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A New Job I

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2022 @ 4:53am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 1100
1903 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrei had spent his free days since he arrived from the Lovarr gaining back what he had lost and then some. He'd walked the decks of Vengeance out of uniform, working most of the day away jogging, lifting weights, or combat training on the holodeck or in security. Sometimes he even went down with the marines to train with them as well. It had paid off as he was notably more jacked and even more women seemed to take note of him as he walked the corridors.

What he seriously lacked, however, was a job to do. The Lovarr had been assigned a new commander and the role of Chief of Security was taken on Vengeance, meaning he had been left without a role to play in the fleet. Sure, he had followed the advice he'd been given and spent more time with dear old dad, helping with his massive helping of administrative work as a now-experienced command officer, but none of that was official and none of it got him any respect. Now he had been summoned to the Captain's Ready Room, and he grabbed a fresh uniform for the first time in a while and headed up.

Lieutenant Petrov exited the turbolift onto the Bridge, his patch over his eye providing his bionic implant using it to see a natural view inlaid with basic database information about everyone he saw. He walked past the station where his half-sister stood and stepped down toward the door. Since it was left open, he walked right in and gave a salute in front of his father's desk.

Ivan had been working and had just handed a PADD to Yeoman King. When his son entered the room, he visibly changed gears and pushed some of his work off to the side.

"At ease, Lieutenant." he said, watching as Jackie left and shut the door behind her. Ivan stood and slowly walked around his desk, moving toward his son. "How are you feeling, son?"

"Much better, Papa. I've learned how to use this damn thing," he said, gesturing toward his eye with a smile, "and I'm in the best shape of my life."

"I'd noticed." Ivan said, grinning. "You know, I'm proud of you. I've seen so much growth in you. I hate the reason, but I really think your trial on the Lovarr did you some incredible good."

Andrei nodded, offering a friendly expression. It was a great sight different than the way he had treated his father even a month before. Gone was the resentment. He could no longer blame the man, he found, for anything that had gone wrong in his life before.

"You wanted to see me?"

"I did, actually." Ivan said, crossing his arms under his chest. "You're a command officer without a ship, and you've been sweating all over my decks for the better part of a month. I think it's time you got yourself a real job again."

Ivan reached into his pocket and took out a wooden box, leaving it closed and looking back up into his son's eyes.

Andrei saw the box and his lips parted slightly. What was this about?

"You need a job and I need an XO. What do you say, son?" Ivan asked, extending his right hand.

Andrei grasped the hand and shook it firmly, a surprised smile creeping onto his face. Of course it really hadn't been a surprise at all. He had spent weeks buttering the old man up for this very moment, but he still needed to play the role.

"Gods, sir. I accept." he said, allowing his father to pull him in for a hug. It was tight and full of feeling. He could feel the man's warmth and his bear-like strength.

When Ivan released him, he opened the box and removed a half-pip and then leaned forward, placing it on Andrei's collar next to the two full ones which were already there.

"Lieutenant Andrei Ivanovich Petrov, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges that affords. I also hereby assign you as Executive Officer about the ISS Vengeance. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Captain. I won't let you down." Andrei said his face and tone sweet. He shook his father's hand firmly again. In his left eye, a twinkle of something shined. He had done it, at last. "Now, what's for lunch? I'm starved.."

"I thought we'd have a guest in for that occasion actually. But you'll need this.." Ivan reached into his pocket and pulled out a second box. Handing it to Andrei, he tapped his commbadge. "Lieutenant Cassiel, step into my Ready Room, please."

Lyra looked up from her work and quirked a brow but shrugged, one of the enlisted crewmen sliding deftly in behind her to man the station as she stepped out and walked to Ivan's ready room. "Captain." She greeted Ivan respectfully, her eyes drifting over to Andrei. When she saw the extra pip on his uniform, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Commander." It was respectful, professional, but no one could miss the warmth and note of pride it was spoken with.

Andrei was wearing his uniform for the first time in a while. It fit defiantly and the networked patch over his right eye certainly made a big difference. He looked fierce, strong, and unpredictable. More a man than a boy suddenly.

"Lieutenant, you've proved yourself a capable leader in our fleet." Ivan said, looking down at her. "Commander Petrov has something to give you."

Andrei opened the box but didn't look; instead, his visible eye was locked squarely on her. He wanted to see her reaction in this moment. He opened the box, revealing a single golden pip inside.

"Lyra Caterina Orsini Cassiel, I hereby promote you to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that affords." Ivan said, and beamed unrestrainedly as Andrei reached up to Lyra's collar and removed her half pip, replacing it with the full one from the box.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant." Andrei said, his tone professional and even, but his hands gentle enough to suggest something more.

It was a rare sight to see, but Lyra actually seemed genuinely surprised and Andrei's interface would confirm that fact. Whether it was the promotion itself or the consideration of having Andrei present it to her wasn't entirely clear, but it was likely a mixture of both. She held still as Andrei replaced the pip on her uniform, though looked up into his eyes when he did so. She would have kissed him in celebration for both of their successes, but she abstained. Instead she turned to Ivan and gave a respectful bow of her head.

"Thank you, Captain. I'm honored by the trust you place in me." She then looked back to Andrei and allowed a slight smile. "Thank you, Commander."

"How about we postpone our meal until dinner, Commander? I'm sure your mother and sister will want to celebrate." Ivan said, placing his hand on his son's shoulder. "For now, I'd like you to brief Lieutenant Cassiel on the responsibilities of her new rank."

The Captain gave a wink. His meaning was clear. He knew they would want to celebrate together.

"Aye, sir." Andrei said with a grin, and then looked to Lyra. "Shall we, Lieutenant?"

"Lead the way, Commander." Lyra replied, stifling a little chuckle. As Andrei moved, she looked back to Ivan, giving him a warm smile and nod before following Andrei out.

Andrei did indeed lead her out of the Ready Room and onto the Bridge. On his way up the stairs, he paused and thought of something he really must do before they went to eat. He walked to the command center, moving past his father's chair, and lowered himself quickly into the XO's chair. He had attracted some attention, but paid no attention to anyone else. Instead, he looked forward to the viewscreen and the streaming stars before standing up and walking to the turbolift. Once the door was closed, he turned his eye to Lyra.

"I'll be moving quarters today, it seems." he said with a smile. "We could go there now for a meal; I could do some interior decoration planning."

"You looked good in that chair, you know." Lyra offered and stepped closer to him, placing a hand on his side. "I'll help you move and set up if you like but," she looked up at him with a devious grin then, "what you should really be planning is that date you owe me. Just under the wire at six days." She bent slightly so she could place her chin on his chest and look up at him, batting her eyelashes innocently.

"Ah, right, of course. I'd almost forgotten our little deal." he said, looking down into her gorgeous eyes as they fluttered. "I was almost hoping I didn't get the job in the interest of my promised prize. But a deal is a deal. I'll start planning."

Lyra chuckled and straightened as the turbolift started to slow. "I'm very interested to see what you come up with." She leaned in to kiss him, breaking it off just as the door opened though their proximity would leave little doubt to what they had just been doing to the crewman standing outside waiting. He stepped to the side to allow them to exit but watched after the pair curiously until the doors closed.

"Mika is going to be thrilled for you. Your mother will be too of course but I have this nagging little feeling she probably already knows." Lyra chuckled and shook her head. "Does your family do any sort of special meal for some sort of celebration like this?"

Yes, his mother was good at giving people ‘nagging little feelings’ one way or another. It came with her territory and the way she worked. Andrei imagined since she had been working him, she was working Lyra as well. He was wondering if she would keep it a secret forever.

“We eat cake, normally.” He said with a small smile. “When I got my commission, Mika and my mother made one for me together. It was Black Forest; a masterpiece. Why do you ask?”

"Just curious, really." Lyra reached out for his hand as they walked. "I think it's nice to have those kinds of traditions in a family. Family is important, after all." There was something undeniably disconnected in the way she said the words, like they held some meaning at some point but not as much anymore.

"It is. We have nothing to truly rely on outside our families." he said, squeezing her hand with unspoken significance. "Would you like to come?"

"Do you just want your sister to explode?" Lyra smirked, wandering with him at an easy pace to what would be his new quarters and likely where she would end up spending a fair amount of time. "You know I would love to, but I don't want to impose on family time if it would be unwelcome by the family."

"You're mine and so is the party." he said, pausing at the door to the XO's quarters and punching in his security code. The door opened with a swish and gestured for her to go in first. "Making Kassandra jealous is a bonus; no more."



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