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Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 1:23am by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont
Edited on on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 1:29am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2000
977 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Andrei had been in Sickbay for a couple days now. Karen spoke to him during her shifts, checked in with him, made sure he was always well taken care of. She had tried to thread the delicate balance between never letting him feel ignored and never making him feel crowded either, but she still knew he was getting restless. He was not really a man designed for lying about. She now walked towards him again, offering a gentle smile. "How are you feeling?"

“I’m feeling bored. And tired of being asked how I’m feeling.” Andrei responded, not nearly as smooth as he once would have. karen had been taking care of him with great attentiveness and he should be grateful, but all he was feeling was the desire to escape. “And I want some real clothing. I’ve been sitting in this medical tarp for days.”

"I'm sorry," Karen said. "I know it's frustrating. Is there anything I can do to make it easier?" She inwardly prepared herself for whatever answer he might give. Karen had spent more time with Andrei in the last couple of days than she had in weeks and yet it felt like he was slipping away. It had really been only a few days since they had been lost in one another's eyes and he'd enjoyed hearing about how she would take care of him, but it seemed a lifetime ago. She told herself it was just the situation and, anyway, these few days had to be about him. She just hated seeing him so unhappy.

He looked down at the covers which had once been on him but had since been pushed to the side. Her nurturing normally made him feel great, and her loving was even better. But since his harrowing episode on Lovarr he hardly had the patience for anyone at all and his sex drive had been completely gone. He felt weak. And he didn’t like feeling week. He hated even more looking weak.

“Nothing at all.” He said, still looking away. “I’m absolutely fine. I just want to get out of here. Release me, I suppose.”

"Andrei..." she started and then paused. She was at a loss for just what to say. "I really wish I could, Andrei. I'm sorry. But this is all just temporary. It'll be behind you soon."

“We’ll don’t just be sorry. Do something.” He said tersely, looking at her with unusually cold eyes. “If you can only sit here being sorry than why are you here at all?”

"You know why and you know me. I've been doing everything I can, Andrei," she answered him, her own frustration surfacing for just a moment but she swallowed it. "I can't check you out before you've recovered. You know that. You were really hurt. You're still really hurt. I..." Now it was her turn to look away. "I thought you might want some company. If you'd rather have some space, that's ok."

“I’m not hurt I’m fine, damnit!” He shouted suddenly, pushing the the table next to his bed over with a swift movement from his hand. “Why can’t you get that through your fucking head?!”

He stood up then, quickly, ignoring the pain in his side. He was frowning at her and started toward her, grabbing her by the arms and holding her roughly, towering over her.

“Do you want me to show you how well I am, Karen? Do you need a lesson just like those Kazon?”

Karen was visibly startled as he grabbed her. She took a deep breath. She looked up at him, more hurt than afraid, as he roughly gripped her arms. "Is that really what you want?" she asked in barely above a whisper. She looked up into his unfathomably cold eyes.

“What?” He asked, confused as hell about her question. He was angry, but he wasn’t seeing red yet. He wasn’t mad at her, but she was the nearest target. He was holding her like he was angry with her though. “What the hell are you talking about.”

"To teach me the lesson you taught the Kazon," Karen answered him, even though his confusion made it clear that he hadn't quite meant that the way she had heard it. "I already know it. I know you're strong and fierce and there is a part of me that would love to say fuck the regs and slip out of here and do all kinds of things, but I know better. I have a job to do and, as annoying as it is right now, I actually am good at it. I'm trying to help you."

He let go of her but stayed close, his brow still knit together.

“I don’t want help.” He said to her. “I don’t need help from anyone at all.”

"Then I'll leave you be for now," Karen said resignedly, not meeting his gaze.

"You can go where you like." he said, frowning at her and shoving her away slightly. It was clear he didn't mean to hurt her. It was clear he meant very little of what he was doing. "Do you think I care, Karen? Fine, go ahead. Get out then."

"I do care, Andrei," she admitted. "Gods help me I really do." She should have understood this reaction. But all her psychiatric training went out the window when it came to him. She gave a weak, bittersweet smile and withdrew.

As the door to his suite closed, Andrei scowled at the door. He knew Karen cared, but that wasn't the issue. He wanted to feel strong and he wanted to be surrounded by people who saw him that way. Right now, she treated him like he was weak and he wasn't able to handle it; because he was.


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