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"We're off to see the Wizard!: Part 3" **Adult Content**

Posted on Fri Aug 26th, 2022 @ 5:32pm by
Edited on on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 7:57pm

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Location: Alexandria II, - Talaxian space
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1130
2216 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been several days since their stop at the station and they were finally entering Talaxian space, the shuttle cloaked as they did so.

"What are the long range sensors picking up, sweetheart?" Micheal asked Kaleigh from his command seat.

“A few planets, a couple of freighters but no signs of warships.” Kaleigh replied.

Micheal thought about that fact for a moment. "Not even any Haakonian patrol craft?"

“No, it's strange. I thought they would be starting to mobilize. Maybe they didn’t take our warning seriously.”

Shaking his head, Micheal responded. "Well, that'll just make things easier for Vengeance when she arrives." He looked at his sensors. "I think I have Talaxian Prime. Laying in a course."

The sleek runabout, still cloaked, easily slid amongst the various space traffic as they made their way to the third planet in the system.

"Still no threats?"

“No nothing yet.” Kaleigh replied as she watched her scopes. “What if they have cloaks?”

Micheal shook his head. "None of the Intel that Rebecca and I gathered indicated anyone possessed that level of tech. At least not in this part of the quadrant."

“So they are lurking somewhere, an ambush possible.” Kae replied. And she extended their sensors as best she could.

Micheal considered that fact for a few seconds. Then, as he kept looking at the traffic around the planet, Rebecca signaled that she was detecting a pattern of movement from a few of the larger freighters. "Scan the freighter at 241 by 187, Kae."

Kaleigh did so and smirked “Well well well. We have a shell game” She said as she brought up the scans. “They are using the freighters as launch platforms. Up to 4 starfighters each shell. And here is their course... and match it with similar courses...” Kae paused “Vengeance can use mines to keep the fighters away as we do not have any”

“I guess our Klingon friend really did make them stand up and take notice.” Micheal grinned a wolfish grin as he spoke. “Can you make out the offensive threat that those starfighters pose, and can you get a count?”

“Downloading the specs as best we can. About 4 fighters per freighter. And there are about 20 freighters..”Kaleigh said as she began falling into her old pattern of Intelligence analyst.

As she worked, Micheal piloted the ship into a polar orbit, over the planet's northern hemisphere. Even if their cloak failed, they would be hidden from sensors where the magnetosphere was it's strongest.

“So how do we convince them to surrender to the Empire?” she asked curiously

It was an excellent question, Micheal thought. One he was having difficulty answering.

And then…

"Babe, didn't you say something earlier about how Vengence could lay cloaked mines?"

“Well yes, though cloaking the mines will take a bit. And we can program them to move on random patterns”

"Perhaps " He mused. "We could guide the mines for Vengeance, into the position of each fake freighter…then, the Vengeance could declare in the middle of everything, claim ownership of the system and set off the mines before anyone can react."

“Yes that would work. But the people need to understand the situation as well. Some propaganda?”

Micheal looked forward to his brilliant wife and asked, "What do you have in mind, my love?"

“Hmm not fully formed but we need to weaken the overlords with the populace.” Kaleigh said as she began thinking harder on the situation “Rumors, subversion. Slogans painted on walls.”

"Rebecca," Micheal said. "See if you can hack into the planet's comm center and start downloading various anonymous messages of discontent with the Haakonians."

Rebecca nodded. “That I can do. I will make sure they show the advantages of joining the Imperial Terran Empire as well.”

Nodding, Micheal stood and moved to the replicator. "Good. The faster we break them from the Haakonians, the easier it will be to put them Iunder our boot. Kae, I'm going to get some coffee, would you like anything?"

“Water please” Kaleigh replied as she worked on the slogans for Rebecca.

A moment later, the aroma of very strong Colombian coffee wafted through the cockpit. Moving over to her left side, Micheal handed Kaleigh her water. "Here you go, my love."

She gave an absent nod “Thank you Love” She replied as she took the water and took a sip.

Micheal smiled as he sipped his coffee and looked at Kaleigh’s work. "That looks good. Once they're broadcast for a few hours, we should probably make an example for the Talaxians to see."

"Show them the might of the Empire. A good idea."

Moving back to his command chair, Micheal brought up the weapons systems. "Rebecca, find us a target. One of the fake freighters will do, though I want one that is a a bit out of the regular flow of traffic. Killing any Haakonians, and not Talaxians, would go a hood ways to eliminating the competition here."

A moment later tracking appeared on his screen. "This one would work, Master" Rebecca said.

"Yes…perfect!" Micheal saw the target in question. Unlike the others, it was stationary, in a high orbit over the planet's third moon. "Kae, go put your EVA suit on," he said while he started to slowly pilot their ship over to the target.

Kae gave him a puzzled look but headed back to get changed.

When she returned, Micheal stood. "Take over the helm. Put us a few meters directly below their warp core ejection port." He then moved aft to get into his own space suit.

Frowning Kae did so, moving, the Alexandria into place.

A few moments later, Micheal returned, fully suited up, with two meter-long projectiles in a carry pack on his back. He moved to the console and nodded. "Good. Now, rotate us so our port hatch is pointed at their ejection hatch." He moved to the hatch and added, "And seal your helmet." He did the same with his.

Kae sealed her helmet and moved Alexandria into position carefully. She was still not sure what the hell was going on but she knew he would not kill them.

Once they were in position, Micheal sealed off the cockpit from the rest of the ship and depressurized the compartment. Once the system showed ready, he opened the hatch. "I'm going to manually attach these two micro torpedoes to their ejection hatch. This way, they don't pick up any energy readings from our transporters." He looked back at Kaleigh as he added, "And, I had you position us like this to limit the chances that someone could see our uncloaked, open hatch. Now, just keep her steady and in position with them."

He then deactivated his magboots and floated slowly out of the ship and reached the Haakonian vessel a few beats later.

Kaleigh watched the scopes and waited. She understood what he was doing and why. She just hated the fact that they were in Zero G now. It made her stomach churn.

About ten minutes later, Micheal returned to the cockpit and sealed the hatch. He then repressurized the cabin.

When the system was finished, he retracted his helmet. "Okay, baby, slowly take us back to where we were." He then started to strip out of his EVA suit. When he was done, he was standing in just his boxer briefs.

Moving over to Kaleigh, he said, "I'll take over so you can get changed, sweetheart."

The Alexandria was again in orbit. “Changed? With you like that?” Kae teased but she headed for their room to change.

Micheal felt a thrill run up his spine from her tone. "Rebecca, keep an eye on that freighter. If anything changes, let us know!" He then stood up from his seat and chased after Kaleigh.

Rebecca laughed and watched as the cabin door shut.

Kae was stripping off her EVA suit when she heard him enter and the door shut. She hummed as if not knowing he was there, and as she hummed she almost absently shifted her body in a slow dance.

Micheal's right eye grew larger when he watched her start to slowly sway to the tune that she was humming. He immediately started to feel a growing bulge in his underwear.

Slowly moving up behind her, he knew that she knew he was there, however, the game they played was fun. He stopped right behind her, his eyes feasting on her as she moved and slowly undressed.

Kae finished removing the suit and was naked except her underwear and she ran a hand through her hair as she kicked the suit to a corner and continued humming.

A low, hungry growl started to vibrate deep in Micheal's powerful chest.

She gave a jump and spun around eyes wide in fake shock. Then her lips curved and she let her hips sway even more as she continued humming her tune.

"I love it when you dance for me," he growled softly as he reached up and gently caressed her face.

Kae smiled. "And I like dancing for you." She whispered back.

Feasting on her with his eye, Micheal bent down slightly and wrapped his arms around Kaleigh's small frame, lifting her up easily. As he carried her over to their bed, he growled hungrily. "And I am the only one you will ever dance for. He then placed her on the bed, standing facing him. As she was now standing on the mattress, she was just above his eye level now.

She smirked and let her body sway to the music and kept in her head teasing him more.

The bulge in his boxers became even more noticeable, the more he watched her move perfectly with the music playing in their cabin.

Kae let her eyes drift closed as she danced and ran her hands over her body before him before removing her bra and letting it fall to the floor.

Enthralled by her stunning beauty, Micheal reached out to feel her smooth skin under his hand.

Kae shivered at his touch and reached out a hand to touch his face. "Do you want me Husband?" She asked innocently like she had not noticed his desire.

"I do," he replied heavily, as he stepped right up to her, leaning in to kiss her deeply.

His kisses slowly moved down to her neck, then her collarbone, then down to her breasts. As he showered her body with kisses, he gently guided her back and down onto their bed.

Kaleigh surrendered to him easily and with a matching passion that had her legs wrapping around his hips as he laid her down.

Micheal was bursting to feel Kaleigh wrapped around him. He quickly maneuvered both of their underwear out of the way and, after making sure she felt ready, carefully slid his length inside of her.

Kae moaned his name softly and pressed her mouth to his as she reveled in him being inside her.

For a while, the loving couple enjoyed the alone time that they had. Daphne had never interrupted them when they were together, however, it was still very nice to not have a tiny lingering worry that a little voice would call out to either of them during the throws of passion.

When at last they lay curled together, replete and warm, Kaeligh rested her head on his chest and placed his hand where their child grew even as she closed her eyes.

"I do so love you, Kae," he whispered. "And for more than this," he gently rubbed her belly. "For allowing me to be a part of yours and Daphne's lives. Our family means everything to me."

"I love you too." She whispered "And I know that you mean what you say my love."

He sighed happily with Kae in his arms. He truly had never known peace until this angel entered his life. He leaned his face towards her and gently kissed the top of her head.

Kae shifted and said"Can I sleep for a bit?"

He nodded slowly. "I could use a nap myself, sweetheart." He started to close his eye, only to open it back up briefly. "I should be back on the bridge…I'll stay here though…for….a couple….couple hou…." He then fell asleep, unaware that Rebecca had accessed his CPU and gently knocked him out. Her voice then sounded over the intercom in a whisper.

"Rest well, Mistress. Master will be out for a few hours at least."

Kaleigh smiled sleepily. "Thank you Rebecca Love. Monitor the situation on the ground please..." and she fell asleep.

If Rebecca had activated her avatar, she would have smiled softly. Seeing her Master and Mistress at peace. She would do everything in her programming to ensure that never changed.

Over the next few hours, she diligently followed her orders. Already, she was picking up reports of discontent on the planet below. It seemed, their messages were starting to gain the attention of the Talaxians, who were tired of having the Haakonians' boot on their collective necks.

Her programming did allow for her to find the humor in the fact that, when the Haakonians were overthrown, the Terran Empire could very well be a more dangerous master.

Only time would tell.



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