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Eye for an Eye

Posted on Fri Aug 19th, 2022 @ 4:40am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Christoph Ivers & Cerron

Mission: S1 Episode 3: Phage
Location: Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 0400
3177 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Cerron shifted Andrei’s head back and forth in his hand, holding the man’s beaten and bloodied face by his chin. He was inspecting the Terran man like a piece of meat and then rudely dropped his head back down. Andrei had been kept alive, but just barely. His torture had continued since they had left the planet, but they never went too far. He had to be alive and intact to make a proper example of when they returned to their own territory. The arrival of the Vidiians had been a blessing on them and they had taken the chance to flee while they could. Unfortunately for the Lovarr however, many of their own people had been infected by some sort of disease that was rapidly incapacitating them. Still they pressed on. He sat down in his chair, rubbing the back of his neck with his aching hands.

Andrei was adrift, a prisoner of his body and his mind. He barely managed to be conscious for a few moments before he faded away again. His conversation was no longer clear and, if he was aware of anything at all, he no longer bothered to show it. Instead, his looks were vacant and his full blinded eyes no longer tried to see. He seemed totally defeated. Dead in all but name.

Vengeance; Transporter Room 1
Christoph looked over his assembled team quietly as everyone checked their gear. Six officers plus himself and Madeline. Marines and additional security personnel waited to be beamed over from the other transporter rooms. They had all been able to get at least some rest, but they were not as fresh as he would have liked for something like this. Not that he really wanted to be doing this at all, but if Andrei was the traitor near everyone thought he would enjoy seeing the younger man’s head roll in some way, shape, or form. His eyes moved over to Madeline and he noticed she seemed unusually quiet and focused. Of course she was a good officer, but this hit different.

“You alright?” He asked her quietly as he stepped to her side.

“No, I’m not. There’s a Terran man trapped over there with hundreds of alien slaves.” Madeline replied icily and looked up to Christoph.

“We don’t know that’s the case. It’s just as likely that Andrei has decided to fuck off and try to play king of the universe.” Christoph replied pointedly.

Madeline was about to reply when the transporter room door opened again.

Yana and Mika Petrova entered, serious expressions on their faces. Mika’s was subdued and nervous; Yana’s was more serious than any of them had ever seen. She stopped in front of the security team, pulling out her own phaser.

“This team is going straight to their Bridge.” Yana said, her jaw set. “We avoid a fight if we can. Andrei could get hurt in the cossfire.”

“Aye, Commander.” Christoph replied with a nod. “This team is made up of our best marksmen if a fight is to happen. Cassiel will take point.” While it may have seemed odd for him to differ, Madeline’s record spoke for itself in a situation like this. Rifles were handed out to the security officers and they stepped onto the transporter pad. “On your command, sir.” He nodded to Yana as Madeline took the position at the front of the group.

Yana and Mika stepped onto the transporter pad together, and the older of the two looked forward resolutely.


Lovarr; Bridge

The light of the transporter beams dissipated and immediately the team began walking forward, rifles up and ready. Cassiel did not hesitate as she took the lead, the group moving quickly behind her with Christoph at her flank and Yana with him. When they did not meet immediate resistance, Madeline lowered her rifle and the rest followed her lead. They were kept readily in hand, but not in an outright hostile display. As they approached a corner, Madeline motioned for the group to get against the wall and scooted closer to it, peering just around the corner to see three Kazon standing there. Pulling back, she let the group know in silence that there were three and then looked to Yana for her command. She wanted to avoid a firefight, she must have had another idea.

Since there were only three and they were outside the door, Yana judged the danger to Andrei’s life to be minimal. She looked to Cassiel and gave a quick nod, indicating she had the go ahead.

Mika stood next to her mother and away from the action. She was here just in case medical attention would be needed.

Madeline nodded, looking to Christoph and the two turned the corner as one, firing their rifles with Madeline taking down two of the three given she was a faster shot. A quick jerk of her head summoned the others around the corner as they began to advance on the main bridge door.


"Did anyone else hear that?" Cerron asked inside though no one gave an affirmative. He pulled himself up out of his seat with some effort. "Give me a status report. Something doesn't feel right." He limped his way over to one of the other seated Kazon and leaned over the console.


The team moved to the bridge door and stopped. McKnight moved up with Cassiel and Ivers, bringing up a device and pressing it against the door. Activating it, a heat map of the inside of the bridge appeared. It wasn't detailed, but it was good enough to figure out the positioning of the individuals within. In the middle of the bridge they could see one of the signatures low on the ground and not moving, the arms extended up above its head. Madeline felt an immediate surge of anger not just at the Kazon, but at the crew of her own ship. She kept it tamed, focused.

She turned to Yana and spoke very quietly. "Lieutenant Petrov is likely the figure in the middle. There are currently nine Kazon on the bridge. When we breach, there will likely be a firefight, however," she indicated to some of the heat signatures that looked even warmer than the others, "it is likely that the Kazon were also affected by the phage. That should give us an advantage. When we enter, we will split to the left and right to draw fire away from the middle and away from the lieutenant." She offered her plan and then tipped her head to Yana. "Unless you prefer a different tactic."

Yana watched Maddie as she spoke, her eyes moving to her lips and back up to her eyes again, taking in the minor details of her face and her inflections. She looked down at her own rifle and changed a setting.

“Set phasers to stun..just in case.” She said with a frown. Then she looked back to Madeline. “Your plan is approved. Mika, hang back until the shooting ends.”

All of the security personnel made the adjustment on their weapons with no sign of dissent or disappointment. This was very serious. Yes, Andrei was an officer, but he was also the son of the two most powerful people in the fleet. If something went wrong they might not stop with the Kazon when seeking vengeance for the loss of their son, so it was best to obey.

“McKnight, Auleth, stay here with Cadet Petrova.” Christoph ordered and the two men nodded.

“You two with me.” Madeline gestured to two of the remaining officers. “You two with Ivers.” She then looked to Yana. “Commander, I am going to suggest you wait at least ten seconds before you enter the room and when you do, stay low to the wall until you can take cover. We should be able to draw their fire by then.”

“On your lead, Madeline.” Christoph spoke up, his voice gentled and his eyes lingering on her intense expression. She was a beauty.

Standing, Madeline moved to the control panel for the door, ripping it from the wall without a second thought. It sparked angrily, but as soon as it passed she reached inside to grab the manual release. Her focus remained on the door. “Three… two…”

As the door opened suddenly, Cerron wheeled about from where he was standing. His world spun dangerously from the movement, but he was focused enough to watch Death flooding in through the door. No orders were needed. He and the other Kazon immediately grabbed their weapons and opened fire on the six Terrans who stormed the bridge and immediately split up. The Kazon moved for cover, but already one of them had fallen in the initial entrance of the Terrans. He cursed under his breath, looking to the center of the room where Andrei still hung.

“Kill them!” Cerron roared with what strength he had. “Kill them or we die!”

Beams of particle weapons began to fly through the room, though Cassiel’s plan seemed to be working in that most all of them remained out of the middle of the room. The Terrans were engaged too close to the Kazon for the Kazon to attempt any crossfire. Of course errant beams happened on both sides, but mercifully missed the still hanging form of Andrei in the middle. One of the Terran’s fell with a cry, but two more Kazon fell in his wake.

In the heat of the fighting, one of the Kazon looked to Andrei. If they were going to lose, they could at least take something from the Terrans for good. He angled his phaser toward his former master where he lay exausted on the ground. He made sure it was on the highest setting; he didn’t want anything left.

Yana saw the Kazon and aimed her weapon, firing twice, but missing. Her eyes went wide, believing this was the end for her son.

Christoph saw the Kazon, saw the weapon in his hands and the deadly intent toward Andrei. From his vantage point, it was an easy shot to take. He swung his rifle around, but aimed just wide enough that the blast went over the Kazon’s shoulder. His eyes were fixed on Andrei, wanting to watch the man disintegrate. As he watched the Kazon level the weapon, his excitement turned to anger as he watched another phaser blast come up from low to the ground and strike the Kazon who immediately crumbled to the floor. His eyes followed the trajectory and there he found on the ground aiming upward at a difficult angle… Madeline. His jaw set, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it right now.

Finally, after a brief but tense fight, the Kazon bridge was in shambles. Consoles sparked dangerously, but the weapons fire had died down.

“Hold.” Madeline commanded with easy authority and moved carefully out of her cover to look around the bridge. The air was strained, nerves were frayed. The Kazon were still alive but stunned. They would suffer a thousand deaths.

“Clear.” She spoke the word, but even before it left her lips she was already moving toward Andrei. She pulled out her pistol, shooting where his chains were attached to the ceiling, but in a fluid and quick motion she dropped to her knees and caught his body against her own.

“Lieutenant Petrov? Can you hear me?” She questioned, her voice firm. She didn’t care she was kneeling in his blood and waste. She looked over his shoulder to his ankles and noticed they had been shackled to the ground but the “shackles” were bolted to the floor with no easy way to get them off. A shiver of hate ran down her spine as she considered for just a moment how exactly the Kazon had probably intended on removing Andrei from those bonds.

“We need to cut him free.” She said as Christoph and Masters approached. “Use your pistols, narrow the beam as much as you can and cut right above where it’s bolted to the deck.” She didn’t notice the look she received from Christoph as they complied. She held Andrei against her, supporting his head against her shoulder so he didn’t just roll about. She turned her head just slightly, her voice lowered to a whisper.


Andrei made nothing more than a confused groan as he looked toward Madeline, his eyes blurry with the damage from whatever the leader of the revolt had poured into them. He was caked with his own waste and the room smelled terrible. It was a wonder the Kazon could stand it, but they were filth already.

Mika looked at her big brother with wide, terrified eyes. She looked, in that moment, more like a little girl, than a young woman as she stared at what the Kazon had done to him. Despite the tear that was already falling down her face, she moved to him and knelt down beside him, scanning him with the tricorder.

"He's lost alot of blood....he's dehydrated. Barely conscious." she said, sniffling and wiping the wetness from her cheeks with her sleeve. "He has severe damage to his eyes....based on his current condition, he probably would have been dead by the end of the day."

Yana looked at the two women kneeling with her nude son, her face as cold as ice. What was written there wasn't sadness, but anger, barely bridled.

"We need to get him to Sickbay. Mika and some of your men will see to that." she said simply, and then turned to the nearest console and turned on shipwide. "This is Commander Petrova. This ship is now once again under the control of the Shadow Fleet. All Kazon slaves, lay down your arms immediately and fall to the ground where you stand. Lace your fingers behind your neck and remain there until you are told otherwise by a Terran Officer. Any failure to comply will result in the immediate death of the offender and three of his fellow Kazon."

“Mika.” Madeline called to the younger woman firmly, but not harshly. “Take a breath and dry your tears. Be strong for him.” She touched Andrei’s shoulder gently. “Help him, and I will rain hell down on the creatures who did this to him.”

Mika nodded, trying to put on a tougher expression as she wiped her tears away again, catching the new ones as they fell. She placed a hand on Andrei and tapped her commbadge.

“Petrova to Vengeance. Two to beam directly to Sickbay.”

With two shimmers of light, they were gone.

Yana turned off the comms and looked to her son again. Then her eyes flickered to Ivers.

"Lieutenant, come here." she said, no sign of the kind and sweet woman she had shown them before.

Christoph moved to Yana from the console he had been standing at, he looked tired, but he was still focused. “Yes, Commander?”

"It is clear to me that our Kazon population is excessive. Over the next several days, I expect you, your people, and our marines to oversee our work here as much as your duty and the Captain permit. You will take the leaders of the revolt and you will place daggers in their hands. You will split them up into different rooms, close enough that they can hear what is happening in the others....and they will personally execute all 400 Kazon aboard this ship under your direct supervision. Once they are done, they will be brought 100 Kazon, randomly selected from the Klandell, and they will execute them as well. We will keep those rooms sealed, as a monument to Terran Justice. Half the remaining 300 Kazon from the Klandell will be assigned duty here to replace those lost."

Yana didn't flinch when giving the order many would have scarcely been able to dream up. Her eyes were hard.

"The fate of the leaders will be left to my son when he is well. Remove their clothing and chain them as he was chained in the middle of the Kazon mess hall. Anyone who shows them the simplest or briefest kindness from their ranks, or who walks by without looking upon them and saying 'Glory to the Empire', should have their agonizer turned on instantly until their heart stops." she finished, stepping closer to him, her smaller stature not diminishing her presence. "Is that order clear, Lieutenant?"

At some point when Yana was giving these orders, Madeline had walked over and had stood behind Christoph. Her own eyes were dark, but the rage settled in them was cold, harnessed into strength and fuel. A difficult feat to attain for most people. Her eyes shifted to Christoph and immediately she saw what was about to happen. Inconspicuously she took a step back and to the side, separating herself from him.

“I understand, sir.” Christoph replied but then there came the hesitation. He shifted uncomfortably as he found himself unsure of what to do in this situation. Did she have the authority to do this? He didn’t know. Appointments through nepotism were like that. “Respectfully, I would feel more comfortable also receiving the go ahead from Captain Petrov to carry out these orders. I am unsure of the chain of command.” Long live the sacred chain.’

Before Yana had a chance to respond, Madeline spoke up. “I will carry out your orders.” Her voice was even, but as she looked at Yana her eyes promised brutality.

Yana gave Christoph a rather unforgiving expression before turning her eyes to Madeline for a moment.

“I will clarify then. I am the Deputy Commander of this fleet. That means I’m second in command of all personnel, including you. I may not command Vengeance, but I have some oversight over her crew, especially when off ship on a fleet vessel.” She said, and then looked to Madeline again. “Lieutenant Cassiel will carry out my orders. Return to normal duty on Vengeance immediately. You will find the chain of command clear there.”

With that, she turned and exited the room, going to survey some other part of the ship.

Both Madeline and Christoph watched Yana leave and then Madeline turned to rally the other officers to her so that they could begin. She took a step but was stopped abruptly as Christoph grabbed her forcefully by the shoulder. “You and I are going to have a little talk when we get back to the Vengeance, Madeline.”

She stared forward, wrestling with her already barely restrained rage. When she was confident enough, she looked up to Christoph and gave him a nod. “When I get back then, but right now.” She took his hand from her shoulder. “I have a job to do.”

With that, she walked away from him and spared not even a glance back.

They would beg for death.



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