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Making A Start, Part II

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 10:52am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Lionel Morrison & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Briefing Room, Deck 1
Timeline: MD 4, 0730 Hours
1228 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The next time the doors parted, they did so for the only senior staff member not present: Ivan Petrov. The large man strolled in, his leather-bound fists clenched as if he was preparing for a fight. When he saw that everyone in the room started to stand at his arrival, he raised those hands in a motion of open-minded dismissal.

“Keep your seats, people,” He said calmly, clearly a man comfortable with command and the trappings that came with it. He moved over to his seat at the end of the table by the three vast windows overlooking the inside of Earth Spacedock and sat down. “Good morning, everyone. Let’s get started right away, shall we?“

He looked with a severe gaze upon his senior crew. His large beard had long come to eclipse his rank pips, but everyone assembled knew that he was Captain and master, and that in the cold of space he held life or death power over each of them. None of them knew anything about him beyond his checkered reputation and all of them had a lot to lose concerning his personality, inclinations, and policies. He didn't offer a smile: he knew how important and powerful mystery and fear could be.

“ The first thing on our agenda, introductions. I would like to make sure we are all familiar with one another before we start this very dangerous and noteworthy mission.” he said, turning his eyes to the man to his immediate left. “Commander Cain, the man responsible for development of the first Intrepid class ship. He served as the Project Director on the Intrepid project and spearheaded the building of one of the most powerful and resourceful warship classes in the Imperial Fleet. He then served two tours aboard the Intrepid before he was assigned to Vengeance. He has an unmatched mastery over the technical aspects of this ship and he has proven himself to be a competent second-in-command..”

There was much left unsaid in that introduction, Cyrus thought, as he nodded to his commanding officer. The tension had been palpable between them since the older officer had arrived as he detected Cyrus’s resentment for not getting this command immediately. The Captain was very perceptive, but underestimated Cyrus Cain in thinking he would pursue his ambitions by force. He was a patriot and he would accept the decisions of Imperial Starfleet Command no matter how much he wanted them to be otherwise.

“Thank you, Captain Petrov.” he said with a tight smile and then turned to the rest of the group. “I’ve been able to meet most of you so far, and I’m confident we will serve the Empire well together as a crew and that each of us will distinguish ourselves.”

“Of course we will.” the Captain said with a confident nod. “Next, we have our Chief of Security, Lieutenant Troy Marshall, whom I have asked to serve as this vessel’s Second Officer in addition to his duties as a department head.”

Troy looked at the Captain before turning to the others in the room. "I serve at the Captain's pleasure, but my primary duty is to the Empire and the safety of this ship, the officers, crew and slaves to ensure success of our mission. I shall execute those duties until death if needed."

Eritrea had been looking at the floor like a good slave, but the mention of Troy’s surname caught her off guard. She glanced up at the man as he spoke following the Captain's introduction. Her face was only up for a second before she tilted it back down in a subservient manner. She closed her eyes and silently prayed that nobody had noticed.

“Our Chief Flight Control Officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan Anderson comes to us from the ISS Ishiguro. A stalwart leader through a terrible crisis, he brings his expertise with ship piloting along with his crash course in leadership to his position here.” the Captain said, introducing the Chief Pilot.

Johnathan nodded. "Thank you, Sir." Hr then looked around the table. "Don't let my youthful appearance deceive you. I am damn near perfect at what I do. I can fly just about anything like second nature. And following my recent training on the Intrepid class warship, I am the best pilot in the Fleet. I look forward to working with all of you."

“Next, we have Lieutenant Junior Grade Callie Vali, our Chief Operations Officer. She is indeed the daughter of Rear Admiral Vali, and comes to her after spending time under his tutelage. She’s clearly very smart, as she graduated at the top of her class. I’m sure she'll prove herself a very capable colleague for us.” the Captain continued.

Callie nodded respectfully. “Thank you Captain. I will be every bit the officer you expect me to be. I will endeavour to do the Empire proud.”

“Our new chief engineer, a very interesting individual named Melissa Jones. Lieutenant Jones has brought her considerable abilities as an…. individual to bear in the service of the Empire. Her presence here provides us with a unique expertise.” the Captain said, looking at the mechanical woman sitting at the table with a lifeless expression.

Melissa nodded calmly.. Still not speaking unless it was required.

“Lieutenant Cael Maz, host of the fascinating creature some Trill allowed to live within their bodies, is our new Chief Science Officer. The man comes to us from a different universe. I'm sure that's an interesting story, right lieutenant?”

Cael Maz looked to everyone before looking back to the Captain, "It is indeed, Captain. Will have to regale you the tail sometime." Before shutting up and looking back toward the room once more.

“Captain Fergus Williams of the Damned 33rd, still alive and here to serve as our Marine Commander.” the Captain said, nodding to the man with the cigar in his mouth. “Captain Williams brings a wealth of battlefield experience which I will wield as a sword against the Alliance enemy.”

The marine nodded and tipped his cap to everyone still keeping his cigar in his mouth. " Happy to be here serving the empire."

“Lastly, our two most recent arrivals.” the Captain said, referencing Igarashi and Morrison. “Our Chief Inspector and our Chief Intelligence Officer. I haven’t been able to peruse your files before you arrived, so I’m afraid you’ll have to introduce yourselves.”

"Ensign Futaba Igarashi" the green haired girl introduced herself. "I'm the new Chief Inspector" she told them simply. She didn't want to sit and divulge everything about herself in a staff briefing, so she kept it short and sweet.

Lionel merely looked around. "I am recently from the ISS Ravager." He stated. "I have served the Emperor for the past 12 years and am looking forward to continuing that."

Kass, standing by the wall next to the slave considered his words, This man knew both her brothers, she was sure. And it was making sense in her mind.

Troy glanced about the room at the other Department Heads. His eyes briefly glancing at every officer in the room, including Kass. The only one he didn't bother to look at was Lieutenant Morrison. He turned to Ivan. "Captain, may I ask if we have received our mission orders? If so, how soon do we depart and for where?"



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