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Lunch break

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 10:57am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Various
Timeline: MD4 - 12h00
2441 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass was in agony. ~So much for hourly on the hour~ She thought as she curled up in a ball on the floor in the hall down from a crew mess. The bastard had set it for 30 minute intervals with a duration of 90 seconds. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She whimpered as the pain increased, so much so that she didn't hear footsteps.

Callie was on her way for lunch when she’d felt pain, very high levels of pain, causing her to ramp up her mental defences. She soon found where it was coming from as she saw Selin curled up on the floor. “Ensign...” She was just about to help when she heard someone else coming.

Coming from the other direction, Johnathan saw Kassandra writhing in pain on the deck. "Kass!" He rushed over and knelt beside her. Without thinking, he reached down to touch her, only to get shocked by her agonizer. "Fuck!" He cursed as he shook his hand.

Callie cautiously knelt by Kassandra. “What in the hell did you do to deserve this!?”

Kass's eyes fluttered open as the pain began to recede. "Followed Captains Orders... Morrison..." she got out as the agonizer sent its last zaps through her. "Told me... set every hour,,.. on hour, during shift, two weeks... but its,... 30 minutes..."Her hands were shaking badly, it had only been 2 hours since it had started but that equated to 5 rounds of it.

“You can’t keep going on like this, those shocks aren’t doing your body any favours” Callie sighed. “He shouldn’t be doing this to you!”

Kass took a breath. "I.. have meds in my cabin.. But I can't get there just yet." And she was not about to bad mouth her Chief. Not to other members of the senior staff. "I apologize for disrupting your day Lieutenants" she said to both.

“You are in no way disrupting my day Ensign” Callie stood offering her gloves hand to help Kass up.

Johnathan helped bring Kassandra back to her feet. "Kass, you will never be a bother to me." He thought about it for a beat, then said, "C'mon, both of you. My cabin is closeby. We can eat lunch in there in private. Besides, I have an idea, Kass."

Kass accepted both their help to get to her feet. Her legs trembled. "I can't take it off. He will know." she said softly, leaning on them both.

Johnathan took her weight fully, allowing Callie to be their eyes as they moved. "Hush now," he said softly. "You let me worry about that. You just rest and enjoy the ride." He then scooped her up into his arms and the trio made their way quickly to the nearest turbolift.

Kass's face was going red but she didn't fight the pick up.

Callie followed on behind them. Keeping her senses alert for anyone who might be coming.

They got to the turbolift without being seen, though, Johnathan was sure that Morrison was probably watching them via the internal security cameras. However, without direct orders from the Captain, the senior staff's quarters and possibly the entire deck, would be off limits to observation.

“If anyone questions anything I’ll file a complaint myself!” Callie shook her head.

Kass shook her head. She didn't want them in trouble because of her.

A few moments later, the turbolift doors slid open and Johnathan peeked out. "Coast is clear, let's go!" He then made his way to his quarters. As he approached the door unlocked and the three hurried inside.

As soon as the doors slid shut and locked, the lights came up to their programmed setting of sixty percent illumination and music started to play. This time Bach could be heard softly playing through the cabin.

"Okay, let's get you comfortable and then I can look at your agonizer." He carried Kass directly to his bed and gently laid her down upon it. "Now, just relax there. I need to get my tools." He then went back into the living room.

She felt horrible, Kass clenched her hands together but they still shook.

“It’ll be okay” Callie offered a friendly smile. “We’ll get you through this.”

Johnathan returned with a small satchel. After moving to Kass's left side, he knelt down, taking a closer look at the device. "Gotta love the Empire. They dump tons of credits into building powerful starships and weapons, yet, they're still using Mark Seven Personal Agonizers." He looked at both women. "We used to build these back at the orphanage." He then opened his satchel and found the tools he wanted. He then went to work on the device.

“Good job you’re an expert then!” Callie grinned. “Just watch you don’t trigger it again, last thing she needs is another shock right now.”

Johnathan gave Callie a look, much like a professor would give a student who had tried to give a correct answer, but bombed completely. "I'm not an engineer, but these...I could completely disassemble in my sleep." As he spoke, he kept working, not watching his hands. "And voila!"

The outer case fell away, revealing the inner workings. "He tried to be clever, adding an alert mechanism to these. Shoddy work too." He focused back on the task. "He's lucky he didn't short circuit this thing and electrocute you!" He was starting to get angry. "Give me a minute...." He leaned closer to the device as he worked.

Kass closed her eyes. "He was going to demote me, this works better."

“Demote you? For following Captain’s orders!?” Callie shook her head. “I’m going to be watching him, very closely.”

A few moments later, Johnathan spoke again. " it!" He pulled out a small circuit, the size of a corn kernel. "I've reprogrammed the device. As far as he knows. It never left your person. As for the pain stimulator..." he gave her a wicked grin, "Well, while I don't want to ruin the surprise, let's just say that you'll appreciate what happens next time this goes off." He looked at the chrono on his bedside table. "Which should be any moment now." He closed the device back up, making it seem that nothing was ever done to it.

"He.. is the chief of intelligence" Kass said softly. "Its his right." She sat up slowly. "Thank you Lieutenant Anderson. You are both senior officers, crew discipline is part of your jobs. You will have to activate your subordinate's agonizers as well or they will stab you in the back. And a knife in the back is no joke."

“I know” Callie nodded. “It’s not something I like to do, but it has to be done. If there was another way I’d take it.”

Kass looked at the woman, she was older than her, she knew, but naive. She touched Callie's arm. "Sweetie, I think you are not going to last long here. Do not let Andrei hear you speak like that."

Callie smiled. “You’re not seeing me at my worst. When I’m on duty I do my part, I’m horrible and I don’t take any messing! If there’s one thing my father taught me it’s now to be ruthless when you have to be. I’ll apologise to both of you now, anything I say or do on duty has no bearing on either of you personally.”

Kass glanced at Johnathan. "Sure" she said softly.

“Kassandra...I meant that. I’m a half breed, my mother is one of my father’s slaves! The only reason I’m not a slave is because I’m an empath and telepath.” Callie paused. “My father saw my uses, so he raised me, had me trained to use my abilities for whatever reasons he needed. The reason I wear this...” she moved her hair to reveal her inhibitor. “Is because I defended someone by using my abilities against someone else. This keeps me in check.”

Looking up at the inhibitor, Johnathan spoke up. "If you want, after I study the tech specs of that, I might be able to tweak it some, maybe reduce its hold on you?" He then looked at Kass. "As for the rank here, when it's just the three of us, there is no rank. Agreed?" He didn't want to voice how sinister his dark side could be to these women. He hoped dearly that they never saw it.

Kass wasnt sure about that. Friendships were not the norm. She gave a cautious nod. "Okay..."

Callie nodded. “Agreed. As for this...” Callie ran her fingers over the inhibitor. “I’m not sure there’s much you can do. My father had it wired in, any tampering could cause permanent brain damage. Besides it only stops me blowing my top, the rest of my strength is unaffected.”

Kass considered it then her wrist chrono beeped and she tensed.

Johnathan nodded to Callie's words, then his eyes moved to Kass, a grin turning up the edges of his mouth. He hoped she enjoyed the gift he had given her.

It was a good thing she was sitting as something other than pain shot through her. Kassandra gasped and fell back onto the bed her hands clenched and she squeezed her legs together. "Oh by Aphrodite. " she gasped out.

Callie smiled as she picked up on the pleasure Kass was feeling, she cleared her throat as she ramped up her mental defences some to stop herself from enjoying the sensations. “Nicely done Johnathon, that is definitely better than a shock!”

He continued to grin hungrily at the woman writhing on his bed. Looking over at Callie, he said, "Perhaps we should give her some more feelings of pleasure?"

“Seriously!?” Callie grinned. “Perhaps you’d better ask Kass about that first.”

Looking down at Kassandra, as she moved her body to the bliss she was experiencing, Johnathan moved closer to whisper in her ear. "What do you think, Kass? Would you like to feel even more pleasure?"

Kass whimpered and as the pleasure began to dim out she gasped out "No fair Johnathan. I am meant to be on duty."

Johnathan grinned at Kassandra as he replied, "Well, what exactly are your duties? You could always say that you were conducting loyalty interviews?" He looked over at Callie, then back to Kassandra. "I'm sure you could fully debrief Callie and me. In the name of your duties, of course."

Kass gave a slight smile. "My current duties are secretary duties and coffee fetching" she admitted feeling pretty annoyed about that. "And as wonderfully sexy you both are and as enjoyable as that would be, not during work hours."

“Then we’ll just have to arrange to meet up outside work hours, won’t we Johnathan?” Callie gave him a smile.

The pilot nodded and gave her a wink. "Definitely. We need to stick together and take care of each other."

Callie nodded. “I’d like that.”

Kassandra gave a cautious nod then said "As nice as the change is to the agonizer, if he does not hear me screaming in agony, he will put me in the booths. You need to change it back Johnathan."

For a moment, he looked like he was going to argue. But then, he sighed and nodded. He knew that Kassandra was right. However, he wasn't going to allow her to be permanently injured, or killed. "I'll give you a compromise, Kass. I'll switch the settings back, but, I am not putting that piece of garbage that he added to it back in. You'll feel pain, just, not as much. You'll have to act the rest. Can you do that?"

She smirked. "I am an Intelligence Officer with a major in infiltration, I can act my way out of anything." She winked "You should hear me when having sex."

Johnathan felt a stirring below from her tone and words. "Oh, I would very much like to."

Kass gave a short laugh. "Just fix the device Johnathan, and we shall see."

“Trust me Kassandra, you seriously need to give his offer some thought.” Cassie smiled. “Johnathan is incredible in bed!” She grinned a wry grin. “You won’t regret it.”

Johnathan said nothing. He simply grinned softly and got back to work on the device.

"I seem to be getting a few offers these days." Kass mused as she held still

After a few beats, he was finished. "Done. The device is now hard wired to go no higher that sixty percent discharge. Any lower, and he might get suspicious. The rest is up to you."

"Thank you, both for this" Kass stood.

Johnathan stood as well. "Kass?" He asked softly.

Kass turned and placed a hand on his cheek. "One of us has to be the sensible one, I think it is me. I am available from 22h00 tonight."

Feeling her touch on his cheek, Johnathan's breath caught in his chest. Without thinking, he leaned forward and kissed her, gently, longingly, on her lips. It was a kiss that promised more to come.

After a few beats, he broke the kiss and leaned back. "Be careful," he said quietly.

Kass stepped back and nodded. "As careful as any of us can be." She said softly before looking to Callie, nodding and heading for the door

Callie had taken a moment to respond, the kiss had stirred an unexpected pang of what she could only describe as jealousy. Not that she had any claim on Johnathan, and she wasn’t the jealous type. She shook it off and gave Kass a wave before turning back to John. “We should get back too, we don’t need to be late.”

Johnathan nodded as he watched Kassandra leave. Then, turning to Callie, he gave her a soft smile as he approached her. "Last thing I want to do, is get you in trouble, my love." He leaned in and kissed her just as deeply as he had Kassandra.

Callie returned his kiss closing her eyes as their lips met. She smiled as she opened them again. “Nor I you. I’ll see you later tonight, if not before.” She stepped back offering one last smile before she turned and headed on her way.

When he was alone, Johnathan stood for a moment, smiling to himself. Things were certainly becoming very interesting on his ship. And they hadn't even left spacedock yet!

After collecting and putting his tools away, he left his cabin, and returned to the bridge.



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