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On the Move

Posted on Sat Sep 10th, 2022 @ 1:51pm by Captain Fergus Williams & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Sat Sep 10th, 2022 @ 1:56pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Marshall Quarters - USS Vengeance
Timeline: Mission Day 8 at 1600
1180 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The devil dog yawned again as he walked down the corridors of the ship. It felt relatively empty. With the crew becoming rather spread out among the ever-growing fleet of ships parts of the Vengeance worried the old marine.

That was troubling to him. It felt like they were spreading themselves too thin.

Still, he'd promised he'd help out Callie with her kid while her husband was fixing up his new ship. Pressing the door alarm he waited for the door to open.

Callie was slowly packing up belongings from the family quarters she and Troy would no longer be needing, for her work hours she’d be using her old quarters instead. When the door chime rang she called whoever it was to enter.

“Hi Fergus!” She smiled warmly as she paused packing to take a seat. “Come on in, make yourself at home such as it is. It’s starting to feel a bit bare now I’m packing things up for the move between my old quarters here, and our family quarters on Troy’s new ship.”

The marine nodded as he looked at the quarters looking like they were in the process of being stripped before a new occupant moved in. " Sure looks like it. Any heavy lifting you need a hand moving?" He inquired looking at the last few pieces of furniture.

“Ohh Yes please!” Callie nodded and smiled. “Just to my old quarters, I’ll still be working here on the ship whilst living aboard the new one. To be honest I’m not happy with having John around the Vidiians, hence why he’ll be onboard the Vengeance while I’m working.”

Looking over at the collection of furniture the marine smiled. Nothing he couldn't handle even on a bad day. " So which piece do you want moved first? " He inquired before pausing and adding " And how's the nippa?"

“Just those three pieces of furniture there please Fergus...” Callie pointed to the three items she wanted moved. “Some of this was already here, and one or two will be beaming across with our things. As for John, he’s just fine thank you. He’s sleeping at the moment in what was to be his nursery, he’ll be up soon though for his feed.”

Walking over to one of the chests which would need two people to carry normally the marine lifted it up onto his shoulder with only one hand. " Must be nice to get some peace and quiet. Babies are noise-making machines."

“It’s nice, but John is pretty good anyway.” Callie grinned. “I take it you’re not keen on spending that much time around babies?”

" Never had the time for it." The marine jokingly replied. " Always another place to time to fight for the empire."

“Of course” Callie nodded. “The Empire can be quite the taskmaster. This is the first place I’ve ever had to call home, my father didn’t believe in making life easy when I served on his ship. To be honest I’m glad to be away from his influence!”

" Even if that is halfway across the universe in unknown territory?" Fergus jokily replied with a cheeky grin.

“The further the better in my opinion!” Callie grinned a wry grin. “He would never have let me fraternise with men, at least not unless it was one of his choosing. At least here I’m happy with Troy.”

" At least you have a father. Mine just exists as a police execution report." The marine added.

Callie shook her head. “I’m so sorry Fergus, do you have any other family?”

" One, but I have no idea where she is. " The devil dog said remembering the one thing in this galaxy he truly cared for.

“Perhaps one day we can help you find her” Callie offered a comforting smile. “In the meantime you’re always welcome in my home. We’re all family...well some of us anyway.” She grinned.

The old marine paused as he thought that through in his head. He finally spoke with a simple. " I appreciate that lass I really do."

Callie nodded. “Good. I seem to have a whole plethora of volunteers for babysitting John” she grinned. “I’ll be bringing him across with me when I’m here to work, I don’t like the idea of leaving him where the Vidiians are. To be honest I don’t like Troy having to be with them, but he can take care of himself.”

" You not telling me anything I haven't told myself. I think we're spreading ourselves to thin." The devil dog replied honestly

Callie nodded in agreement. “To be honest so do I. I told Troy I can take care of myself, but to be honest I’m still too weak to be able to put my abilities to any significant use if I had to defend against an attacker. Once I’m fully recovered then I’ll be okay, but until then I’m vulnerable and that makes my son vulnerable too.”

" Hey, you've got me lass. Nothing going to happen to the nippa." The marine replied warmly. " Now where do you want this?" He said gesturing to the furniture.

“Oh..sorry!” Callie grinned. “It’s being moved to my old quarters one deck down, if needs be it can be transported to save you carrying it all that way?”

"This?" Fergus half laughed as he held it up with one arm easily. " No problem lass just tell me where you need it putting."

Callie grinned. “Okay let’s go take it and I’ll show you.”


Walking into Callie’s old quarters a few minutes later Callie pointed to where she needed the furniture put. “Right there will be fine, thank you Fergus.” She smiled warmly as she looked around. “Didn’t think I’d be back in here again, but at least it’s only for use when I’m onboard the Vengeance.”

Letting out a grunt the marine placed it down on the floor. " Well at least you won't be asking me to move this again."

“That’s very true!” Callie grinned. “The other couple of pieces can go right along side of this one when you bring them down. I really do appreciate all your help Fergus.”

" It's no problem lass. Do you want to have a sit while I get the rest?" He asked with a warm grin on his scared face

Callie looked at her dozing son and nodded. “Yes, I think I will, thank you Fergus.” Walking over to the sofa she took a seat to wait.

It took the devil dog a few trips to move all the furniture down. By that time Callie was fast asleep on the sofa.

Baby John was also sleeping in a Moses basket on the floor next to Callie.

Smiling the marine picked up a blanket and dropped it over the sleeping lieutenant. Looking down he sat next to the basket making sure the little one was in a deep calming sleep.



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