Lady Hillroy at her pointed words. She wielded a dangerous and blunt instrument, but did so with impressive confidence. She has always liked that about her. She didn’t speak up, merely took another sip of her wine, waited, and watched for any moment she might be needed.

Giuseppe’s hand balled into a fist, his eyes darkening with his anger, but he was able to keep himself under control for the moment. His father had a reason for this. He would have expected this and yet he brought them all here anyways. Why? Giuseppe had no idea, but he was going to hold his tongue for as long as he could manage and let it play out.

Elana placed a hand on her brother's arm. Father would reply to this. She needed her brother to stay calm. If he unleashed prior to Father, their father would look weak and the Politian's would win.

"Oh, I see." Antonius said, looking down at the empty plate in front of him. "Well, my friends, you may think you've reached the end of your rope, but you'll have to have more patience. This divide in the Empire cannot go on existing. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I am your Emperor; I am the Lord of the Terrans, the Father of the Fatherland, and the rightful governor of this whole Empire. This bowing and scraping to lords and ladies whose titles I have the authority to remove and grant again with a word and the stroke of a pen? It is finished. Stop this senseless whining and do your duty!" he said, suddenly much louder. "I am Antonius with that."

"You are the reason for the divide, Imperial Majesty." Lord Mayor Chadha finally spoke up, his voice firm. "You do not listen to the voices of your people - of the Empire. You press forward with your own agendas and decisions with little care to the consequences they might sow for our generations or that of our children."

“So that’s the way it is then, Karam. Hmm? You come into my home, eat my food, drink my wine, and insult me? Is that it?” Antonius said, scowling deeply and leaning over the table. Before he could lose his temper, the doors to the room opened and in walked eleven valets in crisp whit wand black outfits, walking in a line and carrying one covered dish each. They came and stood next to each person at the table and placed the dishes down smoothly on the empty spots in front of them, their white gloves giving an elegant touch to their presence. After the meals were placed, they stepped back and stood behind the chairs rather than leaving.

Antonius was the first to lift the metal fish that covered the food, revealing a perfectly cooked steak as well as roasted potato and asparagus.

“Ah, how lovely. Despite our differences, let us enjoy meal time shall we?”

Lachlan followed suit, picking up his fork and knife and using them together to deepest the meat. He popped a morsel into his mouth. He closed his eyes for a moment.

“My compliments to the chef.” He said, and then turned to Elana smiling. “What do you think of it, your Highness?” He asked with a slight amount of familiarity in his gaze.

Her return look was calm and she casually looked at the meal and gave an elegant shrug. "My Father's chefs are of the very best ability and skill and any food they prepare is worth the highest praise."

“There are not many things in this world that beat a perfectly cooked and presented steak.” Iosefa pointed out. He at least seemed to be willing to be a bit more cordial given the circumstances.

“Most are tough on an old man’s teeth.” Lord Norton said as he cut into his meat. But then he smiled. “Not this one though.”

Janine had avoided making a face at the meal presented to her. She did not enjoy eating meat so started with some of the asparagus, intending on putting off taking any of the steak until she felt she absolutely had to. Her eyes shifted of to Karam who had dutifully cut into his own plate of food, but he seemed distracted and tense.

Antonius chewed, watching the faces of his political enemies, all gathered together. Outside of these Lords, support for a more peaceful and egalitarian Empire were toothless and easily quashed. He frowned and shook his head. There were some things a man simply could not think about too much before he did.

“On second thought, I’d rather feed these steaks to the dogs.” He said, and gave a simple nod.

At his bidding, the valets standing behind each of the lords came back up as if to take the places away from them, but instead each of them removed kitchen knives from their waists and, seizing the hair of the lords before them, they drew their knives quickly across their throats. A simultaneous splattering of blood erupted from everyone at the table except the Orsini. Gurgles mixed with panicked eyes as hands went to throats in some futile attempt at keeping their life inside then, only to be covered themselves in hot, dark, warm, angry blood.

Lord Norton went down immediately into his plate face first, and Lady Hillroy was so surprised, she’d jumped in her chair and fell backwards into the ground where she writhed and started to bleed out. Lord King, however, stood, grasping his throat and turning his gaze to Elana. They were impassioned, confused, and so very sad. Then he collapsed onto her, seeking her arms, his eyes on hers, the gurgle of blood emitting and a great amount of it getting onto her dress.

Elana was shocked and she all but dove across to Lachlan, dignity and protocol forgotten as she grasped his hands tightly and held it, as she pressed close as the life left his body. She stared into his eyes as the light of life left them and she bent her head as he passed, her hair falling from its pins and ties as she did so. She refused to break down here and now. As silence filled the area around her and the deaths of the others faded into silence, Elana slowly stood on her feet as she drew Lachlan’s signet ring off his hand and slid it onto her own.

She then turned to face her father, blood staining her hands and dress, hair tumbled down her back. Her face was hard as granite and there in that instant, she looked like a younger version of her mother. One who was extremely upset yet holding back her emotions.

“Well,” her tone was glacial. “Thank you so much Father. For ruining everything.” She absently ran a hand through Lachlan’s hair as she spoke. Her eyes were filled with hate and disgust at her father. “I hope you appreciate what you have just wrought.” She turned on her heal and stalked towards the door. She stopped at the door, turned looked at her brother and Father and said, “You are both as dead to me as he is.” And she left the dining room.

Elana passed the body of Lord Desai who had immediately tried to flee but for naught. He lay face down on the floor in his own blood, his crumpled expression one of shock and fear. A gurgling cough brought attention away from the fleeing princess. With his hand still around his throat to slow the blood loss, Lord Mayor Chadha's hand rested on Janine's back as she lie dead on the table before him. He was dying slowly, whoever had been assigned to him had done a sloppy job but effective enough.

He took a struggling breath, his dark eyes settling on Antonius. "Hail to you, Julius Caesar." He spoke it like a curse and released his neck, his life finally slipping from him.

Giuseppe sat in wide eyed shock next to his father, his mouth slightly agape and blood spattered over his face and suit from being in such close proximity to Lord Norton. What had just happened? What was happening? What had his father just done? His mind was awash with a conflict that paralyzed him so much that he hadn't really even realized Elana had stormed off nor had he heard her words. The only thing he could hear was his heartbeat pounding in his ears.

Antonius sighed. That political pax they had known for 70 years was now shattered just as that Empire limited to the Sol system was gone. He had to rule now Not only with the fist of gold, but also with the fist of steel. He looked at the carnage and smelled the blood as even the twitches stopped. He knew that, throughout the Empire, lords and ladies friendly to the cause of the Blues were also being murdered. There would be none left breathing. He shook his head again. So very terrible.

“Giuseppe, it is time for you to do your duty.” He said, allowing the valets to clear his plate and drinks and to bring him two documents. The first he pulled out and placed between them. “Come here.”

Giuseppe didn't react right away, blinking several times until it finally got through to him that Antonius had called to him. He stood quite rigidly, his mind still racing in chaos and he wasn't really able to order his thoughts. He moved over to Antonius and gave a slight bow. "Yes, Father?" He asked, his voice slightly unsteady.

“This first document, my son, names replacements for all the lords who are being dealt with today. Their families will be left destitute for their riches and properties shall revert to the Crown. I would like your name to be on the list. Lord Mayor of America. What say you?”

Giuseppe licked his lips and picked up the document. Upon opening it, his eyes moved down the list and his expression fell back into somewhat of a daze. "How... how many people died today?" He asked slowly and brought his eyes up to Antonius. It wouldn't just be the lords. He was intelligent enough to know that, but he didn't know how far his father had gone. Perhaps much too far.

“Enough people have died today, Giuseppe. We pray that enough have died that no one else will have to.” The Emperor said. Getting rid of political enemies was sometimes necessary, but one needed to make sure they did not just chop the head off the snake, but that they through the entire body into the fire, lest it sprout two new heads where before there were only one. He tapped the paper in front of him. “Focus. Lord of America. Yes or no?”

"Ah." Giuseppe blinked a few more times and licked his lips, working to find his voice. "Yes, of course." He finally managed to get out though it was obviously strained. Now was not the time to question any of this. Not that he would really be able to form any sort of coherent thought, he felt. "Thank you, father. An honor."

“It is.” Antonius said, and put his pen to the first document, signing his name in a quick and elegant fashion and handing to one of the valets who had changed his gloves for the occasion, going from assassin to messenger boy in only a few moments. Antonius pulled up the other paper. “Now this next one you will not like. I know that, and I’d like to tell you how very sorry I am, but our bisneas is a very serious kind; lives and legacy are at sake; hope hangs in the balance. You have been a good son since I asked you to remain in Terra. And I meant everything I said about you remaining at my side, but this is the moment when I need you to most be willing to do your duty.”

"What is it, father?" Giuseppe asked slowly, the apprehension he was starting to feel becoming a focus to bring his roiling mind back to some semblance of order.

Antonio looked at his son, an observant sadness in his eyes deeper than the younger man had ever seen. A tear welled up in both of them but stuck there and didn’t come down. He seemed to be savoring this moment. This moment if normalcy between them, even though they were surrounded by dripping corpses.

“Paolo will be my heir as Emperor, by my decision. I believe he had what the Empire needs in the next generation and it is my job to make sure the Empire has what it needs. You will remain at my side, but the title of Crown Prince will transfer to him. I know this is difficult, son….I know, but you need to sign this document…relinquishing your claim to my throne.”

Giuseppe just stared at his father then, obviously at a complete loss. He didn't answer, just stared.

"Why?" He finally asked, his voice soft but controlled for the moment.

"The Terran Empire cannot just be bloodshed," Antonius stated, obviously a bit hypocritical considering their setting. "She must be a place a intellect, and thought, and culture. Terrans must rule the galaxy, and for that, we need first class minds; attentive minds; artistry; poetry; a love of ideas. I love you son, but that is not you. Paolo, on the other hand, is a once in a generation leader...I truly believe that. And I think your job shall be to help him and protect him. We will talk soon about how you will do that...but first, you must sign this document."

"So giving up my path to be here with you, to learn from you, and make an effort to be the man you want and need of me meant nothing to you in the end." Giuseppe said. It wasn't a question. He straightened and rubbed his chin. "Not even a chance."

Antonius blinked. He had a thousand responses to what Giuseppe had just asserted, but he wasn't prepared to argue or go back and forth. His expression darkened, the smell of blood in the room filing his nostrils.

"Giuseppe, this is a courtesy. A way for you to save face and to become a well-established figure in the Empire. I have given you a major lordship, I have appointed you as my senior advisor, and I have more in store for you. But I am growing increasingly concerned that you are preparing to disobey my wishes in this."

Antonius stood. Though he and his son were both on the short side, they still stood face to face. He leaned in close, paying no mind to the valet-assassins still standing in the room and pretending not to be watching them.

"Lachlan King and his band of rebels decided to test me; to do just that. And their blood now pools at my feet." he poked a wrinkled finger into his son's chest. "You, boy, have nothing without me. Everything you have I gave you save that commission your forsook. My palaces, my titles, my money that buys you these damn fancy clothes. MY CROWN which rests on my head. And I will get it to whomever I please. Now you will sign this document, or you will have to be removed as Crown Prince by much less pleasant means for the both of us. Make the right decision," he picked up the pen and handed it to Giuseppe, "and sign it."

"You could have just had me killed on the front, you know." Giuseppe took the pen. "More honor to the crown, Paolo would have gotten to be crown prince. You would have been happy." He chuckled, despite himself. "I must admit, father, it was very clever. Lulling me in to thinking you'd give me a chance and getting me to hang up my commission so you could lord over me that I have nothing of my own. I didn't see that coming. Though I suppose that's part of the problem, isn't it?"

"Oh, I wish that it wasn't." Antonius said, a deep frown on his face. "These lords would eat you alive. They would destroy you and use you. I can't let that happen to you...or to the Empire. Despite what you kids think, I do love you. And I wouldn't kill you...unless you made me. Now sign, Giuseppe Angelo. Sign, and we can figure it all out later."

"You have no idea what love is." Giuseppe replied, his voice suddenly becoming quite cold. Unfortunately for Giuseppe, he did. All he could see in this moment was the face of his own son. If it had just been him, or truthfully even him and Jessica, he wouldn't have cared. He would have told his father to kill him right on the spot. It was the face of his bright eyed baby boy that had him click the pen and sign the document. He shoved it out onto the table and into the pools of blood immediately afterward, turned, and stormed out of the room.

Antonius leaned down and signed his name as well as witness. He then handed it to a valet and sighed. Whether he had done the right or wrong thing was a question for the future. He could only do what he thought was best in the moment. But would his family every be whole again? And would his wife forgive him either? These questions he certainly couldn't answer.



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