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Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2022 @ 5:44pm by Princess Elana Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:31pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: China House
Timeline: Date 2371-06-24 at 1330
1605 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Days had passed and Elana’s routine was set. She spent the entire day in her suite. Maria brought her meals and Lady Gloria haunted the corridor outside trying to get into the room.

Maria guarded the PADDs she had and ignored the Lady in Waiting’s sneering comments and veiled threats.

Anytime the despicable woman approached Elana's door, Kyle blocked her path. He never said anything to her, just stared directly at her, making it clear that she would be unable to move him from his spot in front of Princess Elana’s door.

“She needs to get out of that room!” Gloria snapped finally over the silent treatment.. “She needs to get fresh air and exercise.”

Kyle still would only reply to her with a dangerous stare. He didn't answer to this woman, and she would not order him around. Or the Princess, while he was present.

Gloria narrowed her eyes at him. “Your charge could be wasting away in there! How do you know she is even eating the meals her Aide brings? How do you know if she is taking care of herself? I was sent here by her father and I am to make sure she is healthy. I cannot do that if you allow her to be this stupid!”

Finally, he spoke to her. Though, it was terse and to the point. "If any harm was befallen Her Royal Highness, I would know." He left it at that, not giving her any more information.

Gloria sniffed. “There are different types of harm, Captain. You are not thinking of her mental health.”

Kyle sighed a dangerous breath. "Seeing as Her Royal Highness has recently witnessed something tragic, it is common for her to want to be alone, as she works through it. Should she require any assistance, I have no doubt that she will ask for it. I suggest that you do not attempt to disturb her in any way."

Gloria sniffed and turned away. “You better pray she doesn’t slit her wrists.” she said as she stalked off.

Once she was gone, Maria spoke up. “Her Highness is not suicidal. Upset yes, heartbroken yes but not suicidal”

Kyle watched the foul woman stomp off like a petulant child. He then glanced over at the young woman and gave her a small, friendly grin. "I know. I just don't like that woman anyway. Her son is as much of a pain in the ass as she is, apparently."

Maria nodded. “True” was all she said.

Silence fell over them for a while. During that time, Kyle received constant status updates from his men. Things, for the moment, were quiet.

A short while later, Kyle looked back over at Maria. "If I may ask, how is she doing, really?"

“She is going ok. She does get out of bed” Maria said softly.

His voice turned a bit softer. "Is there anything that I can do, to try and lighten her spirits any?" He had been watching the young princess for a very long time now, though he knew she couldn't possibly have ever noticed him.

"If we can get rid of Lady Haughton it would make it better but she was assigned by the Emperor so not likely. And she does get fresh air... she has a balcony. " Maria kept her Lady's secrets which was why she had survived the purge of Elana's attendants. Elana had been firm for them to leave Maria alone.

There was noise behind them and the door unlocked and opened. Elana, dressed in a ratty tracksuit, hair down came out, handed Maria a PADD. "See that, that is sent off asap Maria."

"Yes, Your Highness. I have the latest from the downloads.." Maria held out another PADD which Elana took.

"Thank you." Elana noticed Captain Reece and gave him a nod before vanishing back into her suite and locking the door.

Maria sighed. "She is getting better." She insisted as she locked the padd up in a sealed pouch. As she straightened up from the desk she glanced at the Captain. "I hope soon she will want to go for walks and such. Her Highness does like the outdoors though." She added as she locked down the desk, not really needed with Reece standing guard but she did it from habit. "I will deliver this and be back soon." She paused "It is a cleared document, nothing seditious" Maria assured him.

Kyle's eyes softened slightly when he saw the Princess, though he quickly composed himself. Had anyone been looking at him in that instant, they might have seen it.

Looking back at Maria, he grinned slightly. I like the outdoors as well." He then chuckled as he shrugged. "What information Her Highness wishes to send is not my concern, unless she wishes it to be, of course."

Maria smiled back. And she left. When her footsteps faded the door unlocked. And Elana came out. "Captain, I have a question for you."

Turning at the sound, Kyle bowed his head respectfully. "I am at your service, m'lady."

"I need to know truthfully the restrictions on my movements around the estate."

He sighed softly. "I am under orders to protect you from any harm, wherever you go. While I did hear you are confined to this estate, you can move freely about its borders. Should you choose to leave, I cannot stop you. I will, however," he added as he looked deep into her eyes. "Protect you, no matter the cost to me."

"I don't intend to leave the estate. My father sent me here for a reason. But I was wondering if Lady Haughton was correct about my being confined to the house and gardens. Tomorrow at 09h00, I will leave my suite and go to the stables. If your men can make sure Lady Haughton does not enter my suite it would be greatly appreciated." Elana said calmly. "I don't trust her as far as I could throw her."

Kyle nodded. "As you wish, m'Lady, with one caveat if you will permit my asking?"

Elana nodded warily. "Go on"

"That you allow one of my men to remain nearby, dressed as one of your stable workers to try not to draw too much attention, while I, to keep the ruse believable, will remain here, standing my post, as if you were inside."

"Very well. Make whatever security details you need to. I won't be riding, i just want to spend time in the stables."

He nodded again, then gave her a friendly grin, temporarily forgetting his place. "Thank you, m'Lady."

Elana noted the look and with a considering look went back into her suite, locking the door again.

As soon as he saw her face, he knew he had erred. Grimacing to himself, he stood back up and resumed his post without another word. What the hell was he thinking?? She was the Princess and daughter of the Emperor! She had so much elegance and style, it could be poured out from her.

Whereas he, though from an influential and powerful family was, at the end of the day, still a commoner, and not worthy of her Highness. If he wasn't careful, he would end up embarrassing his family and forfeiting his own life.

A short while later Maria returned carrying a now empty pouch. She placed it on the table. "Anything new?" She asked curiously.

Kyle relayed to her what the Princess had requested, along with his own request. He left out his embarrassing blunder.

"I wondered how long it would be before she went there." Maria mused. "I will see about distracting the dragon."

"No," Kyle shook his head. "A dragon is too noble a creature for her. She, like her son, remind me of a pack of weasels. He clearly gets his looks and intelligence from her."

Maria grinned at that. "Oh it's So nice to hear people dislike her."

He grinned. "Oh, believe me, I have no patience for that woman, be her a noble or not."

"I wonder why she was assigned then?"Maria mused.

He shrugged. "I guess her family are influential supporters of His Royal Majesty."

"Hmmmm" Maria sat back down. "Money always talks."

Kyle nodded. "And most of the people with the money are corrupt."

The aide nodded. “Well at least we can keep her from Princess Elana. I am surprised however that her son is not here. Is he married?”

Kyle guffawed. "Would you want to be married to a weak, sneaky weasel, who never worked a hard day in his life?"

“No, but he might want to continue that.. With a rich wife.” Maria made it her business to know who might be aiming for higher office as it were.

Kyle frowned. "I already broke his nose once, though he is too scared to admit it, knowing who I am related to."

The aide raised an eyebrow. “Well maybe he has some sense after all”

He chuckled softly. "Yeah, even worthless animals do what they can to stay alive."

Maria nodded “True. The Imperial navy always needs cannon fodder.”

Kyle grunted a soft laugh. He was about to speak again, when his comm unit went off in his ear. "Understood. Be ready for movement at oh-eight-thirty to the compound stables. Uniform is to be native area. More to follow in the morning. Out."

He looked over at Maria. "Sergeant Davidson will be in the stables in the morning."

“I shall make sure she is aware.” Maria said with a smile. “Thank you Captain.”

"Yes, ma'am." He replied, keeping things friendly but professional.



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