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Refuge or Exile, Take your Pick

Posted on Tue Aug 23rd, 2022 @ 9:58am by Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:29pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: China
Timeline: Date 2371-06-16 at 1100
777 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The Imperial Mansion in China, in the shadows of Bukadaban Feng, and overlooking the Taiyan Lake in the old republic of China, gleamed with lights in the twilight as the sleek military shuttle came into land on the private shuttle pad.

The hatch opened and several security officers disembarked to secure the exit point and the path to the house which rose up before them.

After a moment, her Royal Highness Princess Elana Orsini exited the shuttle, her new lady in waiting right behind her. The princess was dressed in black with a long black overcoat covering her from the weather. Her right hand bore a heavy signet ring which she kept on her fingers by clenching her fist. Her eyes when they lifted, were red from unshed tears.

Her heels clicked as she moved briskly to the house, ignoring the security officers around her and the woman behind her.

At the door, a long-time aide stood waiting. As Elana moved to the door, the aide curtseyed. “Your highness..”

“Yes Maria?” Elana managed to get out as she took off her coat.

“The files you wished to read are on your desk..”

“I will get to them tomorrow.” Elana said knowing if she went straight there, the Lady in waiting, one Lady Gloria Haughton, would drag her to rest. Under orders from the Emperor of course.

Maria nodded and withdrew as Lady Gloria sent her a harsh glower. As Gloria followed Elana into the house and up the stairs to her personal suite of rooms, she spoke to the Princess’s back.

“You will need to meet with the new head of your security in the morning. 09h00.”

Unseen Elana rolled her eyes. “Yes you told me that.” She said even though she felt like screaming. Ever since she had collapsed in her rooms on Mars and ended up in her father’s arms sobbing, she had wanted to break down again and again. But having Gloria in her face was hindering that. She made it to her suite of rooms and stepped inside. She turned and deftly closed the door in Gloria’s face.

“Your Highness!” Lady Gloria’s voice was strident from outside the room.

Elana flipped the lock.

“Your Highness! Unlock this door.”

“You forget yourself Lady Haughton. I outrank you. You are dismissed for the evening.” Elena called back and headed for her bedroom in the suite.

Lady Haughton glowered at the locked doors and stalked off to report her actions to the powers that be.

Meanwhile Elana stripped off her suit, chucked it in a corner with lack of care as she didn’t at this time care and changed into loose pants and baggy shirt and fluffy socks. She curled up on her bed and pulled a pillow to her chest and buried her face in it. She had barely slept since the culling, since Lachlan had died in her arms. Everytime she closed her eyes she saw his face, his eyes, the pain, shock and dismay and she felt it and it still pierced her heart as she remembered and struggled to block it from her mind.

She knew she was being watched. She didn’t care anymore.

“Your Highness?” The whisper from her bedroom door had her looking up.

“Maria?” Her aide was the only one who knew how to get into her personal quarters as she had a key.

“Lady Haughton was heading to your study” Maria said, holding up a pile of PADDS.

“Thank you Maria. I will use the one in this suite.” Maria nodded and headed to it on the other side of the suite.

Elana wiped her eyes and looked down at her right hand, at Lachlan’s ring. She would do what she had to. Complete the courses she had started. Show her family she was more than a pretty face.

She looked up again as Maria came back in. “You got your results back for your last semester’s courses as well,” Maria said with a small smile.

“Did I at least pass?”

Maria nodded. “Yes Miss.”

“Good. Now go keep out of Haughton’s line of sight. Tomorrow she is going to be even worse.” Elana said.

“Yes Miss... Your Highness... I...”

“It's ok Maria. Just stay out of sight and keep your head down.”

“Yes Your Highness” The Aide said and scampered from the room.

Once she was again alone, Elana pulled up the throw off of the foot of the bed and covered herself and snuggled down in the dim light as the sunset and she closed her eyes even as she thought of the man she had lost.


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