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Excuse for a Visit II

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Cerron & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 5:55am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Lovarr
Timeline: Mission Day 4 at 1045
2969 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Once they were out into the corridor, they were home free. No one, save a nurse or doctor who happened to walk by would stop them and question them. So long as they didn’t run into Mika, they would probably be safer still. Andrei waited for Maddie to catch up with him and then they both headed quickly for the transporter room. Walking through the doors, Andrei looked at the Chief stationed behind the console.

“Beam us over to the Lovarr.” Was all he said as he stepped onto the transporter pad.

“Sir, forgive me, but aren’t you supposed to be on bed rest in Sickbay?” The Chief said, quirking a brow at his tight-fitting sweat pants and undershirt.

“I don’t recall asking you to check up on me.” He said, looking across the room with his one visible eye deadly and the patch doing quite a lot to make him more intimidating. “Carry out my orders or you’re going to have to deal with me on a level you can’t handle.”

He looked at Madeline, his gaze softening. He would need to grab a uniform once he got back, but he was already anticipating what he would find if her handiwork on Lovarr.

Madeline caught up with Andrei easily, walking along with him in a companionable silence until they arrived at the transporter room. She added nothing, allowing Andrei to exercise his authority over the suddenly very nervous chief. He glanced back and forth between Andrei and Madeline, but when Madeline simply stepped onto the transporter pad and looked at him, he cleared his throat.

"Ah... yes, sir." The chief agreed nervously. Once Andrei stepped up with Madeline, he gave a slight nod. "Energizing."

In the next moment, they appeared in one of the Lovarr's cargo bays that had been the designated transport site. Immediately, Andrei would pick up on a very mild but noticeable metallic scent in the air. "You still have clothes in your quarters if you'd like to stop there first." Madeline offered and started heading for the door slowly.

"You're just trying to get me naked again." he said with a challenging tilt of his head, and then walked with her toward the corridor. The decks of the Lovarr were eerily empty and the silence was deafening. Besides the dull hum of the engines and their footsteps, not a sound could be heard. They ended their journey at his quarters. He opened the door after keying in his code, and walked inside.

"I'd never complain." Maddie replied easily, following after him. The silence itself spoke volumes to the once lively ship. They may have been slaves, but Andrei had given them many liberties in reward for their obedience. No more. Their reward for obedience was now safety from suffering. As he opened the door, she stepped in after him and crossed her arms over her chest. On one of his dressers, there was a neat pile of his folded clothes and a rolled up leather pouch that was most definitely not his.

Andrei noticed the clothes. A pair of black pants and a grey linen button up. He shook his head with a slight grin, realizing she had probably selected it for him in anticipation of this moment. He removed the tight shirt he had been wearing and pulled the button-up over his arms, buttoning it up only 3/4ths of the way and leaving the rest open for his muscular chest to be seen. He removed the sweat pants and tight boxers replaced them with the black one's she'd selected and a pair of his own boxer briefs, then found socks and shoes. Only when he was done did he turn to the leather pouch and begin to unroll it.

Madeline walked up behind him then, sliding her arms around his waist and pressing into him slightly. She breathed him in; he was missing parts of his usual lingering scent, but the clothes helped bring it back. As he rolled out the pouch, he was greeted with a variety of mostly short blades and one longer, thinner one with a backwards hook on the blunt side of the blade. They were all shining, clean, and just by looking at them, quite sharp.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I did sleep over a couple times. I’ve been quite busy.” She brushed his hair to the side and kissed the back of his neck. “Those are mine. Would you like to see what I did with them?”

At her touch he felt a slight shiver, but he didn't give it the freedom to shake his body. He placed his hands on hers were they rested in front of him and grinned.

"I would absolutely love to."

“Good.” She kissed the back of his neck again and let her arms slide from his chest, her hands trailing over his body slowly. “Bring them along in case you’d like to try them out yourself.” She moved to the door then, waiting on him to join her and once he did, she led the way back into the corridor. Eventually, they started to come across some of the Kazon - unfamiliar faces as they were those from the Klandell. They immediately backed up to the wall, bowing subserviently as Andrei and Madeline walked past.

As they walked along, that metallic scent started to grow stronger. They turned a corner and greeting them on the wall was the sigil of the Terran Empire wrought in what was most definitely blood. On either side of it were Kazon heads bolted to the wall, their expressions pained. These corridors were more populated, but still eerily quiet outside the steps of the men around them. Above the next archway hung an entire Kazon with completely skinned legs and a stab wound in his chest. Madeline glanced over her shoulder to Andrei as they continued their stroll through her little ship of horrors.

As the nightmares began to present themselves to him, Andrei felt little more than mounting excitement. He didn't like to make people suffer, necessarily, but these Kazon were paying the price for their terrible crime against him. The leaders of their little revolution had laid him low and brow him to the brink of total humiliation. He had promised them death a hundred times and they had returned for his promises mockery, criticism, insults, and blows. Now Madeline had made good on those promises. But he still wished to give Cerron and his little band of leaders his best promise of all: that they would beg for death. Cerron himself, however, would never be satisfied.

Andrei allowed a very thin smile, though his face remained severe and determined. He could almost hear the screams of four-hundred Kazon slaughtered by force by the ones who intended to liberate them. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, drawing her close to his side.

“Each one died hearing ‘glory to the Empire’.” Madeline said as they walked along. She squeezed his hand and pressed against him briefly. More heads, more partially flayed bodies, more sigils painted in blood. “The leaders resisted at first, but I impressed upon them the fact that your mother’s way was much more merciful than mine.” With a smile, she pointed up to one of the hanging bodies.

“And the rest? The ones that are left? Where are they?” He asked.

"Come." Her voice was light but there was an excitement within. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze and then released it before she began to walk again. Andrei would quickly pick up that she was leading him toward the mess hall. Every turn was "decorated" with the dreadful displays intended on reminding each Kazon the price of the attempted rebellion. Vengeance security and marines were dotted around the ship as well, offering respectful nods and "sirs" as Andrei and Madeline walked by them; they were curious but knew better than to say anything.

They turned into the mess hall. Inside, there were more of the Vengeance personnel standing sentinel to make sure that the Kazon ate and nothing more. In the middle of the room as dictated by Yana, the ten Kazon leaders including Cerron had been bound and chained just as Andrei had been on the bridge. Their heads were low, but unlike Andrei they had not been touched. As they stepped in, the few Kazon who were inside immediately stood and saluted then lowered their heads in submission.

As they stepped into the room, Andrei's heart began to beat. The large number of Kazon, all of whom were unfamiliar to him, for the ones he had known were dead. And in the middle, the ten slaves who had brought him such torment. Their eyes were vacant, their souls dulled and broken from the horrors they had seen; from the terrible things they had been made to do. They were still covered in the blood of the Kazon they had slain and their own filth.

Andrei walked up to Cerron and got down to his face level. He looked at him for several seconds before a smile crept onto his face. The fact that he was wearing a patch over his eye bore witness to some of the costs of what this man had done to them. Then, with no warning, he spit right in the Kazon's face. Wiping his mouth, he spoke.

"I always win, Cerron." he said with a now serious expression, shaking his head slowly. "I always win."

Cerron flinched slightly as the spit landed on his face, but he did not dare look up. Was he afraid of Andrei? Yes. However in this moment he and his men were more frightened of the steady and familiar step of Madeline’s boots as she walked behind them. So far, hers had been the hand of retribution against them. He remembered himself then and spoke.

“Yes, Master.” He agreed blankly with Andrei.

"What, no agonizer spike for me speaking out of turn? I really made a mistake treating you creatures so well, didn't I? I was a fool, laughing and drinking with cattle like they were friends." Andrei said, scorn in his eyes. "But you taught me a valuable lesson about that, Cerron. A non-Terran is lower than a dog. Now, I will neuter you, muzzle you, and take whatever independent thought you have left. And you will be my little bitch, just like I promised. How does that sound, Cerron? How does that sound?"

Andrei's visible eyes was wide and full of a cold anger; a hatred.

Cerron didn’t answer immediately, but when he heard a tap of a boot behind him, he finally spoke. “Thank you, Master.”

Madeline simply remained behind the Kazon with her arms crossed over her chest. She did not interfere outside the oppressive presence she now provided to the animals chained before them. Her dark eyes rested on Andrei, watching his face and the cold, hateful expression that had appeared. How he would make them suffer.

“Then I’ll take you first. To a private room.” Andrei said, standing up tall again and looking to two of the security officers. “Remove my dog from his chains. He’s coming with me.”

The two officers moved from where they were to comply with Andrei’s order. Madeline moved out of their way and joined Andrei by his side again, quietly watching as Cerron was unchained from the group. He didn’t struggle or fight as he was lifted between the two men. His arms were shackled together; he required their support to stand and move. They half dragged, half carried Cerron into the room Andrei led them to then looked to him for instructions on what to do next. Madeline herself brought up the rear and took a seat unobtrusively inside the small room.

Andrei looked at Cerron where he sat on the floor. He had been waiting for this moment for days and it was finally here. He instructed the security officers to chain him to the wall and watched as they carried out there orders to the letter. Andrei then rolled out the leather pouch that Maddie had given him and removed a scalpel, his face cold and hard. He was no surgeon, but the computer interface in his patch should be good for something. He turned around and approached the Kazon whose legs were spread apart. Andrei seemed to feel nothing.

“When I was a boy we had a dog named Boris; stupid mutt who always stank.” He said, brandishing the knife slowly in front of Cerron’s face. “Your new name is Boris. Do you understand?”

Cerron didn't answer immediately, the dying embers of defiance in his belly trying to flare again but then he remembered the screams, the pleading, the cruelty. He remembered the promise of a slow, agonizing end to his people and those on the Klandell all if he did not submit. No Kazon would be safe.

She had broken them.

"Yes, Master." He replied, not looking at Andrei.

“Good. Now Boris, the first Boris I mean, used to love to run away and would jump any girl dog he found on or off the estate. That is, until my father has his balls cut off. I think the new Boris might meet the same treatment. Only…why leave the twig and not the berries?” Andrei said, and then leaned down close to Cerron’s face.

“I’m going to take both from you. You’ll be as smooth as a girl.”

Cerron withdrew from Andrei as much as he could. Distress was clear on his face and he pulled at his chains slightly. “Master…” He entreated but stopped, there was no use. Tears started to fall down his face and he closed his eyes against them.

"Your tears are sweet to me, Boris. They really are." Andrei said, smiling in the moment. He had wanted this dog's humiliation so much that it was a great relief to finally get it. Very empowering. he stood up straight then and aimed the scalpel at the man's privates, resting on the unusually ragged Kazon hair. "Oh Lieutenant, would you join me with the auto-cauterizer? I don't want the patient to bleed out."

"My pleasure." Madeline replied and stood, walking over to Andrei and picking up the tool from where he had the leather pouch spread out. "See, Boris? I told you that I'd get my hands on you eventually." She smirked slightly and activated the device so it would be ready.

Andrei smirked as well, getting the joke, and the smirk remained just as casually as he roughly took hold of Cerron's manhood and pulled it thought in a way that would likely be rather uncomfortable. It was last he would ever feel of it. He dug the knife in deep at the base at first and then began to saw quickly, more like he was preparing an evening meal than carving up a live man.

Cerron's piercing, high pitched screams filled the room as Andrei began to cut into his flesh. His body strained and writhed, his head jerking this way and that with pain written on his face. "No! Please no!" He cried out in desperation. "I'll do anything!"

"Yes, Boris, yes! YOU WILL DO ANYTHING!!" Andrei shouted, a sick grin on his face as he dug the knife deeper and carved quicker and more jagged. His hands were drenched with blood and other fluids as she was being less than careful and had undoubtedly punctured a testicle. He seemed either not to notice or not to care. He moved the knife around to the other side, cutting until he had completely severed everything that had made the Kazon a man. Turning to Maddie he nodded. "Let's keep him alive."

He then moved back to the table on the other side of the room while she did her part.

Madeline just stood there and watched with amusement on her face as Cerron continued to writhe, struggle, and beg. Once it was all over, he went limp against the chains. Blood poured out of the wound and onto the deck. As Andrei stepped away, Maddie stepped up and pressed the auto-cauterizer to the wound. Cerron let out a moan of pain but didn't rouse fully as his flesh was seared to stop the bleeding. It could have been done much more cleanly, but Madeline knew that was far from the point. Once she was done, she turned back to Andrei and gave him a sweet, sadistic smile.

When Andrei turned around again, he held in his filthy hand a ball of clear diuranium with Boris' "twig and berries" inside it. It was sealed so they would petrify for all to see without rotting. He walked up and hung the chain around the Kazon's neck.

"When Boris wakes up, see that he is given some water. He will need it for our next meeting." Andrei said, and then looked over to Maddie. "I need to wash and get back to Sickbay before Mika checks on me. She's been so clingy I had to scream at her to get her to leave me alone this long."

Nodding, she rolled up the leather pouch with her tools in it and spared one more look at Cerron. "Do you want him left in here or taken back to the mess hall?"

“Take him back. I want people to see him.” He said, giving her a wink with his left eye. It was only then that he realized that, when he was wearing his patch, it merely looked like he was blinking. He grinned slightly at the ridiculousness of that, and then turned for the door.



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